Why I'm NOT promoting the Health Hacker fx summit Keto

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The Health Hacker fx summit is rolling out this week but these events are prepared many months in advance and by the time this one got here guess what, keto was already getting old and the casualties are rolling in every day - yet it is the front runner of the entire summit. Just to register for the event you get signed up to a David Jockers '26 page ebook gift' aka how to change the way your body metabolizes food from a normal state to an emergency 'keto' state that may seriously damage your health, but get your magnifying glass out to find that small print, which if it exists at all seems to be an afterthought.

Keto is getting a kicking

  1. In the recent summits eg the Female Hormone summit even the biggest keto proponents such as Elle Russ and David Jockers were saying keto can screw your thyroid and you should get your thyroid tested NOT with your regular doctor but with advanced functional medicine tests to make sure there are no issues there - btw your regular doc is likely to tell you you've no thyroid issue when you may actually have, therein lies helluva risk right there.
  2. The keto peeps are also admitting now that keto doesn't suit women, 'adaptations' are necessary, ahem, tell that to the woman who wrote a comment at the last summit the Autoimmune Revolution saying: 'Does anyone know why when I did the keto diet I went into afib and stayed there?' Huh, how many keto bundles have been sold already and how many ebooks without all the necessary precautions!
  3. In the Healing Power of Foods Summit, which was an ecumenical event bringing together many different diet philosophies for speakers to air their wares, many speakers and top names in the health niche came out loud against keto as a fad diet eg Naveen Jain of Viome, David Katz of The Truth About Food who also by the way is extremely hard on bloggers for shady bloggins half truths. And we had Alan Christianson subtly talking up white potatoes aka resistant starch as a cureall according to the latest research, no spuds on keto folks!
  4. In the iThrive docuseries we had a guy lose 108lbs without keto and reverse his diabetes, more top names in the health niche such as Joel Fuhrman doing the opposite of keto.
  5. Then we have some other very advanced peeps such as Michael Jurgelewicz off the summit circuit also urging people to go beyond keto by showing them other things such as resveratrol and many other things that - and always did- stabilise blood sugar without switching the body over to 'being fat adapted' - oh dear, be careful of the lingo as it has nothing to do with simply losing fat, it's fueling the body with fat!

Beyond Keto

We also have a number of other groups out there using other protocols outside of keto to achieve the same results and better, without the risks and side effects...eg:

  • the ALS group using AAKG on the Deanna Protocol because Deanna could not do well on keto
  • and there's a number of non-keto groups in the UK whose brain research is at least 15 years ahead of the US current research by Bredesen for Alzheimers
  • there's actually a long list of things that increase BDNF, those brain derived neurotrophic factors outside of keto - how do I know? Well I take advanced training courses and get access to the inside story.
- so you never have to do keto, despite the fact you'll be told out there 'you have to', or you may be writing your blog up with regurgitated half truthsthe fact so many practitioners hopped on the bandwagon with it and got caught up in what seems to be digital hype combined with some 'in house' training hype.

Another Keto Casualty | Happy Christmas!

This is a testimony of someone I met on facebook, this person is actually pretty deep into health and was lucky to find a fix for her metabolism and ultimately discovered her body needed a more balanced diet with more fruit and fiber, ahem, sound familiar? Isn't that how humans always ate, not blubbing fat into themselves!

The Original Health Hacker | Dr. John R. Christopher

If you want to hear some amazing stories of healing and recovery then THIS is the series to watch, free on youtube. I combine Dr. John R. Christopher's protocols with Dr. Max Gerson and Ann Wigmore and seem to have done better than the geeky fads we are immersed in today. In fact only Dr. Christopher has a proposed solution to the final mile of fixing my health and I've had 3 of these celebrity docs say 'there is no cure' this year, actually 5 in total but 3 of them would appear at these summits yet these old videos contain better info for free - so if you think you are missing out on a $29.50 commission not promoting a summit, well you can deliver more value in your niche by not simply passing on the same old same old conflicting and faddy information - though there are gems at any summit if you know what you are looking for and how to dig for them, why else would I listen in! Though I won't be listening to this one.

Modern Hacking for Iron Men & Military Types or potential Astronauts

There is one potential speaker worth taking a look at if you are into extreme modern things like iron man challenges and don't mind wearing a suit to keep you cold at certain times of the day or night - that's Ben Greenfield. But he's doing specific things for specific purposes, it's almost military.

