Health Niche News: Any members in here covering smart meters?


This is the news today in Ireland and for most people in the health niche alarm bells will be going off, so I'm wondering if anyone here at WA is researching this area and wants to collaborate?

Smart electricity meters to be introduced | RTÉ News

Smart electricity meters are to be introduced to every home and business in Ireland, after permission was given for the plan to proceed. The project will cost €1.2 billion, with electricity customers ultimately footing the bill over time.


A friend of mine in Canada who is very sensitive to emf is this week spending time in a remote area to test his sensitivity levels, he's been in contact with all the Canadian resources for helping people with EMF sensitivity and to his horror a clinic and two doctors helping people with EMF sensitivity are being hounded for closure by the government.

**Did that line just get read off some alternative world movie script?**

No, today he went to 'a shop' that sells EMF protective clothing and was told by the guy running it he has been forced to close up and go totally online, he has been hounded by false tax offense claims that were clearly fabricated to drive him out of business.

Is EMF Sensitivity Real?

I experienced it myself when I was very ill, could not use a cell phone, my head literally turned red and painful all around the area where the phone was. Now that my mitochondria and cells are stronger I can tolerate it without the pain and redness. So what is really going on there?!

I've heard of and met people who experience much worse symptoms and they can be measured with meters, the fields can be measured and when reduced and removed then the people don't have the symptoms. Of course symptoms may be the least of our problems, as some people have reported cancers and other serious diseases too.

From an Unbiased Electrical Engineer

**We all know these days scientific research and conclusions tend to be funded by industry and the companies selling the products.**

There are EMF experts such as the American electrical engineer Michael Neuert of emfcenter .com, he has run various tests and rents and sells meters, he also runs online courses.

The thing is, some people are very sensitive for a variety of reasons, and when he uses the meters he can tell what voltage is on a person while at their computer or lying on their bed.

**You can even be exposed to large voltages lying on your bed if the wiring is done 'wrong' in your house to create fields, but no one is even looking at that!**

The smart meter is just one source, the electrical wiring in your house can be another source of fields that interact with our own energy fields and cells and DNA.

Huge Sweeping Change without Precautions?

There are steps that should be taken, however, when a huge sweeping change like the introduction of smart meters to every home and business in an entire country is announced - shouldn't there be some precautions and considerations put in place?

If you've ever tried telling the customer service of your electricity provider that smart meters are dangerous - you will know how dismissive and angry they get. Like you've just announced the earth is flat. However, the people making the money out of the smart meters are not the ones to be making the decisions.

Freedom, Choice, Health?

Anyone in the health niche will know that these words don't really belong in the same sentence any more as huge companies make decisions over our lives all the time now [Roundup as dessicant on the wheat crop, GMO foods, 140 compulsory adult vaccines in the pipeline] because they are looking at their profits and thinking years ahead of actually rolling it out - years ahead of us before we see it arrive in an announcement 'suddenly' one day, and at that point - what can we do about it? What's the bets they've even been doing some softening up on us ahead of their launch!

Right now they've left people believing there is no issue with EMFs or smart meters or anything to do with cell towers, etc, and leave us fighting to prove there is, usually only after we've experienced some serious negative side effects. Any evidence is dismissed and buried, like with the tobacco science a few decades back.

It seems any last hope to make people aware and get our choice and freedom and health back lies solely in the hands of bloggers...though as we know, google could close in on that freedom any time too.

Any Ideas?

For those in the health niche or electrical world concerned with this issue, let me know what ideas or research or blogs you may have on this. I realize some people won't care, but if you do then I'd like to know. One scientific resource for you is Michael Neuert, there are others.

Legally I'd like to know who 'gave permission' for this move in Ireland or any other country, why we don't get to discuss all the science or have a view or vote on it, and how on earth they can do something that costs 1.2 billion euros and expect people to pay for it. On a bright note, they tried bringing water charges in in this country and they failed miserably there - because people took action.



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Yes, smart meters are one of the new technologies that are forced upon us without considering long-term effects. I had my smart meter removed...being penalized with a monthly fee...and immediately noticed health benefits. But as you article mentioned...that wasn't the only issue in my house. There was faulty wiring causing an abnormal EMF reading. We just have to bring awareness of the issues to people.


That's very interesting, Debbie. It looks like your case and all the others should be documented and for sure you should not be fined! I think people need to get together and do something about all this - first step awareness, but it can't be the last step.

Have you put your story on a blog somewhere?

I haven't but you given me a good idea.

It's very important to gather all cases like yours :)

Good Morning Mary,

It is bad for your health, period. All these unnatural radiation, waves etc are not good and upset our balance. Then come man-made foods, toxins, pesticides etc. etc. it is very difficult to stay healthy in these modern times especially when you live in a big city.

