You Will NEVER Make Money Online! You’re USELESS! You CAN'T Do This!
You’re walking down the street with your best friend.
It’s a beautiful, warm, sunny day.
You’re shooting the breeze with your bestie, you’re both laughing, you’re loving each other’s company, life feels brilliant.
There’s hundreds of people out in the street, who also happen to be enjoying this wonderful day.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason your best friend slips over and falls straight on her butt in the middle of the street, which is witnessed not only by you, but the hundreds of passers-by too.
Your immediate reaction is to berate your best friend, “You IDIOT!! Get Up! You are so embarrassing! Why do you always do this to me? Seriously, you are a terrible human being and you don’t deserve to live on this earth. Can’t you see everything looking at you thinking what a clumsy imbecile you are? Just get up, hang your head in shame. Let’s go home, you obviously can’t be trusted to be out in public. You are such a terrible person!”
Would you EVER in your wildest dreams speak to your best friend like this if they had been unfortunate enough to slip over in the middle of the street?
Okay, perhaps some playful banter along these lines, but would you ever think of shattering your friend’s mental state with this choice of words?
Of course you WOULDN’T.
Let’s look at this scenario again, but this time we’ll remove the friend from the equation.
So, now it’s just you walking down the street on your own.
Everything else as described above is exactly the same.
Guess what, when YOU slip over, the above text is EXACTLY what you say to yourself.
You tell yourself you’re an embarrassment, that you can't be trusted in public, and perhaps even that you’d be better off dead.
This is the EXACT reaction of the “little voice in your head.”
The Jay Shetty Experiment
“You Are Too Dark”.
“You Are Not Good Enough”.
“You Are Worthless”
“You Are Not That Pretty”
“You are the Ugly Twin”
Jay Shetty, is a Londoner, he was actually born and lived about 8 miles down the road from me.
Jay enjoyed a normal upbringing in the North-East suburbs of London, school, college, university, loving parents and lots of friends.
While at business school Jay attended a talk on selflessness given by the monk Guaranga Das.
This talk had such an impact on Jay that not only did he make a beeline to talk to Monk Das, he eventually completely gave up business school, and his life as he currently knew it.
Jay then went to India for 4 years and lived as a Monk.
This involved giving up ALL of his worldly possessions, while spending every day of the next 4 years, working, reading, praying, exercising, and meditating.
You could say that Jay had a spiritual awakening, and upon his return to the Western World he decided that his calling was to be of service to others.
Jay now lives in Los Angeles, has one of the most popular podcasts in the world, “On Purpose With Jay Shetty”, with over 20,000,000 listeners PER MONTH.
And of course, Jay is now a multi-millionaire.
So, what are the words above in quotation marks all about?
A few years back Jay invited 8 young women onto his podcast.
He asked them to write down all the terrible things that these ladies said to themselves.
Basically, what was their inner voice constantly telling them.
Once written down, he asked the girls individually to read them out loud.
This clearly led to a lot of negative emotions coming to the surface.
There were tears, sadness, and even a tinge of anger at themselves.
Jay then disappeared from the room to return with another, much younger girl.
He then asked the “original” woman to turn around and repeat exactly what they had said to themselves to the young girl behind them.
In each and every case the younger girl was the original woman’s younger SISTER.
What was their reaction when told to repeat all the terrible things they had said to themselves to their younger sister:
And yet, these ladies were willing to constantly berate, be angry, and be incredibly inhumane to themselves, BUT there was NO WAY they would speak to their little sister in the same way.
If you want to watch this Jay Shetty experiment unfold for yourself, here’s the YouTube link -
Things We Say To Ourselves
“I can never remember names”
“Nothing ever goes right for me”
“I can never find anything”
“That’s just my luck”
“Everything I eat goes right to my ___________” (fill in the blank)
“Today just isn’t my day”
“I’m so clumsy”
“I never have enough money left over until the end of the month”
“I just hate to talk in front of a group”
“I just can’t do it”
“I never seem to have enough energy”
“Why even try?”
“I could never do that”
“It’s just no use”
“I’m just not creative”
“I can’t seem to get organised”
“I can never afford the things I want”
“I’m too shy to do that”
“I never know what to say”
“Sometimes I just hate myself”
“With my luck, I don't have a chance”
“I never get a break”
“I’m no good at maths”
“I’m nothing without my first cup of coffee in the morning”
“I never seem to get anyplace on time”
“I’m just not cut out for that”
“I’m really at the end of my rope”
“If only I were smarter”
“If only I had more time”
“If only I had more money”
….and the list goes on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on
credit@Shad Helmstetter - THE GIFT
You are ABUSING Yourself - CONSTANTLY!
Going back to Jay’s experiment, none of the women were willing to talk to their little sisters in the same way they speak to themselves.
What about you?
Would you speak to your spouse, friends, family, or children like this?
I know you’re going to say NO, definitely NOT, but unfortunately, we DO speak like this to ourselves, every single second of the day.
And do you know what, we DO actually speak to and INFLUENCE our CHILDREN by doing the same to them.
