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I work online and love meeting new people. My journey of online business began in May of 2013. I didn't actually start earning





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hey guys! So I understand Google recently had a new update, and I also read here on WA that sites were down yesterday.

I’m curious to know if anyone is suddenly ge

Mine had gone down. started to update posts now going back up again.

Good to know, thanks - just updating old posts? Or adding new posts?

Updating old posts.

Yes, looks like you have great answers here.

Hi - there have been several Google algorithm updates over the last couple of months, looking at Product Reviews, Helpful Content, and most recently, Spam.

Plus, as you say, if you were affected by the recent outage of your site, it will have been offline for over 6 hours.

So, Google will not have been showing any of your posts on its results pages.

thanks for this link, I'm not sure if I was affected by the outage, actually, but no searches came in for a few days which caused me some concern. Today, numbers are up, but I think they're from Bing and Yahoo. I'll definitely read that article again and keep an eye out on traffic next several days.

Search Engine Land explains traffic will hit sites with October 2022 Spam updates. It’s probably related to that updates. Google didn’t explain much about it but it’s seeking out specific guideline violations. That is all I understand from what I read. Give it some time it should spike back up if not will need to update your articles make sure no spam. At the mercy of Google so wait and see.

I figured it might have something to do with that - and I read through google’s spam updates too, but I don’t see how my site is violating anything mentioned in the article I read. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep my eye on analytics and see if I have to make any changes.

Just give it a few weeks, or so yeah best to keep your eye on it. Google has not said what specifics they are looking for. Are they looking for affiliate links? It is not spam but they have not defined it. It's not clear. I guess our sites are at the mercy of Google’s algorithm update. Their new AI spam update is learning, some sites will have a dive in traffic, that's expected.

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Is anyone experiencing less traffic?

Is anyone experiencing less traffic?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hey guys! So I understand Google recently had a new update, and I also read here on WA that sites were down yesterday.

I’m curious to know if anyone is suddenly ge

Mine had gone down. started to update posts now going back up again.

Good to know, thanks - just updating old posts? Or adding new posts?

Updating old posts.

Yes, looks like you have great answers here.

Hi - there have been several Google algorithm updates over the last couple of months, looking at Product Reviews, Helpful Content, and most recently, Spam.

Plus, as you say, if you were affected by the recent outage of your site, it will have been offline for over 6 hours.

So, Google will not have been showing any of your posts on its results pages.

thanks for this link, I'm not sure if I was affected by the outage, actually, but no searches came in for a few days which caused me some concern. Today, numbers are up, but I think they're from Bing and Yahoo. I'll definitely read that article again and keep an eye out on traffic next several days.

Search Engine Land explains traffic will hit sites with October 2022 Spam updates. It’s probably related to that updates. Google didn’t explain much about it but it’s seeking out specific guideline violations. That is all I understand from what I read. Give it some time it should spike back up if not will need to update your articles make sure no spam. At the mercy of Google so wait and see.

I figured it might have something to do with that - and I read through google’s spam updates too, but I don’t see how my site is violating anything mentioned in the article I read. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep my eye on analytics and see if I have to make any changes.

Just give it a few weeks, or so yeah best to keep your eye on it. Google has not said what specifics they are looking for. Are they looking for affiliate links? It is not spam but they have not defined it. It's not clear. I guess our sites are at the mercy of Google’s algorithm update. Their new AI spam update is learning, some sites will have a dive in traffic, that's expected.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Curious to know what you guys think on this

Do you feel it’s more important to post blog articles regularly like 3 - 5 days weekly and do basic keyword research li

I kind of agree with your point - BASIC SEO with more content. That's what I would go for.

I read this article by Kyle some time ago, and I think it goes in that direction:

The more I think of it, the more I’m moving in the ‘more content’ direction. Thanks for that article too. Gonna def read it,

There is a balance. It takes time to write and I want to be sure I will rank and get traffic. If I were limited to one of your two options defined above, I would write 1 well optimized blog a week.

Thanks for your input - I think because I’ve been discovering new SEO tools, I just wonder what the definition of a well optimized article is. Cause what I’ve done forever is the basic keyword research we’ve been taught here within WA, which is simple, quick and easy to understand. but then there are tools out there that tell you every single keyword you should use, how often, how many headings, bolded words, number of pictures, and how to analyze your competition in very precise ways, and I guess that’s where I’ve gotten caught up in, wondering the value of tools like that.

Hi - just my opinion, but I can't see the point in doing "basic" or half-hearted keyword research.

Why spend time writing numerous posts, if you have not done in-depth research, and you are using keywords that are either too competitive or that nobody is searching for?

You can use every SEO tool on the market, but if you aren't answering the questions that people are genuinely asking, it won't make any difference.

Find fantastic keywords, write informative content that fully covers what the searcher is looking for, add an internal link, an external link and a YouTube video if appropriate. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.

