January stats revised goals.
I decided to follow the lead of some other members here on WA and post my latest statistics along with some goals for the upcoming month. This is probably something I should have been doing all along, but better late than never, right?
My focus has been on my affiliate website (http://FamilyStaples.com), so that's what I'll report on here.
A few things that I did with my website this month:
* Began creation of an email mailing list (up to 32 members) using MailChimp
- Sent out a welcome email and a subsequent new-blog notificaiton email
* Added an email signup form to my posts/pages
* Added an RSS feed in my right-side column to make my pages more interesting
* Wrote three (3) new blog posts
* Picked up one new affiliate (of 2 applied for)
* $0 in sales in January, but did receive $100 in commissions for sales in December 2014
Traffic Summary for January:
Sessions: 679
Users: 578
Pageviews: 1,810
Pages / Session: 2.67
Avg. Session Duration: 1:07
Bounce Rate: 8.84
% New Sessions: 83.51
Goals for February:
* Write a review post for my new affiliate
- Drive traffic to new review post via Twitter, Facebook and email list
* Write at least 3 more blog posts
* Work on getting popup Opt-in form working for my email list
* Share all new posts via Twitter, Facebook and email
* Double my email subscribers (i.e., to 64)
* Increase pageviews to 2,000+
* Refresh my posts (reviewing SEO and Ken Pringle's suggestions for "hypnotic phrases")
* Review my February progress and post an update showing my progress and which goals were achieved
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Recent Comments
You are doing excellent .. your website is laid out quite nicely, I liked it...we always have to 'tweak' and do SEO stuff..just like our food, clothing, etc....it goes 'bad' "spoiled' 'unusable' after a while....Ken Pringle gives top-notch suggestions, he is always sharing...
You are making wonderful progress Patrick! :)