You could actually consider this child abuse (well, in the modern world where we're offended by everything) - we are making our children WEAK by forcing our limiting beliefs onto them.
Personally, I feel I had two of the greatest parents that ever lived.
They were kind, generous, loving, and wonderful people.
Guess what, they unknowingly did the above to me.
My mum constantly worried about “what other people would think” or wouldn’t want me to do a lot of “normal” children things because “I was weaker and smaller than the other boys and I’d get hurt”.
My dad NEVER complimented me EVER. I didn’t actually find out until his dying day that this is how his parents were to him.
Basically, the aim was to never compliment so that he (and I) would push harder and never be satisfied with “just good enough”.
I DID NOT get what my dad was trying to do.
He was pushing me to become a better person.
I thought that I was useless.
In fact, the last words that my dad ever uttered to me were, “I’m so sorry, I am so, so, so, proud of you. I’m sorry!”
His hand fell away from my face… he died.
I had waited 42 years to hear those words from my dad, to feel as though I had earned his approval, and they happened to be the last words that ever came from his mouth!
This SHATTERED me inside… or rather the negative voice in my head Shattered me inside!
Are you starting to see how the words you say to yourself, and perhaps even to those you love, can shape yours and their entire life?
Guess what?
Some of you may be aware, others will be in total ignorance.
You have approximately 50,000 thoughts per day.
95% of those thoughts are repeated, ones that you have day-after-day.
These thoughts are ALL typically in the past or the future, hardly ever in the present moment, e.g. “what if”, “if only I had”, etc.
70-80% of those thoughts are NEGATIVE.
This means that 35,000 - 40,000 of the thoughts you have EVERY SINGLE DAY are NEGATIVE.
Would you say 35,000-40,000 negative things every single day to your friends, your spouse, your partner, your kids?
So, why the hell are you saying them to yourself?
Read that sentence in the image above and UNDERSTAND IT.
This is NOT You
Okay, you know that annoying voice in your head?
Bet you didn’t know that!!!
Those thoughts control every single decision you make on a daily basis and yet these thoughts ARE NOT YOU!
They are your thoughts.
YOU and your THOUGHTS are two completely different entities.
You decide to go on a diet in order to lose weight.
10 seconds later, “Oh look cake, I’ll eat the cake today, and start the diet tomorrow.”
BUT, you've allowed those thoughts to INFLUENCE YOU!
Today’s the day you’re going to finally, properly start working on your website.
“You can’t do can’t even find a decent keyword, it takes you days to write an article, and you still have hundreds to write before any semblance of success. What’s the point?”
And yet, your inner voice (IT’S NOT YOU) tells you this all the time.
It’s a Long Journey, But Now You Know!
Just because you’re now aware that the harmful, rude, and terrible voice in your head is NOT YOU, you’d think it would be easy to stop!
It’s NOT!
You have conditioned yourself to think this way for 20,30,40,50,60,70.80 years.
It’s the same as having ANY BAD HABIT for a long period of time, it’s going to be really, really, really hard to STOP.
And guess what, while you’re trying to be a more positive person, that annoying little voice is still going to be there:
“Shut Up, you can’t do this. You’re stuck with me for life, and I’m going to break you bit-by-bit."
If you want to change your life then change the way you talk to yourself.
I mean it.
The 3 easiest ways:
When you catch yourself being negative use STOP words/phrases and say them out loud:
“Don’t Go There”
“Let it Be”
“Let it Go”
“It’s in the Past”
“Leave it Alone”
“Don’t Pay Attention”
“This, Too, Will Pass”
“It Doesn’t Matter”
“You’ve Got This”
We typically stew in our negative thoughts because of lack of motion.
Yep, you heard right.
In fact, if ever you’re not FEELING motivated to do a task, remember motivation is a FEELING.
And ALL feelings that we feel are spurred by ACTION.
How many times have you said (or in reality, NOT YOU, but that horrible little voice in your head), “I’m not FEELING motivated now, I’ll do it later”.
Motivation is a FEELING.
ALL feelings are spurred by ACTION.
You don’t WAIT to feel angry - an action makes you angry, e.g. someone jumps the line in a queue.
You don’t WAIT to be sad, an action makes you sad, e.g. you drop your ice cream on the floor.
The same goes for motivation.
In fact, the word even TELLS YOU it requires action
MOTIVATION = Motion in Action.
Not feeling motivated, negative thoughts clouding your mind, the task in front of you seems too big, ACTION is required.
Any Action.
For me, I get down and do 25 push ups every time I feel my brain fogging over and as though I’m about to procrastinate.
Works for me.
Stand up, stretch, go in the garden, or outside, and take 5 deep breaths (4 seconds inhale through your nose, hold for 6 seconds, 7 seconds exhale through your mouth - you’ll be AMAZED at how calming this is, do it 10 times a day, especially when that little voice in your head is being an idiot).
Come back, set a timer for 7 minutes, that’s it, 7 minutes, that’s easy enough right?
Start working, you’ve got to do 7 minutes, everyone can do 7 minutes work without getting stressed, right?
