About Mr_Michael_G
Rank 85
533 followers Joined October 2023
I go by the name Michael, hailing from the heart of central Texas, and you might say I'm a walking embodiment of Texan culture with





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asked in
Getting Started

I have been doing PPC campaigns. I have not had issues converting products into sales until now. I am not sure where the disconnect is but am in search of the issue when it com

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Hey Michael,

I would be more than happy to work with you on this campaign. I want to discuss your questions/issues here. The great thing is that you are driving traffic, and seeing referrals.

The flow of relevance is there, and there is likely some small things that you can do here to really amplify conversions (and some things that we are going to be doing on our end).

(1) Automessages. These go out when someone builds a hub. Around 60% of people build a hub right away, and top affiliates are getting 80-95% of hub builds.

If someone aborts the onboarding process, they don't get your message. We actively work to get them to complete this after the fact through an email sequence, but they don't always do that.

We want to change that, let everyone in, and then make choosing a niche on the front end of the tasks/training . We feel that is better, will lead to 100% of people coming, more actual hub builds and definitely more quailty hub builds. We are rolling that out next week.

Conversions. Prepare people for some sort of cost before they join, if they hear "free free free", you will be conditioning everyone to become a tire kicker. Even people with $1,000's to spend on building a business, are going to become "cheap" when they go to a garage sell, but will buy a $300 steak dinner.

So you need to be clear at the outset that starter is to get comfortable, learn a bunch, get started and practice, but when they are ready to build a business there will be some actual costs associated.


I hope this helps you out, you can drop me a PM any time and we can continue this conversation if you like Michael. Happy to help you get things dialled, converting and producing a positive ROI. We have lots coming in that respect too! ;)


No problem! :)

My advice is to do A/B testing and try your best to stay engaged with them helping them to stay, I had the same experience, what I did was try to contact some of the via e-mail, not with the auto- responder but my personal email raising some trust, offering some help and try to find out what’s holding them up from upgrading or staying. Trust me when I say it work with some. You just have to try engaging with then after they sign up. Hope this help


I am currently on O/P Testing. I have attempted variations. And even changed the way I present the platform.

Hey Michael,

I hear ya. I am struggling as well. Your clicks-to-referral numbers are pretty awesome. Your ad is getting them here, but upon arrival, they aren't liking what they find for some reason.

I saw some improvement when I created a short video of the process of joining as a starter and getting a Hub set up. I embed the video in my ads so they can get a feel for the experience and know what to expect.

However, I still have a ways to go before I am profitable with my WA PPC campaigns. As Kyle mentions, FREE gets a lot of lookers that run as soon as they find out they need to spend money.

If you find the answer, help a brother out ;)


The issue is with this campaign I mentioned the starter program once in ad. I use the fet wet analogy. The remainder is personal experience with the platform and how it benefits me. It also included a pricing break down for premiums. I fail to gather the disconnect, but I am working on it.

I hear you. I was doing pretty well before HUBS and doubling my money. It's been a struggle since, break even at best, and I don't know why. Hubs is a huge improvement, but for some reason, they don't convert like before.

Just thinking out loud, but before referrals got an introduction to how to make money online early in the process. Now when they arrive the first thing they see is work. Pick a niche, build a brand, build a website, and then how to make money.

Kyle has a good video on how affiliate marketing works that might help them understand why they need to do all this work when they arrive. But, how to get them to watch it?

Just some thoughts


Share the link within your article for the specific class or video. I believe that will link directly to the blog section and the video. It also cookies your id if they choose to join via that method.


You would want to be a good host, greet them, help them, answer any question they may have... Be natural, be you :)

Be there with them on the front line...

They abandon upon arrival is the issue.

Something must be broken in the process to cause this behavior. You may want to check the quality of your sources, perhaps, or where those folks are coming from... Is this what they want to do? What are they "really" looking for... Are you targeting the correct audience? Are you building a rapport and meeting them where they're at? There are so many variables... You need to sit down and go over your funnel again and check out as if you are the person looking to build a business online and what you hope to get out...

Where is that traffic coming from would be the question, it is either that the audience lacks some level of relevance, you are conditioning them to think there is "no cost", or the source of the traffic is lower quality.

Let's have a look at this particular campaign, you can either post here or drop me a PM and we can get you rolling in the right direction. :)

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Wa promotions, why do I feel like captain ahab in search of a white whale?