On the other hand another 'hacker' is supposedly Dave Asprey, the man who lost $6 million dollars in 2 years and is now getting back by the gazillion by selling you hacks like coffee with his blubs of fat in it for breakfast, good luck with that ;)

*I know some people in here have tried keto and liked it, I'm however seeing the casualties every day and know there are other safer ways to heal. I don't mind missing commissions on this to deliver value in the niche, and I've kicked these speakers' asses already in the wider conversation and let them know precisely what I think about them.


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I personally think and Blog about it that Keto is ok for short term quick weight lose. Lets say about 6 weeks, but it's an unhealthy diet for long term use.

Have a great day

Hi Tommy, see what dragonfly has said here, both comments

also note that no one is monitoring who does keto, how they do it or for how long

and then note how it's being pushed on everyone...

there are other ways less risky for quick weightloss, Michael Murray is finally admitting the old fashioned juice therapies worked - they saved my life btw, and just like Sandra if I'd taken keto I'd not have survived yet I would have been led to believe in 2018 that I should do it...nearly all the practitioners now do it too

All diets are temporary. You have to make lifestyle changes for it to be permanent.

O I know that it's a lifestyle. And I am teaching it for the last 25 years and living it for more than 40 years

I know the dangers of different diets that's what I write about in my blogs the pro and con about different diets.
I am in the health business for 25 years as a metabolic health coach/fitness consultant and busy with fitness my whole life train already for 40 years

Hey Tommy, I don't know if I told you but I won the Planet Fitness IronMan competition at 56! Second place guy was a 32 yr. old cross-fit gym owner. 167 miles in 5 days bike and arc trainer. He didn't make it to gym next 3 days. All the gym rats been joking with him. PM me your website and will leave some good comments. Got my new theme last week so maybe only about 5-10% of my content loaded. Going Keto starting monday to see how fast I can lose 2.5% of body fat. Have a great weekend.

Short term for sure. I gotta have my beans and occasional pasta. Just cut out the sweet poison sugar and bad carbs and use portion control.

Added Sugars are indeed the thing we need to avoid as much as possible

Sweet poison. I try and limit mine to just an occasional mixed berry cobbler. Never was much of a sweet eater thank goodness.

The principle of individual differences. 100 people on the same diet will get 100 different results. All I ask people to do is not listen to the media, health organizations with an agenda, celebrities, sponsors, fad diets, salespeople, etc.....
Educate yourself, make a decision what is best for you and don't just take a pill every time your doctor says so. A doctor is the last person to listen to about diet.
I know for 99.9 percent of the time man has been on earth, he was pretty much living the keto lifestyle. Periods of fasting when there was nothing to eat followed by meat and fat. Weren't any carbs to eat before we stopped hunting and gathering and started raising crops.
When wheat and grains came into the diet, obesity did too. Very simple. Obesity was non-existent early the last century because everyone ate high fat and protein diets. Obesity has become a problem only since the 1950's when processed foods became a staple of the SAD diet(Standard American Diet).
Keto 6 days a week for me and have not been to the doctor but once in 47 years, and then was just for an emergency appendectomy.
I have an Indian and a Pakistani doctor just in case(they actually made A's in med school). If you have an american doctor, you are quite literally putting your health in someone who barely passed medical school.

Have a great day to you too, Tommy.

Love your website.


Thanks for the information Mary! As always very interesting and educational.

Thanks John :)

No internet 4 3 days guys it is killing me but catch you later

Great info, LMM!

Dear Mary, so many people do not understand the dangers of a keto diet! As a nurse practitioner, I was called by the ENT'S, (we live in a very rural setting and are understaffed staffed) They had a comatose postpartum mother. We were unable to revive her. She had slipped in Ketoacidosis shock. They took her off the vent a few days later. Our community is helping the Dad with the care of the new infant. The original Keto diet was meant to help with individuals uncontrolled epilepsy. Thank you for speaking out about this very serious subject.

Ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes, and entirely unrelated to the keto diet, or being “in ketosis”.

The Keto diet can and does lead to ketoacidosis especially in postpartum mothers. And it can also lead to very serious heart dysthymia and resulting severe low pressure. If a person such as myself was to start a keto diet, it could land me in the hospital in short order. I naturally have very low blood pressure. People unknowing start this diet and end up in serious trouble. If a person wants to start a diet of any kind, they should always seek medical advice first.

Sandra, words fail, I've been furious with David Jockers key speaker at all the summits the past few years and leading flame for keto telling millions of people to get 'fat adapted' and all this year boasting of his pregnant wife in her trimester allowing herself a handful of berries, a piece of sweet potato - that's pigging out apparently - then following up with how easily she got back in shape

he's had no real warnings or checks and controls, stable door after the horse has bolted at this point

how distressing for you - this reality needs shouted from the rooftops - I'll pass this on to some key peeps and make sure no one forgets it, including Jockers

when did this happen?

