About MJL71
Rank 12596
483 followers Joined November 2017
I'm a (so far) unpublished writer of pulp fiction. I believe I could market my writing on the web. However, my first interest





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi. SOS! This is a little nuts. I thought I had canceled my subscription to WA, so I went on a rampage to find out why I was still being charged. Now, I know there were pro

you can appeal to kyle or go through the contact page for billing queries
once you have it sorted then cancel - it is easier to sort it out when you are a member still.
i hope you get it sorted.

I have tried, but then I was asking for a refund. if the account's active now, and I just returned to the accounts page and did that cancelation again. What I noticed was that the page where you cancel had gone, which would be normal, but when I first canceled, I noticed that the page was still there.

Argh! I'm of two minds. I don't want to quit at all, but if they've charged me now for another year... I don't know. I'm not sure. I hate being undecided. However, it's not your fault, folks, appreciate the help. I'll try connecting with someone again.

Maybe one more year and I can make it?

Who knows?

maybe this is telling you something - you really don't want to quit.
so why not set yourself a goal of at least making this years money and next years by the end of the year.
even if you have to try other methods, but stil lwork on your site.
I know that you cannot control how your visitors react to your site or if they want to purchase through your site, but it may push you a bit more.
if you know that some of your posts are getting visitors then produce more of them in that area and find different products to promote- sorry problems to solve !
but if the page has gone you may have cancelled this time, but you still have till the current period is up.
the reason for the lack of refunds is that they pay the affiliates so if you got paid for a yearly fee and then several months later someone got a refund, you would have to take the negative hit of the money ! not a nice feeling as you maybe relying on that money or have already spent it.
but as you say it may be fate that you are still here, like the gold diger who just gave up two inches away from the gold.
whatever you decide i hope you manage to be happy.

Right. I know. Thanks for your great insight. I'm aware, yes, just wasn't able to admit that. Confusion is a curious thing, it can completely ruin your day!

Yes, some serious cogitation is required here. I will do that! You're probably right.

This link has been suggested in the past when members have had cancellation challenges. Sorry you need to leave.
All the best to you!


I have tried, but then I was asking for a refund. if the account's active now, and I just returned to the accounts page and did that cancelation again. What I noticed was that the page where you cancel had gone, which would be normal, but when I first canceled, I noticed that the page was still there.

Argh! I'm of two minds. I don't want to quit at all, but if they've charged me now for another year... I don't know. I'm not sure. I hate being undecided. However, it's not your fault, folks, appreciate the help. I'll try connecting with someone again.

Maybe one more year and I can make it?

Who knows?

Mike, all I can say is don't give up. You're a writer wanting to market your writing online. This is a great place to learn and implement the best methods to do that. Even if you want to make money in another niche first before moving forward to market your writing, you still will have gained a great deal of experience. Just some thoughts. You have the final decision. Consistency is the key. I hope you stay, finish the training, soak up all the training offered by Jay and others, and work on the goals that brought you here. :)

Yes, you are right, too. I think I'm gonna take a shot at it. Thanks for the encouragement!

Yay! If I can ever be of help, send me a PM. The best is yet to come. Much success to you! :)

Can you try emailing Kyle? He helped me with a problem like this. It may take a few days, but he will come through.

I have tried, but then I was asking for a refund. if the account's active now, and I just returned to the accounts page and did that cancelation again. What I noticed was that the page where you cancel had gone, which would be normal, but when I first canceled, I noticed that the page was still there.

Argh! I'm of two minds. I don't want to quit at all, but if they've charged me now for another year... I don't know. I'm not sure. I hate being undecided. However, it's not your fault, folks, appreciate the help. I'll try connecting with someone again.

Maybe one more year and I can make it?

Who knows?

I'm sticking it out for now. I've put in a lot work. I hope you can come to a decision.

Thanks! Decisions are at the pinwheels upon which our life's work rests.

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I think I may have made a mistake?

