Too much going on.


I have one of those days, when I want to do so much at the same time and have at least 15 sites open on my computer but cannot accomplish anything LOL.

I keep reading all these great posts and blogs which refer to other sites or trainings which I end up scrolling through and read. Than I find myself 3 hours later doing completely something different than I intended to. I have to admit I can easily get distracted as all of the content written here is just to interesting to read. To bad that I don't have 12 hours a day to absorb it all!

Thank you everybody for sharing with rest of us such a valuable information :)


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Hi Monika Its easy to get bogged down with things which may not be immediately relevant remember the quickest way from A to B is the straight line. Also the 80/20 rule is that 20 % of our efforts produce 80% of our profits.

You are absolutely right!

Information overload. Try to stay focused on the priorities.

I have the exact same experience quite often. Like right now for instance; a million tabs open, jumping from here to there and back again.

That's when I need to open my Evernote (or simply have a notebook or a sheet of paper), and make a note of everything interesting I would like to have a closer look at. Also bookmarking the pages to easily access them later when looking at my notes.

Then: close down every single tab I am not working on right now after having prioritzed my tasks.

When writing this I am treating this as a note to self. No fun being on a merry-go-round to nowhere.

We can do this! :-)

Yes we can :)

Hi Monika I'm with you I have days like that too. I try to focus on one thing at a time but that usually doesn't work lol. just keep plugging forward and I think we'll get there. So much information out there it tends to get overwhelming.

Tanks Ann :)

Make it a slow and steady pace. and have a great week

It's so easy to get distracted and overwhelmed because there's just so much...everything! i just try to be slow and steady:)

I find thst if I take a step back and decide what needs to be done first, even if it's just one or two.things... If I send myself an email the night before telling me to do that, I'm much more likely to get things done.

You'll NEVER wake up with nothing to do, so you may as well delegate tasks to yourself.

Good practice :) I might try that!

Days like you have described happen. I try to enjoy the diversions but not make them a habit.

I have days like that too sometimes. Perhaps focus is the hardest thing to maintain. Thanks for sharing.

There is a wealth of information out there which can make focus difficult to maintain :)

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