Site health down because of too many plugins?

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Good day every one. Today is a beautiful day. I am sitting here in a rather cool after noon around my firend's laptop- I left mine at home. I stopped by to pay him a visit today and he gave me the go-ahead to use his laptop in the meantime.

My title for this blog post was so selected because I have been made aware of the fact that my website health, which used to be "pretty good", is now at "getting better". This is due to a number of things, which I know I can fix such as publishing more content because my publishing frequency is at 80%. However, when I checked the plugins it's at 10%. Please see the image below:

I usually take about 2 to 3 hours (it is not always that long, only for a few posts) to write my content- coming up with a topic based on a keyword and finding words to put in my content, placing the right images that are free to use in the content and then proof reading before publishing, then proff reading again. But, I won't take that long to write this post.LOL.

By the end of this week, my publishing frequency should be back to 100%, because I am going to write and publish more content.

However, I am not happy to see that my Plugins ratings is at 10%. The reason? I think I have installed the plugins that I need. However, I know that apart from the All-In-One-SEO Pack, the EWWW optimizer, the Akismet Antispam and the MWW Disclaimer Buttons plugins, I have installed a couple others such as the "Insert Headers and Footers" and the Ad Inserter Plugins, which were installed and activated for the purpose of a'ccommodating' the Ads from Google Adsense and, to some extent, Amazon Native Shopping Ads on my site.

I have installed "TinyMCE Advanced", which I find very useful because I use it to set the style, size and colour of my font how I want them as well as do some other important stuff.

I installed and activated Squirrly SEO 2018 (Briefcase) recently, to help me to write better content and get my content to be more optimized according to the keyword(s) that I have used for my posts title. I have found this to be a very useful one.

The most recent plugin to be installed and activated is: "Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share". This is a plugin that I have always wanted to use because I believe that my site's contents should be shareable. I know using this plugin will make it easier to share contents from my site to my Facebook profile and page as well as (a) niche group that I have joined as well as to share on Google plus, and twitter. So, installing and activating this one, which was a recommendation by Kyle, was necessary.

Now, to the plugins that I have deactivated. I deactivated them because I did not fully understand the use for them and don't think I needed them now. I also thought that theis could amke my site health go abck up. These plugins are:

Social Media Widget- I deactivated it after choosing to go with Kyle's recommended "Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share"

Pretty Links- I deactivated it because I don't think I understand how to use it. I had activated it after reading about its use on a blog months ago. I think I need to read up on the purpose of Pretty Links and how to use it.

Jetpack by WordPress.comi- I don't understand how to use this either

Ultimate Social Media plus- Its makers said it is the best social media plugin on the market. But, because I did not have the time to take the time out to know how to use it effectively by myself, I deactivated it and then, I found Kyle's recommended "Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share" plugin. LOL!

I am now wondering, if I will have to delete a few of these plugins so that the ratings for the 'plugins health' can go up. However, I am thinking that I may need them in the future, especially Pretty links. What do you think?

I hope I did not bore you with this blog but, I just wanted to shar this with the rest of the community. But, I know that I need to work on getting more comments on my website - so I will need to leave comments on other members' sites to get credits to request site comments so that my visitor engagement ratings, as well as my engagement rartings can go up.

However, I want to say that I am glad that my site trust from search engines has moved from 20% to now 30%. I am looking forward to see this number increase soon.

Thanks for reading,


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Possibly you might have too many plugins, Nick. i like jetpack myself and its on another site of mine, not hosted here, but I believe we can't install it on our WA blogs as I have tried and not been successful

Site health is an internal WA indication to show you what could be improved. Eg. you have 20% for the comments, you could use the comment thread more often to level up.

My plugins say 0% and my site health says, pretty good

Ok. I was thinking on working on the site comments as well. I will be looking towards working on that tonight.


I am pretty sure that we do not need the Akismet anti spam plugin anymore. Thank you for blogging on this as I am still learning about good plug in suggestions.

You are welcome. Continue your successful journey here at WA.

You don't need Akismet. WA handles that now in their own software. You'll have to check your site load speed and see. If it's more than 3 seconds your bounce rate will go up. Delete plugins as needed.

Ok. Thanks for this information.

Good luck on cleaning it up.

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