On my health website, I write about all this. Months ago I wrote one on Smart Meters and recently on Radiation etc.

I think you missed my WA post of some days ago, please have a look.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

I went over to check out your WA blogs, you seem to have a lot of varied posts on follows and refugees, and I don't see one on Radiation, at least it is hard to spot from the titles?

I'm glad you are covering it on your website.

As I said Mary I have these 2 posts on my health website.

Perhaps you like to check my last WA post on To Follow.

All the best Taetske

Mary, I can't speak to what is going on in Ireland....but oddly enough or not, I had a client in the US with a disability case regarding Electro-Magnetic Sensitivity Disorder back in 2008.

I won the case but in order to win it had to be presented as based on an anxiety disorder, because apparently these conditions have been determined to be representations of anxiety symptoms with chemicals or magnetic fields as the focus. Treatment is generally a form of desensitization to the dreaded object,(ie: chemicals, computers, etc). However, they are treated as psychiatric conditions. I am not saying this is right or wrong, I am only saying the way it is viewed in terms of "treatable" health least in the US. I haven't looked at it much since this time but the topic of the condition itself is very intriguing to me.

I am interested in taking a look at the resource you cite for sure!

My answer not any help here but only cited for purposes of my experience with this condition and how it is viewed by medical community.

Here is another flip side not so good side to the story...I did have another client with this disorder who refused to have a Psych evaluation...we lost her case and the judge was an ass in the hearing because the client showed up holding a wet cloth over her face...literally for the hearing....sadly, if she would have agreed to a pscyhiatric evaluation based on the way the regulations read...she may very well have won....(somatoform disorder)..but the client was adamant she was having none of it....I don't blame her other than I think she could have won had she agreed to "compromise" and give in to the Psychiatric evaluation..ONLY because of the way these conditions are viewed at least in the US.

I am interested in any updated research that can be validated in regard to this health condition.

Wow Cindy, that is pretty shocking and yet no surprise...some really awful diseases life ME, Gulf War Syndrome etc have been branded as 'in the mind' when really they are in the mitochondria.

My EMF-sensitive Canadian friend is right now being told he has an anxiety problem though actually an engineer used some sort of emf machine on him that made him feel like he was being microwaved or going to explode...he's been over sensitive to EMFs since that time - the engineer had access to some emf generating equipment and wanted him out of the upstairs apartment - all very physical and the police said it could not be proved at the time - good to be aware that there are actually meters to prove it now -

- and of course anyone would have anxiety after that, but really his cells and mitochondria are weak, he became disabled and had to leave his job shortly after that.

Glad you won! :)

I will dig out my lectures on EMFs and make the resources available - though Michael Neuert has meters that can show when there is a field, and it can be now shown whether a person is in a strong field or not, so it could actually be shown they are responding to the field on the cellular level.

Aren't the docs very blind and narrowminded to think that just because it affects one person more visibly than another that it has to be in the person's mind! They don't consider the individual's mitochondria or genetics, or the long term effects that may catch up on the other person not aware of any symptoms. All the increase in cancers sort of should get them thinking too...

I totally understand your client, am sorry for her outcome, but I get it.

I'm interested in justice for people like her and any changes that can be made to the system and its bad definitions.

There is a doctor in Texas (Dallas I want to say..I can look him up in the file)...He is apparently somewhat 'renowned" for his clinic and treatment/research with these conditions. He had gotten in trouble with the medical board over his less than traditionally accepted conclusions and treatments regarding this condition...he was deemed not an acceptable medical source by the judge in the second client's claim I had that got denied with this diagnosis.

Can you say Formaldehyde or agent orange? ......Took years to prove effects of and still ongoing studies for long term affects. Also, Fibromyalgia patients were once viewed as someone who suffers from severe hypochondria.

All interesting!

sort of makes ya hope that judge gets to experience the symptoms and then the systematic denial of the condition and lack of help and response himself...I wonder if that would help open their eyes...!

;-) Just might!

Hi Mary. Love the post. I am NOT a conspiracy theory nut, but that doesn't mean that there aren't things going on to control people.

Without getting into the technical aspects of EMF, the first question, "Does it actually exist?" Well . . . anyone who has ever experienced a power outage can tell you that there is a different feeling of calm when the power is out. I feel it strongly in the house and when I am walking down a street under the wires. The reason people don't feel it is because they have become numb to it the same way we get used to a certain smell.

EMF is just a natural part of cheap electricity. The govt. could use better shielding on the wires, but that would be more costly.