Finally, be aware of your environment, and the things you do to yourself.
Do you know what the main reasons are for ultra negative thoughts?
Someone internally isn’t quite right because of YOU, no-one else, but YOU!
You’re hungry, you’re dehydrated, you’ve had a poor night’s sleep, you haven’t exercised in years, you don’t get at least 20 minutes fresh air in a GREEN ENVIRONMENT per day (yes, plants, trees, flowers,and fresh air can “heal the mind”), you eaten a massive carb-ladened meal, you’re drinking too heavily, you’re taking drugs.
As wonderful as some of these things are, they WILL have an impact on your mental state.
Am I an angel who lives like a monk?
But, I am very aware of my thoughts and feelings, and what I need to do to change and improve them.
You are NOT your thoughts.
Tell those negative thoughts to SHUT UP!
Write down 5 things you LOVE about yourself.
Do it NOW... don't be embarrassed about complimenting yourself. Your embarrassment is NOT YOU, it's that nasty little voice in your head!
And go get to work.
I believe in YOU.
Now, it’s your time to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
Thank You For Reading
Recent Comments
This was the very thing I spoke about to some friends and relatives. I would ask what is holding you back or what is it that you may have fear of. The answers would always be the same. It will go something like the very things that were discussed in the posting above.
In many cases it will be a voice in your subconscious Speaking negativity of discourse because of bad experiences from childhood or adulthood , just for the simple fact that you don't get something right the first time. You want to be flawless but that is not the case if You are human. I say get the experience, make some mistakes, forgive yourself and keep going . You have a mind because God made you in his image. Challenges are just part of the growing process, embrace it.
Awesome Posting !
Our business is not complicated, Tony.
However, you MUST be consistent and work through the periods of trial and error.
Keyword Research is the heart of it all and Prince Partha breaks it down simply.
I cannot remember the last time I did a push-up. Many years would be the first answer. Fitness was never high on my list of things to do. I grew up on a farm and it simply was not necessary. Of course, that all changed as soon as I left the farm.
This year I have managed to do a lot of walking - which I have not done for the past 6 years or so. I am actually quite happy about that. It is the one thing that I have managed consistently since mid-January. I do feel better because of it. I do like walking.
I will definitely try the small increments of time for getting work done, that
you outline above.
I know you have advocated something similar before.
Thanks for the post, I have had a lot of negative thoughts over the course of my life, but they did not affect me until I had to leave my work and then find something else to do. Then it was easier to believe them, I do know better..
I love walking Alex. I should do more longer walks because it helps me clear things up on my head and come up with better ideas.
Take care!
I appreciate your honesty, Alex.
There are important life lessons there.
The one that hits hardest is this:
"did not affect me until I had to leave my work and then find something else to do."
Many of us fall into that bucket
It is the core lessons that I am building 'Cassi OfTroy' around and what inspired the tagline "Change Your Script".
We must be in a constant cycle of preparation for change.
It is inevitable and in today's world, you never know what will come and when.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Mel
I always liked walking but got away from it for awhile. It does allow me to think better.
Thank you Cassi,
It has taken me a long time to come to grips with it all. Somebody took my cheese away from me and while I did have some investments to fall back on I had to find a new source of inspiration and some new cheese.
You are welcome, Alex.
What is most important is that you have been able to find some new cheese. 🙂
That is great!
Hello Partha,
I hope you're doing well. Thank you for another great blog post, as usual, very inspiring indeed.
After reading your blog post, I just carried out a few press-ups, that sounds like a great idea when the brain starts to get a bit foggy! I also find that a good walk helps to refresh the body or probably more the mind, if I have been in front of the screen for any length of time. We are fortunate here, living in a village, we have fields and meadows at the back of the house! Perfect for walking the dog and getting some fresh air.
Have a great weekend.
My wife is a counsellor/psychotherapist & she deals with people who take their negative thoughts, to the extreme, every day.
You write very well, your message is clear & precise.
This was a pleasure to read & I would I imagine it will motivate anyone who reads it.
Thank you for sharing.
Cheers, Duncan
Wowah!!! What a fantastic read!! I love this post so much Partha and I understand it fully as I spent a few years focused on personal development. It's amazing how much your mind, beliefs and attitude can grow when you educate yourself on these things.
To this day my favorite thing to listen to when I'm driving on long trips are The 11 Forgotten Laws of the Universe by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrisey. Amazing stuff that had a profound impact on me. I always enjoyed learning from Bob Proctor and was sad when the world lost him recently. Also Jim Rohn and so many others! I've kind of strayed away from all this in recent years and your article brought it flooding back to me. You are 100% correct and this has inspired me to "get with it" once again. Thank you :)
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Wow, this was a really interesting article that I took to heart. I used to feel exactly the way it described—constantly putting myself down and getting frustrated with everything I did. But then I had a change of heart and started telling myself that I could do anything I set my mind to. And you know what? It worked! I proved to myself that I was capable of achieving my goals, and that mindset still helps me today.
Elke 😀 👍