A Bad Year So Far!

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It hasn't been a good year so far and it isn't going to be getting any better soon.
My lack of enthusiasm and overall enjoyment of everything has gone down the toilet.

I have been waiting 9 months for a much needed operation and although I'm on the Urgent List, I'm still waiting!
Plus the fact is that it's major surgery with a 9 month recovery afterwards after a lengthy stay in hospital, so I have been told by my Consultant Surgeon.
Everything has taken a back seat, my love for showing my car which is an Ex Mg Press Car hasn't happened at all.
As for building any new websites, I started but then lost the plot and couldn't give a stuff.
I have done absolutely zero.
I will be leaving again, but will return at a later stage but this won't be until next year.

Take care everyone as you don't understand what good health is until you lose it.

Love Neil.

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Good luck Neil. Your spirit needs a break too. Easy for healthy people to say. I apologize. Just accept well wishes from a perfect stranger. Look for your guardian angel. Cheering for you amigo. Hugs. John

Things WILL get better! The last two years for me have been utter Hell. A Stage 3A Breast Cancer diagnosis, 6 rounds of hard-hitting chemo, once every three weeks, finishing out the year with one of the 4 meds. 5 weeks of radiation treatment, double mastectomy surgery, and then reconstruction. I still battle with side effects from all my treatments, even though I finished a year ago this month. I know your situation is different, but getting through it is all about perspective, and positive thoughts. You will get through it! Sometimes working on your site can help take your mind off things. Even if it is something as simple as completing a small task in the training, or writing one article a month. Even the littlest things can help you move forward. Don't let the storm clouds keep you down, there is bright sunshine on the other side, you just need to take it one day at a time to get there.

Keep the faith and be strong. You can overcome what you are going through. Just hope and pray that everything will be fine. God bless. All the best to you.

Hello Neil,

I've had my share of operations and know how frustrating it is when your life seems to be on hold, when you are in pain and don't have the energy to do much of anything.

But remember that this period is still your life - every day is one day in your life that won't come again, so try to enjoy it as much as you can. Think of the good things - hey, the sun is shining in England! - my dog is an absolute sweetie and loves me to bits....

I wish you all the best for your operation and recovery. You are absolutely right - as long as we are in good health, we take it for granted. Without good health all our priorities change totally.

Greetings from a sunny Oxford,


Good afternoon Neil,

I can understand how frustrating it must be as nobody looks forward to having an operation. To have it behind you, recover well and then be able to get on with life is much better.
This is an obstacle on your life path where you need a lot of patience, I hope you will have this patience.
I have gone through some tough years myself but now the sun is shining again. Please do not give up hope, the sun will shine for you one day also again. With my best wishes.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

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