Wa promotions, why do I feel like captain ahab in search of a white whale?

asked in
Getting Started

I have been doing PPC campaigns. I have not had issues converting products into sales until now. I am not sure where the disconnect is but am in search of the issue when it com

Featured Comment

Hey Michael,

I would be more than happy to work with you on this campaign. I want to discuss your questions/issues here. The great thing is that you are driving traffic, and seeing referrals.

The flow of relevance is there, and there is likely some small things that you can do here to really amplify conversions (and some things that we are going to be doing on our end).

(1) Automessages. These go out when someone builds a hub. Around 60% of people build a hub right away, and top affiliates are getting 80-95% of hub builds.

If someone aborts the onboarding process, they don't get your message. We actively work to get them to complete this after the fact through an email sequence, but they don't always do that.

We want to change that, let everyone in, and then make choosing a niche on the front end of the tasks/training . We feel that is better, will lead to 100% of people coming, more actual hub builds and definitely more quailty hub builds. We are rolling that out next week.

Conversions. Prepare people for some sort of cost before they join, if they hear "free free free", you will be conditioning everyone to become a tire kicker. Even people with $1,000's to spend on building a business, are going to become "cheap" when they go to a garage sell, but will buy a $300 steak dinner.

So you need to be clear at the outset that starter is to get comfortable, learn a bunch, get started and practice, but when they are ready to build a business there will be some actual costs associated.


I hope this helps you out, you can drop me a PM any time and we can continue this conversation if you like Michael. Happy to help you get things dialled, converting and producing a positive ROI. We have lots coming in that respect too! ;)


No problem! :)

My advice is to do A/B testing and try your best to stay engaged with them helping them to stay, I had the same experience, what I did was try to contact some of the via e-mail, not with the auto- responder but my personal email raising some trust, offering some help and try to find out what’s holding them up from upgrading or staying. Trust me when I say it work with some. You just have to try engaging with then after they sign up. Hope this help


I am currently on O/P Testing. I have attempted variations. And even changed the way I present the platform.

Hey Michael,

I hear ya. I am struggling as well. Your clicks-to-referral numbers are pretty awesome. Your ad is getting them here, but upon arrival, they aren't liking what they find for some reason.

I saw some improvement when I created a short video of the process of joining as a starter and getting a Hub set up. I embed the video in my ads so they can get a feel for the experience and know what to expect.

However, I still have a ways to go before I am profitable with my WA PPC campaigns. As Kyle mentions, FREE gets a lot of lookers that run as soon as they find out they need to spend money.

If you find the answer, help a brother out ;)


The issue is with this campaign I mentioned the starter program once in ad. I use the fet wet analogy. The remainder is personal experience with the platform and how it benefits me. It also included a pricing break down for premiums. I fail to gather the disconnect, but I am working on it.

I hear you. I was doing pretty well before HUBS and doubling my money. It's been a struggle since, break even at best, and I don't know why. Hubs is a huge improvement, but for some reason, they don't convert like before.

Just thinking out loud, but before referrals got an introduction to how to make money online early in the process. Now when they arrive the first thing they see is work. Pick a niche, build a brand, build a website, and then how to make money.

Kyle has a good video on how affiliate marketing works that might help them understand why they need to do all this work when they arrive. But, how to get them to watch it?

Just some thoughts


Share the link within your article for the specific class or video. I believe that will link directly to the blog section and the video. It also cookies your id if they choose to join via that method.


You would want to be a good host, greet them, help them, answer any question they may have... Be natural, be you :)

Be there with them on the front line...

They abandon upon arrival is the issue.

Something must be broken in the process to cause this behavior. You may want to check the quality of your sources, perhaps, or where those folks are coming from... Is this what they want to do? What are they "really" looking for... Are you targeting the correct audience? Are you building a rapport and meeting them where they're at? There are so many variables... You need to sit down and go over your funnel again and check out as if you are the person looking to build a business online and what you hope to get out...

Where is that traffic coming from would be the question, it is either that the audience lacks some level of relevance, you are conditioning them to think there is "no cost", or the source of the traffic is lower quality.

Let's have a look at this particular campaign, you can either post here or drop me a PM and we can get you rolling in the right direction. :)

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