Did a Shiny New Thing Swallow Me Whole?

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Almost! It was one shiny new thing after another. It was touch and go over the last three weeks, but I escaped it and am alive to tell my story! Rest assured there will be an extended version of each of these as time permits!

Let me prepare you now for anyone new to blogging and affiliate marketing who has not discovered this mind-consuming affliction, "Shiny New Thing Syndrome". This can be either an extremely large life-altering new path or an infinitely microscopic attention-grabbing, time-killing, pursuit of the perfect way of doing things. It can also be ANY NEW PLEASURE that takes you away from your training, your blogging, and our mission. For me, it is always the latest and greatest software release. Harpa is awesome BTW. But that excursion lasted maybe a day or three.

When last I checked, it had been a while, I was rising through the ranks like a speeding bullet. I topped out at #36. I was everywhere. There was nothing that I would not comment on, remark about, or chat about. How many of you have read any of my blog posts? Just curious. I am always writing about what I have learned, better ways of doing things and using AI to make the most of my two hours daily. The Just Over Broke (JOB) upped its ante on my life. The last 3 weeks, nearly 70 hours a week!

And yet, that is not why, I have been "Silent Bob" around these parts. That Shiny New Thing got its hooks into my "mandatory" two hours a day. I have sunken all the way down to #64. Did you miss me?

Passing without much fanfare the following has happened within the last three weeks.

  1. I have come upon my First Anniversary with Wealthy Affiliate - Don't Worry I Missed It Too!
    1. I found out because settingpoints.com was not set up for automatic payment and EXPIRED!
  2. I have published my first book on Kindle. Phil, you are my inspiration! I got it done. Yes, it could be better. I set a Low Bar to start withVolume 1
  3. Google Got Outed - This was a kick to Google's Jewels and a 3 day read. You better understand the ramifications of this. You need to be "Advertising" your brand, your blog, and your niche on these aggregators. Period Full Stop.
  4. I am bringing "The Amazing Niche Master" Series to life. This link goes to my Reddit Post. This is a YouTube series of shorts that I am creating. (See Item #3 above)
  5. I have chased down some awesome software at Suno.com - I needed a copywrite-free soundtrack for my new YouTube Shorts. I also created a song for Google's meltdown, called Tech Meltdown
  6. I needed something better than a static background and great music for my YouTube shorts. That is Noisee - Do you want a 30-second video about anything? No-I-See great play on words that you can see. How about a 30-second video about the Tech Meltdown? married to a video? Are you thinking what I am thinking?
  7. I have gotten much better with Canva. Long way to go but there is progress on that front as well. Do you like the static background or do you prefer the video? You can't answer that until you see my YouTube Channel.
  8. I created and posted several YouTube shorts and am mastering the process. Eric, I am still faceless, but more than my big toe is in the water! Thank You.

Setting Points Along this Path

Every day we take one or more small steps forward. The Japanese call it Kaizen. It is all in the Art of Getting Better. I know that I am better today, one year after joining WA. I know where my attention lies in the future of more than enough. Time Will Finally Surpass Money and all will be right in the world.

If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a note. I will get to it as soon as I see it.

Don't become fodder for the Shiny New Things to devour.

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Recent Comments


I like shiny new things, and I think I have to have them, but I always wait to order them until the next day. By then, I no longer want them...LOL. And, chances are, I will never get them. It's the same with trying something new that is free. I put it off for a day and go back, but I am no longer interested. Yes, I am fickle.

It's great seeing you back.


I think that there are many of us that do that, Don!

Some wise advice! Happy 1 Year WAnniversary too!


Thanks Jeff, it has been a great journey so far... Here is to many more...

I totally concur, Don!


Yep, the shiny new thing syndrome. I think we have all succumbed to it and probably spent valuable resources (time and money) on them only to find that WA offers it better and less expensive!


WA us definitely the place to keep you on track. I wouldn't change a thing... Best value by far.

I think we have all probably got caught up in this syndrome.

I hear that it is contagious too!


Many people get caught with shiny object syndrome. But when you have your goals and focus on them. Then, it is easier to push shiny object out the way and give your attention to what's most important. But that doesn't mean putting on blinkers and shutting everything out. If we all did that, AI and other tools wouldn't be part of our business models.

As for your ranking on here, don't worry about it - mine is up and down like a yoyo. I must be on target for a Guinness World Record :) However, I call that, running a business and dealing with what is most important to your business growth and income. And unfortunately, sometimes WA community is not part of the day-to-day business and has to be put on the back burner for a while.

One of my favorite quotes is - “If you know me based on who I was a year ago, You don't know me at all. My growth game is strong. Allow me to reintroduce myself..!!” ― Aagam Shah

Thank you for reintroducing yourself. Telling us about your journey and congratulations on your 1st anniversary at WA.

I have found that a lot of my trips are motivated by what I learn here. Like my YouTube adventures. Using Suno and Noisee would never have been found unless I needed a way to put up better "shorts". Next step it to get them over on IG... And maybe FB.

Stay focused, have faith, and make it happen. CAUTION POWER TOOLS IN USE.

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