Thanks for this feedback. Well I’ve been using Jaxxy always and following the the QSR and search rules we learn here in WA, and always do my best to answer the reader’s question fully. I recently discovered a tool called surfer SEO and it just takes this all to another level and maybe I’m getting too caught up in perfecting every little aspect of my posts. That’s why I’m thinking maybe I need to backtrack a little bit. When you say find fantastic keywords, is there a method that you’d suggest? Or are you mainly using jaxxy and what we’ve learned here in WA.

I suggest you read some of Partha's posts, and why he doesn't use keyword tools.

Not sure if you are aware, but Partha and I are collaborating on a website together. Using only his method of keyword research, we have reached over 22,000 page views per month, after only 8 months with 112 posts.

No I wasn’t aware - Wow that is inspiring! I have got to learn more about this. I do know a little bit about his research method from posts I’ve read…which is searching the google search box for keyword searches and then checking competition to find at least two forum related sites (Quora, Reddit, etc) on the first page. I’ll check out that link now. If you guys are getting that kind of traffic so soon with only 112 posts, then you’re clearly doing something right - wow

Read this post too, that contains more useful information on how we have achieved these results so quickly.

Thank you so much, reading the first one you sent me now…I’ll read this one right after. Definitely needed this!

just read through both. This is really got me thinking...I think you just convinced me to ditch the tool I started using recently. I'm still in a free trial for it, but clearly, there isn't an absolute need for expensive SEO tools. I like your guys' approach. Now, I HAVE tried Partha's method before, searching google autosuggest, but have had a ton of trouble trying to find keywords that bring up at least two results that are from forums or FB, etc... but this most recent article, he also stressed that we should NOT do generic searches, so maybe I need to go back and create more specific searches. I have one question - when you guys do write out articles, did you already do your keyword research ahead of time, and have your 15 - 20 articles per cluster prepared, so you can just knock out an article? Or do you do the research for a new keyword right before writing?

Thanks again for these, and congrats on those rankings. That's inspiring, and clearly there is no reason to invest in an expensive SEO tool that only makes things more complicated.

Partha does the keyword research and typically sends me a minimum of 10 to write, and ensures we always have lots of keywords prepared in advance.

excellent - I was so inspired by those articles, I'm literally making a whole new list using your guys' strategy right now. Thank you again.

I keep cranking more content for my website and yes occasionally updating | enhancing as deemed fit.

I am thinking of cranking out more and not being so stuck on making sure each one is absolutely perfect by SEO. When you say updating you mean refreshing old articles?

Yes but you only need that as and when usually after the one year mark, however nothing to stop you editing it anytime.

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Is it more important to hit keywords or post regularly ?

Is it more important to hit keywords or post regularly ?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Curious to know what you guys think on this

Do you feel it’s more important to post blog articles regularly like 3 - 5 days weekly and do basic keyword research li

I kind of agree with your point - BASIC SEO with more content. That's what I would go for.

I read this article by Kyle some time ago, and I think it goes in that direction:

The more I think of it, the more I’m moving in the ‘more content’ direction. Thanks for that article too. Gonna def read it,

There is a balance. It takes time to write and I want to be sure I will rank and get traffic. If I were limited to one of your two options defined above, I would write 1 well optimized blog a week.

Thanks for your input - I think because I’ve been discovering new SEO tools, I just wonder what the definition of a well optimized article is. Cause what I’ve done forever is the basic keyword research we’ve been taught here within WA, which is simple, quick and easy to understand. but then there are tools out there that tell you every single keyword you should use, how often, how many headings, bolded words, number of pictures, and how to analyze your competition in very precise ways, and I guess that’s where I’ve gotten caught up in, wondering the value of tools like that.

Hi - just my opinion, but I can't see the point in doing "basic" or half-hearted keyword research.

Why spend time writing numerous posts, if you have not done in-depth research, and you are using keywords that are either too competitive or that nobody is searching for?

You can use every SEO tool on the market, but if you aren't answering the questions that people are genuinely asking, it won't make any difference.

Find fantastic keywords, write informative content that fully covers what the searcher is looking for, add an internal link, an external link and a YouTube video if appropriate. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.

Thanks for this feedback. Well I’ve been using Jaxxy always and following the the QSR and search rules we learn here in WA, and always do my best to answer the reader’s question fully. I recently discovered a tool called surfer SEO and it just takes this all to another level and maybe I’m getting too caught up in perfecting every little aspect of my posts. That’s why I’m thinking maybe I need to backtrack a little bit. When you say find fantastic keywords, is there a method that you’d suggest? Or are you mainly using jaxxy and what we’ve learned here in WA.

I suggest you read some of Partha's posts, and why he doesn't use keyword tools.

Not sure if you are aware, but Partha and I are collaborating on a website together. Using only his method of keyword research, we have reached over 22,000 page views per month, after only 8 months with 112 posts.