Why the govt. would want to shut down doctors or stores that are trying to help people with EMF sensitivity is anyone's guess. I've heard that the govt. is using EMF for mind control, but there you DO get into conspiracy theory! I akin EMF to "chem trails". I know the government is spraying something in the air, but I have no idea what or why.

Here's a quote that you may find funny:

"The definition of a paranoid schizophrenic is a person who has just found out what is really going on."

I remember having read this about 35 years ago and just can't remember exactly who said it, but I believe it was
Carlos Castaneda.

Thank you for the thought provoking post! I like the interesting ones!!

LOL! Love the comment and love the quote, William!

That's a great example with the power outage, I can even sense an amazing calm when I switch my laptops off... and so true how we can become desensitized to something with continuous exposure - they say even when we are allergic to foods our immune system numbs down and we need a break from eating them and reintroduction before we can even notice the reactions.

Also an excellent point on how the government could be protecting us more with proper shielding, clearly a money issue - I think one of the reasons people who try to help those sensitive to EMFs are being closed down is because it admits there is a problem

...that doesn't say much either for their attitude towards the entire 'herd' / population, but it's beginning to come out in other areas of health now too that they really don't mind losing a percentage of people at all...!

You may very well be correct about the idea of the govt. not wanting to admit to a problem. That would make them culpable for things like Leukemia which has been linked to the EMF's coming from power lines and boxes near where children play.

Another good point you have just made is that the govt. accepts a certain amount of "loss of the herd", and that it is mostly for economic reasons. Years ago, I did a great deal of research on water quality when I was developing a whole house water filter. In my research, I had to wonder why the "safe" levels of dangerous contaminants such as lead and cadmium are much higher in some areas of the country than in others. It turns out that it is "cost prohibitive" to remove them in those areas where they are highest. You may also be interested to know that many of our cancers are caused by chlorine in the water. Most specifically from bathing and showering where the chlorine is absorbed into our lungs and skin. Drinking the water is the other obvious form of ingestion. So, why do we still use it? We lose fewer people to the cancers caused by chlorine than we did by cholera (the disinfecting of cholera is the reason that we use chlorine). of course, we could clean the water mechanically and not use chlorine at all, but that would cost far more. So . . . chlorine and cancer it is. BTW - Buy yourself a KDF filter for your shower heads to remove the chlorine, and drink only filtered water if your municipality chlorinates the water. You will notice a huge difference in how you feel.

Got to run.


What you say is so true William, and you've brought up a lot of excellent points:

-Thanks for the reminder on Leukemia and emfs.

-What you say about 'safe levels' of dangerous contaminants in water being higher in certain towns was years ago in America but is true today in Ireland [therefore globally], I'm also in one of the counties where cryptosporidium was let run in the water supply for some years. I'm hearing every day in America lead and cadmium are serious health issues that functional medicine doctors have to deal with to get people well again [largely being ignored otherwise]

-And what you say about both water and shielding on electric wires all coming down to penny pinching on the part of the govt is so true too, we could add more things to that list.

- Thanks for the reminder on chlorine and bathing - I used to filter my bating water but got out of the habit, I'm glad you mentioned it and the tip on KDF [will look that up]! I use a water distiller for drinking water, shocking what's left in the bottom of that. I've heard of RO whole house filters, how did your filter work out in the end?

I'm also hearing they are using chlorine to was foods now, including organic poultry...

-chlorine vs cholera vs compromise = great point!!

I love your clarity of thought and the research you've done. This is the sort of data it would be great to quote and make people aware of.

Are you running a health niche site - clearly it is somewhere anyone in the health niche would be interested in sending people to read.

Oddly enough, my niche is in education. There is so much information that i research in many fields just for curiosities sake that I would have to have hundreds of sites. LOL As for the water filter, whole house RO is not a good idea because it wastes too much water, makes the water too pure for the pipes which will make them leach metals into your water and destroy the pipes. My system uses a multi-stage mechanical fiber filter in conjunction with a KDF filter and a holding tank in which I use ozone to destroy anything biological that may have gotten through the 1 micron filter. Alas, it is just one more project that now sits in a box while I develop an income to finance the venture.

Keep up your research and getting the word out. People need to know!!

I've actually heard RO wasn't all that great, sort of a best at the moment thing, clearly the world awaits your filter...and success :)

Have had this for a year Mary. no adverse effects yet!

People in good health, with a good environment, can tolerate a lot of stressors and may never even blink an eye, people who are compromised already though - unfortunately that group tend to suffer.

Remember George Burns with the gigars who lived to be 100, that doesn't mean everyone will do well with 10-15 cigars a day lol

Not me, but I would like to install one some day.

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