Why is Helping Others Important?
Good morning all.
Today, I am sitting on my bed (from home) typing this latest blog post. Why? Because I have errands to do this morning, and going to the atrium at Lincoln Center would be too inconvenient. Nevertheless, I'm on track.
Today I want to talk about the importance of helping each other here in WA.
When I first came to WA, and many years into it, I thought, "I don't have time to help anyone". I also thought "I don't know enough to help anyone". So I didn't.
And I reaped the rewards of my selfishness:
- Few followers
- Perpetual confusion
- Feelings of Uselessness in the community
Why is helping others in WA important?
It seems counterintuitive to help others in WA because it will seem like you then won't have time to do your own work.
On the contrary. What happens is, when I help others, I reap the following benefits:
- It boosts my self confidence
- It boosts my self-esteem
- I get more followers
- More followers means more comments on my websites
- It skyrockets my ranking in WA
- It reinforces the training lessons and principles I've learned in WA
- I become someone who people go to for help (kind of like a guru)
- Others readily help me when I need help
- It reinforces that I have something valuable to give others
- Newcomers trust me to give them advice
In the end, helping others in WA, helps me personally, and it helps my online business. So, how can you help others?
Here's what I do daily:
- Post on my WA blog something that will help others
- Welcome at least 10-20 new members
- Follow at least 10-20 new people and premium members
- Answer at least 3-5 questions (minimum 3 questions)
- In the Give and Take section, comment on at least 5 blog posts
You might be thinking, "Gosh. That takes too much time." I say, it doesn't. What I do is, dedicate 1 hour out of my work day to all of the above.
So, if I've dedicated 8 hours a day to work on my affiliate marketing here in WA, I dedicate at least 1 hour, and sometimes 1.5 hours just for helping other members.
Let's say you can only dedicate 4 hours a day to your WA training. Out of those 4 hours, set aside 30 minutes to helping others using the bullet point list I mentioned. Use a timer!
You don't have to do ALL of those things in my bullet point list. Just do what you can in those 30 minutes. You'll see what a big difference it'll make in how you feel personally, how it affects your connectedness to the community, and how it will affect your online business.
I hope this post was helpful. If it was, please leave your comments or questions below. I love hearing from you all.
Recent Comments
I am trying my best to carve a little time each day for my fellow WA members, I learn, I encourage and I am encouraged. A win-win, thanks for sharing.
An important part of WA is the community. If we all stop helping it will melt into oblivion.
Shalisha, your words are magic!
I feel this way exactly but to see it in writing and with such authenticity, I feel blessed.
I know I am in the right place, with the right people.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share :)
Di :)
Great post. Helping others not only benefits them but also yourself in the long run. The community we have here is great, so let's all take a min out of our day to help when we can.
Hi Shalisha, if you have read any of my posts or blogs, you will have noticed that my major concern was spending too much time going through my WA posts, have really tried to reduce this as I do have too concentrate on my training. Today I decided that thirty minutes in a morning with a little visit when I have time would be my new target, so too read yours was a tonic, as I believe that we should help each other when we can.
Best wishes
I understand completely. That's why I set aside only an hour, hour and a half the most to it.
It does get so time consuming doesn't it, the trouble is I love reading and answering the posts.
Great post, Shalisha, and you are so right - if you help others, you get so much out of this yourself. You only need to dedicate a little bit of time each day and that makes a big difference!
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Helping each other for at least 2 hours a day, is the only way we'll succeed. Thanks for posting.
Hi there. Thank you for commenting. Do you take 2 hours out daily? How many hours a day do you put in to WA?