Keep An Eye On The Sky

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Events From Wednesday Evening

A some of you may know, I run a towing service in central Texas. Last night we had a bit of trouble fall from the clouds. A tornado tore through central Texas leaving destruction in it's wake. I just wanted to share insight as to how crazy it is here and highlight safety for yourself and family when severe weather threatens.

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Just a couple of thousands of images I will be taking due to this storm and the damage it caused. My crews have been out since all night recovering cars and securing property. This was and or is still a major ongoing event. We shall be towing cars and trucks nonstop throughout the week.

Weather Safety

Severe weather can be and usually is unpredictable. In the United States, the National Weather Service does fairly well in predicting these storms. In Texas, we are centrally located at the bottom portion of a national hotspot dubbed Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is an area of the U.S. where there is a high potential for tornado development. Tornado alley stretches from Texas northward through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and parts of Louisiana, Iowa, Nebraska and eastern Colorado. It is basically where all major us storms form due to geographical features of the US like the location of the Rockie Mountains.

It is now that I implore you to heed all weather warnings even if they seem insignificant at the time, and if you live in this area. During severe weather season, typically March-June, storms can and sometimes turn ugly extremely quick and without warning. It is not uncommon for a "Normal" Thunderstorm to turn severe in minutes catching many off guard. Please heed the warnings and keep yourself and your families safe.

Thank you for your time.


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Recent Comments


I'm glad to see that you are safe. I live in Oklahoma, so I know how it is to live in a place with wicked weather. Our poor neighbor to the south has really taken a beating this year. Taking storm warnings seriously is essential for your and your family's safety.


Glad you're ok, Michael!

Thank you Jena

Amazing, Michael! I've never been through a tornado close to me. I've been in many hurricanes, but luckily, I've never been affected much by one other than the mess of branches it leaves.

Take care when you are helping others to care for yourself. too!


Will Do Teri and thanks!


Wow, Michael! A Great admonishment! I am glad that you are safe. You will be quite busy for a while!

Hang in there, my friend!


Will do Jeff. We will eventually get the mess cleaned up and lives restored from this storm.


I have no doubt about that, Michael!

Stay safe out there!


Will do


Hi Michael, I grew up in Minnesota, so it's also a tornado alley too. As a kid, I saw a lot of them, and they destroyed our house and station wagon car when a tornado touched down. I was traumatized by it. I had nightmares for a long time until I learned not to fear it when I saw another one as I got older. We always had tornado drills in school. I know what it it is like to see the destruction. I've seen them tore through our town in Minnesota and other towns in the burbs. It's one of nature's forces. I've seen them everywhere not just in the south. We have them here too in Portland, Oregon I have seen a few of them here. Minnesota always gets them too. I can relate to it. Both Karin and I can relate! Back in the 60's and 70's we did not have tornado sirens, they were put in much later. My family is Deaf so we couldn't hear but we were thankful that our neighbors came to alert us that we needed to get into the basement fast in the middle of the night by morning it was destruction all around. I was shocked. I think I was 7 years old at the time I remember the year 1971.

Wind and water are powerful forces. Thanks for reading!

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