What's 1 thing in WordPress you have trouble with?


Hi - I'm feeling particularly helpful today :) What is one issue you have technically with your blog that you'd like to fix? Can be anything small or large - just want to see if I can help!

Have a great day!

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I understand that WA doesn't use C-Panel. If this is so, Why?

I'm not WA lol, but I imagine it's because it's very technical to use a c-panel and WA's focus is on support and blog/affiliate marketing - so all the focus is on making you money - not getting technical with server configurations. Good thing though is any question you might have for extra customizations can be asked on support and they usually get back to you very quickly.

Hi mrssno, thanks for the offer. I wrote a post 'nutrition' and published it. Now it's not on my site. Do you have to add a post to your menu
before you publish it. And if a post was supposed to be an article in categories, how do I get it there. I appreciate the help cause I've been messing with it, to no avail. Thank you.m.

Hi there,
well do you have a blogroll on your site? this is usually where posts get added in chronological order, so your latest post at the top... It's usually on the home page, but if you have it where it is not, you may want to include a blog roll somewhere--that's usually best practice. If you made a page (not a post) and you can't see it - then you have to add the page in a menu through the appearance/menus section if you have a theme that doesn't automatically add pages to the menu.

So to find your blogroll, go to Settings-Reading. There at the top you'll see "front page display" - normally most of us have it as "latest posts" checked off (this means your blogroll - latest posts will automatically show). But if not, then you have 2 more options. If you choose "static page" that means in the first box you can choose the page you want as your home page (not blogroll). Then in the second box since you chose to have your home page as just a page you created, you want to enter another page where your blogroll can go. So for instance if you want your site to have a "Blog" page that includes all your posts, you can go to Pages in the dashboard and create an empty "Blog" page, then going back to that settings-reading page, enter "Blog" in that second box.

Hope that made sense!

One thing I would like to add to the first paragraph and that is "don't forget to go to Manage Locations" and add the menu name you created on edit menus, to the primary menu or it may not show up on your site. Kyle teaches this, but I had forgot about it so, I figured it quickly that it needs to be added.

Well, you are awesome! Here are a few from a struggling neophyte: 1. If the text "jumps" on my blog, how do I get it back where it was without retyping? 2. How do I insert any Image I want into a blog? (It takes some, but not others, like 10-20%) 3. How do I get the horizontal line off a blog? 4. How do I create Image/Text, Image/Text, Image/Text type blogs. (Once I put the first Image in, I can get text by "messing around" with it, but it won't take a 2nd image, let alone several) 5. Why can't I just easily write text after inserting the image? 6. How do I stretch or size images to fit across the entire blog page? Any help is most appreciated. I bow to your awesome powers of computer technology! :)

Ha, okay I would have to further probe what you mean by most of these, but let's start one by one.

1) if you are in your editor and you accidentally entered text somewhere it doesn't belong, you do have to retype it if I'm understanding you correctly.

2) your blog typically has a maximum upload size of 8MB per image - so if your image you are trying to add is huge, it won't add it. You can see this by going to "Media" - add new - and then that box that says "drop files anywhere to upload" has tiny print at the bottom that says "Maximum upload file size: 8 MB." - you don't want your images to be more than 8MB each because it will slow down your page loading. So you'll have to take images and use an image editor somewhere to reduce your images. There are tons of free online places to do that like here: https://www.easy-resize.com/en/

3) That could be any line - usually you'll have to go into your stylesheet and know some coding to remove 'design' features on your blog. PM me your blog url and the line you want to remove and I'll give you specific instructions on what to change in the code.

4) In your posts, you should be able to easily add an image, hit return, then add text, and so forth - again follow number 2 above to upload smaller images.

5) What I do normally is write first - add images last. You should be able to easily add images using the 'add media' button in the post editor. Just make sure you have "none" alignment selected if you want the image to stand alone on it's own line.

6) Usually the design of the blog has to take care of that 'responsive' thing for you with images. Usually for web design you only want the background, a slider image, or a home page image to stretch the width of the browser because it's usually too much for a post - find a theme that has those "full width" features. In addition, here are two plugins that help add responsive image features: SrcSet Responsive Images for Wordpress, and WP ImageEngine Responsive Image Resizer

In general, here is my advice for anyone newer to wordpress and blogging - choose a theme that has as many features as you want and a look and feel you want. Then stick to blogging and content - and the basics and do not agonize the design because the theme should be good for you.

Thank you, Mrs. I have starred your e-mail, and will try things tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I appreciate all your help! You have my undying Gratitude!-Rick

Cool - I really hope this helps!

You're a Genie out of the proverbial Wizards Bottle, my friend!!!

What is your impression of the Akyra theme- what are it's great strengths?
Any special tips on organizing in it?

Thank you so much!

The Akyra theme has a very nice design - it's very airy and fresh and has a 'corporate' style theme. It would be good for a corporate website or company website that also has a blog on it. I think it has two prebuilt menus - top and bottom of the site. I think as long as you don't have too many items in the header navigation menu, it will look nice.

Thank you very much, my friend!
Enjoy your day.....:-))))))))))

Yes I have several, are you sure you would help?

1. Some people have things that appear below the main text, but definitely outside of the text. So this is not added in the editor but somewhere else in settings? See the image. How is this done?

2. Can you make me a simple sample-html code for 2 or/and 3 columns. Something is wrong with what I am doing. Is it possible to make them in different background colors?

You can make trainings about these instead of answering me directly. In any case thank you.

Is the 2/3 column section just a section inside a post or you want all articles to appear in 2/3 columns ? there are several ways to have that 'outside' post area in your image - it could be from plugins, widgets or shortcodes - the easiest way - I can do a tutorial for those things one day - but let me know what the 2/3 column thing is for.

This is only within regular text, one part where I would add two columns, or 3 sometimes. Like pros and cons parallel to each other, say with itemization and with different background color. Or when you compare two things and give two columns with list of short items. Presently I do this with tables, but I might use just columns.

Ok gotcha - I think when you compare things because your rows have to line up horizontally - a column approach may not work because then the text just lines up according to where it naturally falls. But I can show a tutorial on how to add special areas like this!

None at the moment.

Not really having any issues with WordPress but I would like to know how I can get rid of the % page-title% on the page tab of my website.

Think you can help?

Sounds like you have a specific plugin conflict - if it's showing that as opposed to the actual page title. PM me with your website name and I can possibly troubleshoot for you.

It will have to wait for the weekend, Sunday or Monday. I will PM you.

Someone else saw my question and suggested installing yost. Have heard some interesting things about yost, mostly good. Apparently it solved this persons issue with the same problem. Anywho, that's where I sit right now, so I WILL get back to you.

Thats kind of you.
I am just puzzled as to why Yoast keeps telling me that I don'y have my keywords at the beginning of my title and in my 1st paragraph when I clearly do!! Am I missing something here?!? :)

Has to be your exact focus keyword - and then hit "save draft" to make sure it's updated with yoast -

It really was!! :)

Make sure you have no spaces (empty paragraphs) at the top of your article and save draft a couple times and check again.

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