About Raffaello
Rank 9610
142 followers Joined March 2017
Hi, my name is Raffaello Burlon, I'm 20 and I'm from Switzerland. I speak English, German and Italian but my native language is Italian. I'm





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asked in
Email Marketing

Hi, I'm trying to connect my email to the app Mail from Apple but It doesn't work, it says that it's impossible to verify the password or account.

thank you

Here's my how-to video on Apple Mail:

Hey Raffaello,

This sounds like a task that SiteSupport can help you with. Here's their URL: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Hope this helps you.

Thank you :)

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I can't connect my email to apple mail?

I can't connect my email to apple mail?

asked in
Email Marketing

Hi, I'm trying to connect my email to the app Mail from Apple but It doesn't work, it says that it's impossible to verify the password or account.

thank you

Here's my how-to video on Apple Mail:

Hey Raffaello,

This sounds like a task that SiteSupport can help you with. Here's their URL: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Hope this helps you.

Thank you :)

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, anyone knows how can I adapt the image to the portfolio size so that I see the full image and not like now? Thank you

Did you try downloading it to your phone and doing a crop and save new image of it? I use an app called toolwiz on Android to resize my images. when I'm done it gives me an option to upload to my google photos or a dozen other places. hope this helps!

H, I'll try thank you!

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How to adapt the image to the portfolio box?

How to adapt the image to the portfolio box?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, anyone knows how can I adapt the image to the portfolio size so that I see the full image and not like now? Thank you

Did you try downloading it to your phone and doing a crop and save new image of it? I use an app called toolwiz on Android to resize my images. when I'm done it gives me an option to upload to my google photos or a dozen other places. hope this helps!

H, I'll try thank you!

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asked in
Video Marketing

Hi, everybody, do you know how to Force Closed Captions (subtitels) to Appear on YouTube Videos?

Follow this link and hopefully it will help....

Hey Raffaello,

Google searching "force Closed Captions to appear on YouTube videos you own" (without the quotation marks, of course) will bring up several posts offering tips on being able to do this.

Hope this helps you.

Hi Tiblu, I have done that but unfortunately the solutions they give are not anymore supported from youtube. I'm saying like adding “yt:cc=on tag. These solutions don't work anymore.. but thank you for your help!

If you leave the author a comment (the one who posted in August 2017), they MIGHT be able to shed some light on this issue for you ... maybe.

The Stackoverflow forum, a fella mentions that their idea works on Google Chrome but not on iPhone ... that the captions do not appear by default, but they are available if I click the speech bubble icon.

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How to force closed captions to appear on youtube videos?

How to force closed captions to appear on youtube videos?

asked in
Video Marketing

Hi, everybody, do you know how to Force Closed Captions (subtitels) to Appear on YouTube Videos?

Follow this link and hopefully it will help....

Hey Raffaello,

Google searching "force Closed Captions to appear on YouTube videos you own" (without the quotation marks, of course) will bring up several posts offering tips on being able to do this.

Hope this helps you.

Hi Tiblu, I have done that but unfortunately the solutions they give are not anymore supported from youtube. I'm saying like adding “yt:cc=on tag. These solutions don't work anymore.. but thank you for your help!

If you leave the author a comment (the one who posted in August 2017), they MIGHT be able to shed some light on this issue for you ... maybe.

The Stackoverflow forum, a fella mentions that their idea works on Google Chrome but not on iPhone ... that the captions do not appear by default, but they are available if I click the speech bubble icon.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, when someone visits my website for the fist time, the main menu doesn't appear, it is not shown, so they cannot go on my main menu that is the heart of the website, can any

Hi, finally after more than two weeks of troubling site suppor has found the root of the problem, it was an error with site speed and a a print media CSS file. So now is finally all good. Thank you anyway for your support!

Chase the theme support / developers and if that fails....follow the advice from Marion Black.

Your site looks great!
I have a menu bar on your first link
On the second provided link it tells me the server does not exist

Thank you, the problem is that this error doesn't happen every time, so sometimes it works other don't.

I just visited your website twice and I didn't see a menu on either visit. I checked on my mobile too and still no menu.

Perhaps this video will help

Hi, thank you for your help but everything is right with the menu settings, but still I have this problem

I've just inspected the code and the menu should be showing because it's there in the code. Try deactivating ALL your plugins and see if the problem persists. If the menu appears when all the plugins are deactivated then reactivate them one at a time checking as you go to see which one is the culprit.

Hi, I have done that and even with all the plugins deactivated the menu is not showing up, do you have any other ideas? Thanks

Try a different theme. You said this has been going on for two weeks and that's way too long. If the theme developers can't fix it and it's not a plugin issue then all that's left is to try a different theme.

yeah but the problem is that is a premium theme I it's all setup with portfolio ecc, if I change theme will I need to set up everything again?

If the theme developers can't fix it then ask for a refund and start again with a different theme. You can't have a site that's not navigable.

Hi Raefello, I clicked the first link and your menu came up fine. I viewed from a mobile device. Have you tested in an incognito screen in youre web browser?

Yeah, but luckily it doesn't happen every time, but only sometimes, on mobile device it works fine, only on pc I have those problems.

Maybe ask creators of your theme? Sounds unusual

Yeah I have done that, but we are trying to resolve that from more than two weeks :(

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My main menu is not shown, please I need help.?

My main menu is not shown, please I need help.?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, when someone visits my website for the fist time, the main menu doesn't appear, it is not shown, so they cannot go on my main menu that is the heart of the website, can any

Hi, finally after more than two weeks of troubling site suppor has found the root of the problem, it was an error with site speed and a a print media CSS file. So now is finally all good. Thank you anyway for your support!

Chase the theme support / developers and if that fails....follow the advice from Marion Black.

Your site looks great!
I have a menu bar on your first link
On the second provided link it tells me the server does not exist

Thank you, the problem is that this error doesn't happen every time, so sometimes it works other don't.

I just visited your website twice and I didn't see a menu on either visit. I checked on my mobile too and still no menu.

Perhaps this video will help

Hi, thank you for your help but everything is right with the menu settings, but still I have this problem

I've just inspected the code and the menu should be showing because it's there in the code. Try deactivating ALL your plugins and see if the problem persists. If the menu appears when all the plugins are deactivated then reactivate them one at a time checking as you go to see which one is the culprit.

Hi, I have done that and even with all the plugins deactivated the menu is not showing up, do you have any other ideas? Thanks

Try a different theme. You said this has been going on for two weeks and that's way too long. If the theme developers can't fix it and it's not a plugin issue then all that's left is to try a different theme.

yeah but the problem is that is a premium theme I it's all setup with portfolio ecc, if I change theme will I need to set up everything again?

If the theme developers can't fix it then ask for a refund and start again with a different theme. You can't have a site that's not navigable.

Hi Raefello, I clicked the first link and your menu came up fine. I viewed from a mobile device. Have you tested in an incognito screen in youre web browser?

Yeah, but luckily it doesn't happen every time, but only sometimes, on mobile device it works fine, only on pc I have those problems.

Maybe ask creators of your theme? Sounds unusual

Yeah I have done that, but we are trying to resolve that from more than two weeks :(

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