I think I may have made a mistake?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi. SOS! This is a little nuts. I thought I had canceled my subscription to WA, so I went on a rampage to find out why I was still being charged. Now, I know there were pro

you can appeal to kyle or go through the contact page for billing queries
once you have it sorted then cancel - it is easier to sort it out when you are a member still.
i hope you get it sorted.

I have tried, but then I was asking for a refund. if the account's active now, and I just returned to the accounts page and did that cancelation again. What I noticed was that the page where you cancel had gone, which would be normal, but when I first canceled, I noticed that the page was still there.

Argh! I'm of two minds. I don't want to quit at all, but if they've charged me now for another year... I don't know. I'm not sure. I hate being undecided. However, it's not your fault, folks, appreciate the help. I'll try connecting with someone again.

Maybe one more year and I can make it?

Who knows?

maybe this is telling you something - you really don't want to quit.
so why not set yourself a goal of at least making this years money and next years by the end of the year.
even if you have to try other methods, but stil lwork on your site.
I know that you cannot control how your visitors react to your site or if they want to purchase through your site, but it may push you a bit more.
if you know that some of your posts are getting visitors then produce more of them in that area and find different products to promote- sorry problems to solve !
but if the page has gone you may have cancelled this time, but you still have till the current period is up.
the reason for the lack of refunds is that they pay the affiliates so if you got paid for a yearly fee and then several months later someone got a refund, you would have to take the negative hit of the money ! not a nice feeling as you maybe relying on that money or have already spent it.
but as you say it may be fate that you are still here, like the gold diger who just gave up two inches away from the gold.
whatever you decide i hope you manage to be happy.

Right. I know. Thanks for your great insight. I'm aware, yes, just wasn't able to admit that. Confusion is a curious thing, it can completely ruin your day!

Yes, some serious cogitation is required here. I will do that! You're probably right.

This link has been suggested in the past when members have had cancellation challenges. Sorry you need to leave.
All the best to you!


I have tried, but then I was asking for a refund. if the account's active now, and I just returned to the accounts page and did that cancelation again. What I noticed was that the page where you cancel had gone, which would be normal, but when I first canceled, I noticed that the page was still there.

Argh! I'm of two minds. I don't want to quit at all, but if they've charged me now for another year... I don't know. I'm not sure. I hate being undecided. However, it's not your fault, folks, appreciate the help. I'll try connecting with someone again.

Maybe one more year and I can make it?

Who knows?

Mike, all I can say is don't give up. You're a writer wanting to market your writing online. This is a great place to learn and implement the best methods to do that. Even if you want to make money in another niche first before moving forward to market your writing, you still will have gained a great deal of experience. Just some thoughts. You have the final decision. Consistency is the key. I hope you stay, finish the training, soak up all the training offered by Jay and others, and work on the goals that brought you here. :)

Yes, you are right, too. I think I'm gonna take a shot at it. Thanks for the encouragement!

Yay! If I can ever be of help, send me a PM. The best is yet to come. Much success to you! :)

Can you try emailing Kyle? He helped me with a problem like this. It may take a few days, but he will come through.

I have tried, but then I was asking for a refund. if the account's active now, and I just returned to the accounts page and did that cancelation again. What I noticed was that the page where you cancel had gone, which would be normal, but when I first canceled, I noticed that the page was still there.

Argh! I'm of two minds. I don't want to quit at all, but if they've charged me now for another year... I don't know. I'm not sure. I hate being undecided. However, it's not your fault, folks, appreciate the help. I'll try connecting with someone again.

Maybe one more year and I can make it?

Who knows?

I'm sticking it out for now. I've put in a lot work. I hope you can come to a decision.

Thanks! Decisions are at the pinwheels upon which our life's work rests.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi. I left WA on June 22 and I see that a payment has gone through for the whole year. I DID NOT WANT THAT, PLEASE!! I made out the form required to opt out, which I did wel

Don't worry, Mike. Contact Carson through private messages or use the contact form at https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/contact And remember, 4th July may slow things down a tad.

Okay, thanks Marion. I have sent a message to Kyle, but they wouldn't let me send a message to Carson, since they work together. By "they," I mean the message I got when I tried to contact Carson afterwards. And I did send a message to the contact link you have there. I hope it all works out. I wish I'd taken a screen shot, or something; never occurred to me!

