7 Compelling Reasons to upgrade to Windows 10
Have you been contemplating the upgrade to Windows 10, well there are a number of key features of Microsoft’s new operating system that are designed to benefit both end users and the enterprise as a whole.
Here are seven compelling reasons why you should consider upgrading to the new and improved Windows 10 for your business.
1. Enhanced user experience
Arguably most important feature of Windows 10 is the seamless transition from the Windows 7 and 8 operating systems, providing users the familiar Windows 7 desktop environment, plus the refined design of many of the existing menus.
One of the most exciting things about Windows 10 is that it’s an operating system that truly bridges the gap between traditional desktops and mobile devices. This experience is especially realised on devices that have dual capabilities, such as the Surface Pro 3.
What’s more, the Continuum interface seamlessly scales to the device you’re using, providing a consistent user experience across all your devices – functionality that’s absent from both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
2. Universal Apps
Microsoft has raised the bar with the Universal Applications for Windows 10. Put simply, Universal Apps enable apps to be configured and deployed once only across multiple devices instead of the laborious process of downloading the same app multiple times. This not only streamlines the deployment of apps within an organisation, it also helps to reduce IT operational cost and complexity.
3. Improved enterprise mobility
By providing a consistent user experience across all devices (smartphone, tablet or desktop), while still taking advantage of the device form factor (e.g. touch capability), Windows 10 supports the rapid growth of workforce mobility.
This means business users can take advantage of the “The Anywhere Workplace” – great for Affiliate marketing hey!!!
4. Start Menu
5. New applications
Windows 10 will see the introduction of new applications such as digital personal assistant Cortana and the Edge browser. Cortana should add value to end users with advanced reminders, more relevant search results and by generally providing assistance. The Edge browser provides new viewing options, allows users to capture and edit webpages and also provides tighter integration with OneNote. These collaboration points, as well as improved performance as a web engine, will provide end users with a significantly improved experience.
6. Seamless integration
Windows 10 also provides seamless and secure integration between mobile devices and Microsoft Consumer and Enterprise Cloud Offerings, including Windows Store, Azure Active Directory and Office 365. This means end users enjoy a smooth and reliable connection to business networks and applications anywhere, any time and on any configured device.
7. Better security
As you would expect, Microsoft has ramped up the security features around Windows 10. Device Guard serves to protect sensitive business data and apps from unauthorised access, and can be configured by IT administrators for ultimate control and flexibility. Windows 10 also boasts other security features such as Secure Boot, Multi Factor Authentication and Data Loss Prevention (incl. application containers for copying and pasting).So have you upgraded yet? Are you looking to upgrade, maybe this will help make the decision.
Recent Comments
Hi Paul
I upgraded a couple of months ago with no difficulties but I'm not using its full capabilities so it's good to know some of the extra stuff we get with it......thanks.
Thanks for the sharing the valued aspects of Windows 10. When I switched to it few months ago, I had so many issues, fonts, brightness, etc. However, that were already fixed and tuned up. Now, recommend it 101%. Lots of features that will make you a happy user:)
Hi Paul,
The reasons are compelling. Been putting it off. Just didn't want to take the time and am a little wary of big downloads.
Fully understand Dick, and that is one comment that I have heard several times, as well as the idea of multiple units downloading at the same time can cause big delays. The Free upgrade is a good idea, but the downfall is that you can only upgrade through a download. I am lucky enough that I have been able to download the ISO and create a company DVD, makes life easier with upgrades :-)
I agree with you Paul. I updated a few months back and am very happy with Windows 10.
I only have two issues with it. Edge is way to slow, not using it, and some of my favorite (paid for) games are not working anymore. If you have any solution for my games issue, please let me know :-))
Hi Marith, I am liking the feel of Windows 10, it definitely has some positives. I am not sure about the games side of things though, but if I do find out anything I will let you know.
Very good and valid points did try and upgrade mine but think it is a bit old as it would not upgrade, so next year will get a new laptop and have the upgrade
Yeah Katie that is an issue with older systems, here is a Microsoft Link to give you an idea of the specifications need for Windows 10 upgrades. https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/windows-10-specifications
Also you might like to look for the Upgrade Advisor to check for compatibility too.
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Upgraded to 10 awhile back and am still getting use to it. I'm not good at adapting to change, but sure it will grow on me.