A cautionary Tale with an optimistic ending

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Setting the Scene

The date is July 2017 and Richard (me) decides it would be a good idea to try to make money online. You know, the laptop lifestyle everyone talks about? Well, I decided it was for me. I looked around, did a lot of research and ended up here, at Wealthy Affiliate.

The First Few Weeks

I set up my account, went Premium, and set to work on the training. All good so far, so what happened?

Well I ran into the problem of what niche to choose. I understand this is a problem for many here and it really did put a stop to my progress.

I wasted time and stopped moving forward with the training. I wanted to find the right niche that was going to make me a fortune. BIG mistake. Take it from me, choose anything, even if it is just so you can complete the training. You can always change at a later date.


So, indecision lead to procrastination, which finally lead to inaction.

For a while, I did keep visiting the site, reading the success stories and dreaming. But it was not enough to keep me moving forward.

What happened? Well, 5 and a half years happened!

Fast Forward

It is now early 2023 and my own business beginning to fail coupled with the cost of living crisis brought me back.

The big eye opener was I am now seeing people who started after me, posting their success stories. This is exactly where I envisaged myself being after nearly 6 years but here I was still stuck at the starting gate - what an idiot!

So What did I Do?

I made a commitment to start again but this time to push through any hurdles I might encounter.

I made a plan, in my case a 15 week (105 day) plan of massive action, all mapped out on an Excell spreadsheet.

This plan is based on following the "Online Entrepreneur Certification" training. I was determined to follow it to the letter, right to the end and trust in Kyle and Carson's promise to help us build a profitable online business.

I have set daily tasks which keep me on track. This is one of them in fact, to make my first blog post here at WA.

How am I Doing?

Well, I have my new website up and online. It is in the Golf niche and already has 2 blog posts live.

I have not yet run into any major problems due to the fact I am following the training step by step and to the letter.

I am moving on with great optimism.

I now like to come on to the platform to interact. It gives me a sense of motivation to see how everyone else is doing and to begin helping others, where I can.


If you are a new member or someone who is beginning to doubt yourself or the process, read on because this is crucial.

If this is important to you, and I assume it is because you are here already, do the following:

Make a commitment to yourself - Are you serious about this? Then treat it seriously.

Make a Plan - Write it down, create a chart, track your progress.

Follow the training - Believe me, if you haven't looked at it yet, you should. It is detailed, and leads you by the hand, step by step. I am half way through and so far I have a website and can can see how this will be successful.

Don't quit!!! - DO NOT be like me and quit. I have wasted nearly 6 years and I don't want you to do the same.

And did I say this - FOLLOW THE TRAINING!

And Finally

Thanks for reading. this is my very first blog here at WA and I hope you found it interesting.

I will be posting more regularly now for two reasons. Firstly to help anyone who is on the same journey as me, and secondly, as a bit of accountability for myself.

Have a fantastic day, 'til next time.


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Recent Comments


I am facing the same problem. Like you I have made a commitment to go forward and become successful.

Thanks for taking the time to read my very first blog here, Jerry.

I see we joined at roughly the same time.

I really did waste nearly 6 years but now am determined to finish the training as fast as possible and give this a damn good go.

The stupid thing is, I know affiliate marketing works and it just takes a lot of work to gain momentum. How stupid was I in not understanding that well enough in 2017?

I will follow you if that is ok and feel free to follow back so we can keep a check on each other's progress.

Cheers again.


Good luck to you. Maybe we can hold each other accountable and go on this journey together.

Sounds like a plan, Jerry.

A great first blog post here Richard!

The past is the past and can't be changed, take what you have learnt, be consistent and persistent and anything is possible in the future my friend!

Many thanks for your kind words, Nick.

I am determined to push on through this time. You're right, the past is the past but I still wonder where I would have been by now if I had pushed on back in 2017. But never mind, onwards and upwards now for sure.



You're most welcome Richard!

Onwards and upwards indeed my friend!


Well done, Richard! I think all of us experience this sort of thing, but as long as we persevere, anything is possible!


Thanks, Jeffrey. What was it about winners never quit?

Thanks for reading.


They never do, Richard!


Thank you for this post Richard. I am doing the same thing- procrastinating, Thi has given me the little push I needed to get back to it.

Hi Karen,

Many thanks for reading my first ever blog here at WA.

I am so pleased I may have given you the push you need to get going again with your business.

My biggest tip is to have blind faith in Kyle and Carson's training. Set yourself a target with daily tasks, make it doable of course, write it down, and get started.

I am blindly following the training here and so far I have my own website and I am making progress.

I would be interested to see how you get on over the coming weeks/months.


Thanks for sharing Richard! Being human can sure get in the way of things sometimes. ;-)


Hi Mel,

Thanks for commenting. You win the prize (there is no prize) for being the first person to ever comment on my blog here at WA.

You are right about things getting in the way of our progress. I can only imagine where I might be if I had continued back in 2017. I guess it was not meant to be.

However, onwards and upwards from here.

Have a great weekend and thanks again.


Thanks Richard!

If you need prizes to award first responders, I'll share part of my vault with you.


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