*ps sorry for the delay, I moved house and lost internet unexpectedly and for the foreseeable!

Thanks again Sandra, for pointing this out. I too have low bp and not once has anyone asked that question yet I'm being pumped pumped pressurised to do keto in the health world, and I've got so many people asking my advice on the drawbacks, even practitioners working on their own health going to other practitioners as they find I'm one of the few speaking out

Hey Sandy, I just went in and told this to David Jockers directly on the comment section of this summit and said 'shame on you'...among other things!

Keto and low carb become popular on a cyclical basis. While it's beneficial for those with diabetes and other metabolic problems, it's not necessary, sustainable, or healthy for the majority.

true, old naturopaths conquered diabetes easily eg Joel Furhman, without keto...in fact iThrive docuseries is all about that, though I think he goes the opposite direction afraid of meat...what is it with these guys!

Keto is NOT for everyone. I am a Personal Trainer/ Nutritionist and personally feel great doing Keto and every 2 weeks getting a "carb day". Keto does mess with hormones, so women are going to have more problems with the diet than men. Fat is not the problem with the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). Sugar, carbs(carbage) and stress will kill you faster than Aspreys bulletproof coffee. There is NO diet that works for everyone. The best doctors in the world are fresh air, exercise, sunshine, plenty of rest, eliminate stress, and most importantly diet.

Just don't get me started on the Cholesterol Myth(that blog is coming soon).

lol, the d-word 'diet' is where people are going haywire. That's what Michael Murray's summit was all about though he was too shy to fess up about the downright damage out there, whether people do it 'right' or 'wrong' and the irresponsible behavior of these speakers to unleash this on the gen pop

the quote above from the woman with the scary blood sugar she just couldn't do a carb day at all, things got scary when she tried to take carbs again and she knew what she was doing

- and a real problem is keto bundles are on sale for everyone now, it's been thrown out there for the general population and almost forced on practitioners to apply to very ill people with no informed choice

- getting 'keto adapted' is the new peer pressure...insane stuff

And there's very ill people out there taking Asprey seriously, coffee for breakfast is not a choice for many people, tons of reasons beyond adrenals, and last week he was telling people to take low dose hormones - who the hell does he think he is advising ill people - he hasn't the discipline to train in the history of healing and thinks he can just 'advise' people, there's herbalists with 30 years clinical experience out there astounded at the suggestions being given to very ill people...unnecessary stuff potentially very messy...

ps this has nothing to do with cholesterol, however when you do go there bear in mind what Joel Kahn is saying there as he has some pretty good arguments against peeps of an older generation or certain conditions glugging coconut oil - in so far as we wouldn't eat that many coconuts in one go, there is some truth to what he's at there

we know statins and cholesterol are a myth - but all totally different issues to 'getting fat adapted'

Statins scare the crap out of me. If cholesterol caused heart disease then why do more than half of the heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol? Doctors spend 5-10 minutes with you, see your total cholesterol is high and write a script for a statin. There are so many reasons cholesterol can be elevated. I tell people that 80-85% of the cholesterol in their body is made by their body! Only about 15% comes from diet. They look at me like i am an idiot. I know I am 56 years old, just did 167 miles in my first IronMan competition and beat out guys half my age. I eat what I want, when I want it and just keep my carbs to a bare minimum. People just need to educate themselves and make decisions that they can add to their life to be healthier. Everyone looks for that magic pill or quick fix and it just does not exist. Great talking to you about my passion.

The Inuit are a good example and you obviously have done your homework and are very knowledgeable on the subject. I have seen Keto work first hand, but it is not good for some people. Women do not do as well on Keto as men. You can have 100 people do the same diet and you will get 100 different responses. Sugar, bad carbs, and stress will kill you. Fat is our friend. Cut out the "carbage" is what I tell all my clients. If fat is so bad and cholesterol had anything to do with heart disease then why do 75% of people with heart attacks have "normal" cholesterol levels?

