About ontherise
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447 followers Joined August 2017
Currently own a pizzeria but am looking to break into the online business in my spare time. Update: Crazy amount of learning here and I love





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When was that article published Christine? If it was recent, Google is usually still crawling and it will sort itself out soon. If it was a month ago, then there is something wrong. I wouldn't worry too much about it though as once you push out another post, it should sort things out naturally.

Hi John, it was published May 23rd.

Oh wow, that's a long time ago. Contact support and see what they say.

I contacted support first and they told me I had to ask the question here.

Did you try clicking on the link? Where did it send you?

the link works fine, I just don't know how many people are click on it if that's how it reads.
I've tried addressing the policy in a different way and did site rank again only now it doesn't show up as ranking at all!
I guess I'll just keep an eye on it for now.
Thanks John.

Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it though Christine. Google is always up to something but it will get sorted out. As long as your visitors are going to the right page things will be fine.

Have you used custom menus and put it as shown on Jays Webinar on this?

I never get to watch the webinars live as I'm always working! I'll go looking for it. Thank you.
I just used the plugin as was recommended by others.

Like you, I am unable to watch them as I'm in bed!!... so I watch the replays on Monday

Uh... no

ya its gonna do really well for my ranking don't ya think?!

Mmm... if i start seeing only this... i will skip

Not I .

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Cookie law wording showing up as content ?

Cookie law wording showing up as content ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

During a site

When was that article published Christine? If it was recent, Google is usually still crawling and it will sort itself out soon. If it was a month ago, then there is something wrong. I wouldn't worry too much about it though as once you push out another post, it should sort things out naturally.

Hi John, it was published May 23rd.

Oh wow, that's a long time ago. Contact support and see what they say.

I contacted support first and they told me I had to ask the question here.

Did you try clicking on the link? Where did it send you?

the link works fine, I just don't know how many people are click on it if that's how it reads.
I've tried addressing the policy in a different way and did site rank again only now it doesn't show up as ranking at all!
I guess I'll just keep an eye on it for now.
Thanks John.

Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it though Christine. Google is always up to something but it will get sorted out. As long as your visitors are going to the right page things will be fine.

Have you used custom menus and put it as shown on Jays Webinar on this?

I never get to watch the webinars live as I'm always working! I'll go looking for it. Thank you.
I just used the plugin as was recommended by others.

Like you, I am unable to watch them as I'm in bed!!... so I watch the replays on Monday

Uh... no

ya its gonna do really well for my ranking don't ya think?!

Mmm... if i start seeing only this... i will skip

Not I .

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