No I wasn’t aware - Wow that is inspiring! I have got to learn more about this. I do know a little bit about his research method from posts I’ve read…which is searching the google search box for keyword searches and then checking competition to find at least two forum related sites (Quora, Reddit, etc) on the first page. I’ll check out that link now. If you guys are getting that kind of traffic so soon with only 112 posts, then you’re clearly doing something right - wow

Read this post too, that contains more useful information on how we have achieved these results so quickly.

Thank you so much, reading the first one you sent me now…I’ll read this one right after. Definitely needed this!

just read through both. This is really got me thinking...I think you just convinced me to ditch the tool I started using recently. I'm still in a free trial for it, but clearly, there isn't an absolute need for expensive SEO tools. I like your guys' approach. Now, I HAVE tried Partha's method before, searching google autosuggest, but have had a ton of trouble trying to find keywords that bring up at least two results that are from forums or FB, etc... but this most recent article, he also stressed that we should NOT do generic searches, so maybe I need to go back and create more specific searches. I have one question - when you guys do write out articles, did you already do your keyword research ahead of time, and have your 15 - 20 articles per cluster prepared, so you can just knock out an article? Or do you do the research for a new keyword right before writing?

Thanks again for these, and congrats on those rankings. That's inspiring, and clearly there is no reason to invest in an expensive SEO tool that only makes things more complicated.

Partha does the keyword research and typically sends me a minimum of 10 to write, and ensures we always have lots of keywords prepared in advance.

excellent - I was so inspired by those articles, I'm literally making a whole new list using your guys' strategy right now. Thank you again.

I keep cranking more content for my website and yes occasionally updating | enhancing as deemed fit.

I am thinking of cranking out more and not being so stuck on making sure each one is absolutely perfect by SEO. When you say updating you mean refreshing old articles?

Yes but you only need that as and when usually after the one year mark, however nothing to stop you editing it anytime.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is such a basic question but I've never asked it and curious to know what your experiences have been with it.

Does page speed affect our google rankings?

I k

Of course man. My site already suffered because of this -_- Luckily, I solved it lol.

Pay attention to the Core Web Vitals inside Google Search Console, it all needs to be green.

Okay will do - how did you solve this for yourself? A plugin?

Well, I am using the Autoptimize plugin, it's working great for me. But if you don't have speed problems then you should not use it.

I'll definitely check it out, my site was on the low end of red - when I checked Google Speed Insights. I've installed NitroPack for now, and still gonna explore other options, thanks for letting me know.

Plugins are good but first, make some changes to the posts. Make sure images are optimized and videos if you have them. Most of the time images are making speed problems.

Good to know - and yeah, a lot of my images just look oddly stretched out on mobile - even though I'm using an image optimizer. I'll look into this too thanks.

Yes it does.

If you are serious you may want to consider the premium caching plugin WP rocket.


awesome - perfect timing, as I was looking into this just now. Thank you!

Awesome, let us know how you get on.

And you're very welcome!

yes it does ...especially on mobile...
if you are in the red then you will not rank as highly as if in the orange or even better the green...

wow, very good to know - I AM in the red too...I'm running WA's site speed plus, but I noticed on another site when I installed NitroPack it sped up the site a lot. I'm thinking to switch over. Thanks for letting me know.

you could try clearfy...
this has helped some members speed up their sites..
but use pagespeed insights to find out what is slowing yours down...
definitely want to be out of the red...

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Does page speed affect google rankings?

Does page speed affect google rankings?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is such a basic question but I've never asked it and curious to know what your experiences have been with it.

Does page speed affect our google rankings?

I k

Of course man. My site already suffered because of this -_- Luckily, I solved it lol.

Pay attention to the Core Web Vitals inside Google Search Console, it all needs to be green.

Okay will do - how did you solve this for yourself? A plugin?

Well, I am using the Autoptimize plugin, it's working great for me. But if you don't have speed problems then you should not use it.

I'll definitely check it out, my site was on the low end of red - when I checked Google Speed Insights. I've installed NitroPack for now, and still gonna explore other options, thanks for letting me know.

Plugins are good but first, make some changes to the posts. Make sure images are optimized and videos if you have them. Most of the time images are making speed problems.

Good to know - and yeah, a lot of my images just look oddly stretched out on mobile - even though I'm using an image optimizer. I'll look into this too thanks.

Yes it does.

If you are serious you may want to consider the premium caching plugin WP rocket.


awesome - perfect timing, as I was looking into this just now. Thank you!

Awesome, let us know how you get on.

And you're very welcome!

yes it does ...especially on mobile...
if you are in the red then you will not rank as highly as if in the orange or even better the green...

wow, very good to know - I AM in the red too...I'm running WA's site speed plus, but I noticed on another site when I installed NitroPack it sped up the site a lot. I'm thinking to switch over. Thanks for letting me know.

you could try clearfy...
this has helped some members speed up their sites..
but use pagespeed insights to find out what is slowing yours down...
definitely want to be out of the red...

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