Sugar(sweet poison), carbs, stress, smoking, and not exercising will kill you faster that the cholesterol ever will. You are so right about carbage. Everyone needs to find there carb "tolerance" level and figure out your carb/ protein/ fat needs percentages needed be for your lifestyle. Personally I do 1g protein for each pound of lean body mass, 60 g. of carbs (right AFTER) a workout and the rest in healthy fats. I love my breakfast foods and can live on chef salads with homemade dressings. I would recommend anyone take the calcium test BEFORE ever taking a statin and yes it is sad to see kids not out of elementary school already pre-diabetic. Sitting at McD's having a coffee with friends every monday, the other day we counted out of 100 people who ordered, at least 87% were more than 20lbs. overweight and more than half were 50-150 lbs. overweight. The best doctors are H2O, sunshine, exercise, fresh air, and eliminate stress.. Intermittent fasting is so good for people and the Keto diet makes it easy to go 12-16 hours between meals. Good talking to you my highly educated friend.

I just watched documentary "Fat Head" on Youtube. Pretty good. Nothing we don't know, just different perspective.

Hey Mark, congrats on your first ironman espc at 56 WOOHOO!

another guy I know of doing iron man is Keith at Osteonaturals, amazing what he did to reverse his osteo there...

As for statins, yeah David Brownstein whacks the crap out of them, so do all the integrative cardiologists, bad news indeed.

Education is getting tricky when the new educators are all in the same digital marketing mastermind group and they are the only voices getting heard, they plagiarize the good stuff from the older naturopaths, people don't know their history to see what worked pre 2012

I'm also taking practitioner courses where I see practitioners are being taught to recommend keto, totally ignoring other options, no informed choice for either practitioners or patients these days

ps apologies for the delayed response, got cut off internet unexpectedly...nearly gave me a heart attack lol

Haven't seen it yet, but I'm Irish, I know we have zero probs with carbs even wheat when eaten in small amounts without all the modified crap, our cultural diet was notoriously bland but worked to perfection, the processing of foods and americanization of our diet is now causing same probs in america for the first time but I'm your generation /almost, lol / so I know previous generations here, and what they thrived on...bread maybe just two slices two or three times a day, spuds at the main meal, by modern standards it was almost intermittent fasting because when you eat well you don't have to binge and your sugar is fine

when I got seriously ill via medical error I actually did Gerson Therapy which is a juice therapy plus a ton of food 3 times a day, and when I needed to restore gallbladder function after one of those idiotic liver flushes I had to do Dr. John Christopher's apple juice cleanse monthly - 3 days of apple juice solid with water every half hour - the trick was digest the juice in the mouth with enzymes in saliva - the old timers knew more stuff

intermittent fasting isn't good for everyone...and again saying 'the keto diet makes it easy' always needs a qualifier on there, it's that sort of casual language about keto we've got to reverse

but look at Joel Kahn on fat - your age group is not who he'd recommend for this, in fact he says the young ones are building up probs later

he does wheatgrass - I've done wheatgrass juice therapy, phenomenal...

Hey Jimmy, we can't say 'keto would work for these people' precisely because of what Sandra has shown you - questions always need to be asked - do they have thyroid issues undiagnosed /which is the norm out there, do they have low bp, are they women, are they at risk for heart issues - and then look at Joel Kahn on that, he says everyone is at risk of clogged arteries, espc the older we are...

Also very important here 1. your audience is diabetic patients, keto is pushed on everyone at the moment
2. informed choice, there are other ways to achieve reversing diabetes, eg Joel Fuhrman and others, btw I'm sorry he is vegan, but throw some meat into what else he eats :D

ps the Inuit can't really be used as an example because a. it's a cultural thing - are you living where they are?
b. Do you have their genetic makeup, because it's being said they have something to deal with that diet that we don't

cultures everywhere have things that suit them, and climates also need to be considered, I heard of a vegan who went to Russia and nearly had to return to the States until his dad advised him to 'eat like the natives' ie had to eat meat, then he could tolerate the cold

I make all my clients check with their physician before starting ANY workout or dietary changes. Individual differences is the number one consideration with everyone. 100 people on the same diet will give you 100 different results.

I was thinking back when I was playing little league baseball. When we WON(not lose) the coach would tell us to go get a drink at the "coke stand". A cola was a "treat" to us. The "thing" to order was a suicide(a little Coke, a little Fanta orange, a little root beer, etc.) How appropriately named. Now you see 5 yr. olds with a supersized mountain dew running around like they are on cocaine.
Looking at kids getting off the school bus and over half of them are already pre-diabetic and 25+ pounds overweight. Their parents should be ashamed. So sad.

