Hard work does pay


I have spent a great deal of time recently working on my website updating and adding content. Watched loads of Jays video tutorials and spent hours catching up on WA training.

This morning I got a phone call from my oldest son before I had a chance to say hello he was shouting down the phone " Mam guess what..... one of your pages is on the first page of google at number 3." I don't know who was more excited him or me. Then I wondered why was he googling women's shoes and bags and most importantly googling how to wear heels without pain. He says it was his mrs who was looking and found it so he rang me to tell me.

Anyway back to the reason for this post if you work hard and regularly you will see results. When your feeling like giving up don't.....You have to keep going and you will get there. If I can do it with everything that has gone on in my life this year then with hard work and persistence anyone can. Now all I need is to start making money. My next goal.

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Well done and its great that your son discovered it now he can see first hard how your working away at this.. great motivation

I have tried to get him involved but he says he hasn't got the time to put into it. I will get him involved eventually .

lol you never know I always belief that there is a time and season for everyone

It's such a great feeling when you start seeing results! Congrats! Alanna

Thanks Alanna it is a good feeling realising all your hard work is not in vain.

Brilliant Jo, BIG Congrats!

Thank you Sarwyn

Well done!

Thank you

What's your site, I don't see it on your profile page?

That is great! Thanks for sharing

Thank you

That is great! Thanks for sharing

Very good Jo! I think I like your son:)!

Well You never know you may run into him one day. Next week he is starting a 6 month contract in Holland. He builds and fixes wind turbines. So if you see a guy hanging from a wind turbine it just might be him lol.

I will pay attention to all guys hanging on a wind turbine!

Just shout Gareth very loudly cos he wears ear plugs. If he turns round you know its him if he doesn't you are going to look pretty silly lol. Only joking.

hahahaha.................and again hahahahaha............

It's always great when someone finds your page without telling you to look for it. Just doing research like you normally would

I was so proud and it is a new sight one that no-one but me knew about. They recognised it by my pen name Bella Pink so it was definitely research and not snooping.

Congratulations Jo, great things to come :-)

Thank you and yes things are beginning to look up. It just needed hard work and dedication.

Is that not just an awesome feeling?

It is and it set me up for a very productive day. Hopefully more to come .

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