About MPrice
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644 followers Joined June 2015
Hello everyone! My family (my wife, me and my dog) just moved into an RV. This is a big change from being renters all our lives, and





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi Everyone!

Is there a way to create content that's helpful here at WA (problem solving and customizing in WordPress) and on my site without being "slapped" for duplica

Keep track or the content.

I would say duplicate content is just that...I would change wording...thanks for bringing it up, I never thought...

Maybe the best answer I have heard is to just don't copy/paste. Rewrite, use the idea again but change the presentation a bit. In other words use some common sense......Dick

What you write within WA is also viewed and ranked by Google according to Kyle. I'm not saying you are going to get in trouble for it, but I heard that Google is aware of our posts within WA.

Hi but I cannot understand as it is not on the website this s wa site

I do not think there is a problem because what we write on this WA
Site is not related to what we put on our websites as Google does not see pot blogs here

Hi Michael, Re-writing the work is the best way. Doing it in your own writing without copying anything unless it is a reference or cited quote. You can also flipflop the order of things. What was at the top could go on the bottom unless it has the keywords or data that you need to catch the reader's attention.

There are programs out there that will do this for you but I do not like them personally. Google knows these programs too well and the patterns that they do. I have heard that if you use re-write programs to run the data through more than once and through more than one program to get a good mix of the data. Still, I have heard from others that you come up with weird sentences and grammar and by the time you correct it, you could have just re-written it yourself.

Another thing that I have done is to have someone else re-write an article. You get a different style and if they are good and follow your directions, you get a good re-write. The catch is the price for the service. I have used people overseas with mixed results. I have used college and jr. college students with better results. If you find a good one, you could have their services for four years. Hope this helps. Dave.

You just write your text about the same subject in your own way...
That's enough.
But don't copy things...


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How to make content on identical topics without google slap?

How to make content on identical topics without google slap?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi Everyone!

Is there a way to create content that's helpful here at WA (problem solving and customizing in WordPress) and on my site without being "slapped" for duplica

Keep track or the content.

I would say duplicate content is just that...I would change wording...thanks for bringing it up, I never thought...

Maybe the best answer I have heard is to just don't copy/paste. Rewrite, use the idea again but change the presentation a bit. In other words use some common sense......Dick

What you write within WA is also viewed and ranked by Google according to Kyle. I'm not saying you are going to get in trouble for it, but I heard that Google is aware of our posts within WA.

Hi but I cannot understand as it is not on the website this s wa site

I do not think there is a problem because what we write on this WA
Site is not related to what we put on our websites as Google does not see pot blogs here

Hi Michael, Re-writing the work is the best way. Doing it in your own writing without copying anything unless it is a reference or cited quote. You can also flipflop the order of things. What was at the top could go on the bottom unless it has the keywords or data that you need to catch the reader's attention.

There are programs out there that will do this for you but I do not like them personally. Google knows these programs too well and the patterns that they do. I have heard that if you use re-write programs to run the data through more than once and through more than one program to get a good mix of the data. Still, I have heard from others that you come up with weird sentences and grammar and by the time you correct it, you could have just re-written it yourself.

Another thing that I have done is to have someone else re-write an article. You get a different style and if they are good and follow your directions, you get a good re-write. The catch is the price for the service. I have used people overseas with mixed results. I have used college and jr. college students with better results. If you find a good one, you could have their services for four years. Hope this helps. Dave.

You just write your text about the same subject in your own way...
That's enough.
But don't copy things...


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