I am a Certified Fitness Nutritionist in addition to my Personal Trainer status. I am taking my final exam now to get my Specialist in Exercise Therapy degree. That is mostly about treating all these baby boomers who have chronic diseases (4 of 5 have at least one) thru the International Sports Science Association. I have read many of their books, really like Gary's views, and Dr. Ron Rosedale too. My doc told me years ago my thyroid numbers were down. I told him so what. He looked at me kinda funny. I said that just means that my body is functioning well, so my numbers are always going to be "down". I told him everyone in my family has always had lower thyroid numbers and that it is a desirable state denoting health and longevity. Average age of death between all my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles(all 14 of them was 92) I told him to check how many centenarians had low thyroid. Low carb doesn't cause hypothyroidism, low calorie can. He then told me if all his patients educated themselves like I did, he would have a lot fewer patients.
My dad smoked, drank(never saw him drunk, though), and what I call country boy diet. Fried eggs, sausage, gravy from the sausage grease, and lots of fried foods for supper. He never ate lunch, so basically he had 2-twelve hour fasts every day. Intermittent Fasting is very good for everyone. But he walked everywhere and walked 18 holes of golf 3 times a week. When he passed at 90, his cholesterol was almost 350.
I am going to do Keto starting tomorrow and see how fast I can drop my body fat 3%. Knowing my body I say I can do it by Christmas.
No sugar, >40 carbs/day and 135 g. of protein. Rest of calories in saturated and monosaturated fats. Big breakfast and chef salads(homemade dressing) will be my 2 main bullets in my gun. May have to adjust protein down if takes me longer to get into ketosis than what I am expecting.
Always great talking health with you and have a great weekend.

I believe I read where in Papua New Guinea average cholesterol was well over 250 but they have the least heart disease of any group on earth. No carbage in the jungle!

Looking for 4 books to read in December for my monthly goals. Will grab one of Steve's books at the library.

Gary Taubes is correct. I finished Jimmy Moore and Eric Westman, MD's 2 books, Keto Clarity and Cholesterol Clarity. Both very good. Lots of content from professionals. Jimmy has LivinLaVidaLowCarb(or something like that) on YouTube. 100's of vids with experts on the channel.

No, Inuit are genetically suited for that blubber, they aren't an example to the rest of us, they are the exception

Hi Jimmy, my internet was gone for a month, a lot of catching up to do - but briefly - Fuhrman is not the same as Mark Hyman and Perlmutter, the latter two would be very close and considered trash imo, also if you saw Chris Wark recently he had Hyman's book on top of the trash heap!

I'm no vegan vegetarian, but the old timers like Joel are using the body's natural metabolism to reverse diabetes - the School of Natural Healing used to like him, they are a little similar but they do have some meat, and are not vegan and they are Master Herbalists who will use Cedar Berry to restore pancreatic function to produce insulin on its own again

oh Jimmy I'm not promoting Wark or Fuhrman, just saying that Fuhrman is getting the results without keto, the opposite way

Wark isn't all that great, he's a vegan - and some people have gone 20 years on vegetarianism and veganism before finding out they were in trouble...it has to be individual

Yes, Hyman knows how to say some of the right things, the best lie is the one closest to the truth - but I know how middle ground he is, plagiarizing good bits to make his own weak protocols over the years, then making millions off the back of that only to admit a few years later 'well that detox was good in its day' no, it never was good, the person he copied it from had a better one lol

You'll notice the keto emails are pushing it on all of us this week, not once asking any precautionary questions, just pushing me to jump in...quite shocking considering all the deaths and damage even testified to in here at WA - but also in that they want an entire world population on it! Nothing to do with treating illness. The vegans have a global campaign going at the moment, I'm not supporting that either!

The best books to read are 1. A Herbal Home Legacy by Dr John R Christopher, 2. Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson, 3. Wheatgrass by Ann Wigmore 1987 - someone has a false bio of her circulating at the mo, she cured gangarene not cancer

so between those 3 books it shows people getting results in very different ways - there's no one path, all of them cured diabetes, sometimes it's the stuff people don't eat! But all 3 of them used food and normal metabolism, not fat based metabolism or a fasting lifestyle though by the time people give up the junk it may feel like it!

You get it Jimmy, always good to hear your well informed posts. You and I are basically eating like our parents and grandparents ate in the early-middle of the last century. County boy cooking is what I called it. They ate huge breakfasts with lots of natural fats to give them energy throughout the day. Many worked in the field all day, then lots of fresh veggies, full fat meat dishes, and fruit in the evening. Basically 2 eleven hour fasts every day.

We will outlive them all. Vegan? What a joke.
If a food product has more than 3 ingredients I don't buy it. I saw a Cheerios box today with the heart healthy label on it. And I love the fat-free marshmellows. No sugar in those I bet. lol


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