Contact Carson right here. I believe he takes care of all billing aspects.

Hope that helps.

If not try here. They will sort this for you. So sorry to see you go. Hope you are ok. get back to us if you need more help.


Debs :)

I canceled my Premium membership PRIOR TO JUNE 22. Is that date before or after the change was made?

You need to contact Kyle or Carson directly. Other WA members are unable to assist you with this issue.


I intend to come back. Thanks for your support. I can only hope this was an accident on their part, I'd hate to think of them as being in any way dishonest.

Thanks for your help.

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It's about my refund because I quit wa on june 22?

It's about my refund because I quit wa on june 22?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi. I left WA on June 22 and I see that a payment has gone through for the whole year. I DID NOT WANT THAT, PLEASE!! I made out the form required to opt out, which I did wel

Don't worry, Mike. Contact Carson through private messages or use the contact form at https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/contact And remember, 4th July may slow things down a tad.

Okay, thanks Marion. I have sent a message to Kyle, but they wouldn't let me send a message to Carson, since they work together. By "they," I mean the message I got when I tried to contact Carson afterwards. And I did send a message to the contact link you have there. I hope it all works out. I wish I'd taken a screen shot, or something; never occurred to me!

Contact Carson right here. I believe he takes care of all billing aspects.

Hope that helps.

If not try here. They will sort this for you. So sorry to see you go. Hope you are ok. get back to us if you need more help.


Debs :)

I canceled my Premium membership PRIOR TO JUNE 22. Is that date before or after the change was made?

You need to contact Kyle or Carson directly. Other WA members are unable to assist you with this issue.


I intend to come back. Thanks for your support. I can only hope this was an accident on their part, I'd hate to think of them as being in any way dishonest.

Thanks for your help.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi. I'm leaving WA as a member in a few days. Can WA host my domain, even though I'm not a member anymore?


Sad to see you go, but you must do what you think is right for you. Wishing you good luck in your endeavours. Try to get your site hosted elsewhere before it is taken down from WA servers.


No. Please treat this as urgent, Mike. You have to make a backup of your website before your membership expires as only premium members can install the necessary plugins.


But why leave? and yes I think WA can keep hosting your site as long as you keep paying hosting charges.

The problem is that WA is a managed site, which means you're paying for that service and I just can't afford it. The monthly rate for WA hosting is something like $49 per month, whereas a host like blue host is only $7 per month.

I think I'm correct in this. Unless somebody else knows better?

But hosting charges are around $14/year which I too paid, though I really dont know how much a nonmember pays if he/she is only interested in hosting.

Thanks. Actually, it's $49 a month (as far as I know). Because it's a managed host.

No, unfortunately you will have to move your domain to another host within 30 days.

Thanks, that's right. Actually thanks for reminding me. So I have 30 days from the date of my canceling WA membership,

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Can wealthy affiliate host my site?

Can wealthy affiliate host my site?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi. I'm leaving WA as a member in a few days. Can WA host my domain, even though I'm not a member anymore?


Sad to see you go, but you must do what you think is right for you. Wishing you good luck in your endeavours. Try to get your site hosted elsewhere before it is taken down from WA servers.


No. Please treat this as urgent, Mike. You have to make a backup of your website before your membership expires as only premium members can install the necessary plugins.


But why leave? and yes I think WA can keep hosting your site as long as you keep paying hosting charges.

The problem is that WA is a managed site, which means you're paying for that service and I just can't afford it. The monthly rate for WA hosting is something like $49 per month, whereas a host like blue host is only $7 per month.

I think I'm correct in this. Unless somebody else knows better?

But hosting charges are around $14/year which I too paid, though I really dont know how much a nonmember pays if he/she is only interested in hosting.

Thanks. Actually, it's $49 a month (as far as I know). Because it's a managed host.

No, unfortunately you will have to move your domain to another host within 30 days.

Thanks, that's right. Actually thanks for reminding me. So I have 30 days from the date of my canceling WA membership,

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