What You See Is Not What You Get


Hello WA Family & Friends

What do you see on below picture? Is it a parrot or .... ?? Lol. Ha...Ha...

My friend, what is my point?

Sometimes, you may feel that you are not moving forward or progressing well on building your websites, don't take it too hard ... because "what you see is not what you get" ....

It may seem that you are not progressing well at WA, but in actual fact, you are moving forward on a daily basis, doing what you are supposed to do on the WA training here ... and before you know it, your beautiful website will be built very soon, sooner than you could imagine ...

So, don't be discouraged, my friend ... I strongly believe, with your hard work, dedication and a "never give-up" attitude on building your website, you will certainly be on your way to online success!!

As such, pls do not give up easily!! :)

I wish you great success on your online business!! :)

Have a Blessed Weekend!!

To Your Success

Jewel Carol

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Thank you, Jewel! I saw this video. Amazing!

Verina, thank you for yr kind comments. :) As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

What a great post sweet sis Jewel! It is a really great illustration of a pretty special truth!

Dearest sis Christa, thank you for yr kind comments. :) As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

Yes that is true and very encouraging words sis! Right now I am stuck until I can get this computer repaired! The only thing I am really capable of doing is answering emails. It is the only thing I can access with things the way they are. Hopefully we will be able to change the situation on Monday.

Oh, my dear, what happened to yr computer? Do hope I can help but I am lousy on technical stuff, lol. ;)

It appears to be the ram! Hopefully it will be fixed Monday!

So that when it is up, I can see yr beautiful blog posts again, lol. :)


Another great post that gets us thinking well done Jewel Carol

Darren, thank you for yr kind comments. :) As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

I had to get my daughter to help me see the person posing. She was yelling at me, showing me where is the legs arms, then I finally seen the light. Then we started arguing about the blue and black dress thing. She told me sees blue and black I told it's white and gold. Lol

You do make a valid point, sometimes we are looking at things too close. Sometimes that causes us to not see what we are developing, but if we take a step back and look at our progress, we do see what we accomplish. Very well put Pretty Jewel. Love this blog.

You are pretty and cute, Evelyn. ;) And you have a cute and adorable daughter who is just like you, lol. ;)
Pretty Evelyn, thank you for yr kind comments and compliments. :)
As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

Fantastic :)!

Lina, thank you for yr kind comments. :) As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

Wow! that's amazing, it took a few minutes but I could see her. Whoever did that is very creative. Thank you for your inspiring post Jewel, Have a Blessed weekend as well:)

Sweetie Jazmin thank you for yr kind comments. :) As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)
Have a blessed and fantastic weekend, my dear sis. :)

It took me a bit, but I finally saw her. That's pretty neat. :)

Judy, thank you for yr kind comments. :) As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

I can see everything except her head. NICE work! You have a lot of talent :-)

Eddie, thanks very much for yr kind compliments, I feel honored. ;)
As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

Amazing photo. And you're right. We don't always see all that is going on. Hopefully, we will reap unexpected rewards from all the posts and pages being out there in cyberspace....that someday, people will find them and respond. Thanks for the encouragement.

Pastor Tae, thank you for yr kind comments and compliments!! :)
As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

Thanks. I appreciate the commitment to high standards. We should always strive for excellence in what we do.

Yes, I'm the 1st to like your blog , well ,thanks for the great blog, very good point & encouragement especially when we thinking we're not moving anywhere, thanks for the reminder to never give up

Yeap, thanks very much for being the 1st to like my blog post, lol. :)
As for this picture, this is indeed a great and incredible art, and as you know, practice makes perfect. :) So, it is the same with our blog posts or our our WA training, the more practice we have, the better it is, so let us don't lose heart if we see that our website is not what we desire it to be, lol. :)

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