June 30, 2024 Melsome Mel Finds His Ultimate Passion

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(Cover Photo: A young woman thinking)

Hi everyone,

I first want to say that we all made it back safely from Jeff Brown's FriSatSu Weekend Birthday Party. Storms could not deter us diehard party fans!

I even managed to bring back a slice of the Birthday Cake back with us:

More books and ebooks published to KDP Amazon. A never ending Saga. :-)

A Shoutout to my Personal AI Assistant Claude, who has helped me to discover my Passion that will certainly last the rest of my lifetime and hopefully be carried on after I am gone.

What is it?

I have always loved helping people. Often the one thing holding people back is themselves or more specifically their own THINKING.

Has anyone ever had any training, education on, How to Think Efficiently or Correctly?

There are over 8 billion people on this planet and they are all living 8 billion different realities.

Sure some can think in a similar way to one another, but they still think differently. They perceive the world thru their own individual filters.

Sometimes those filters need to be discarded and replaced.

Perhaps a more extreme example is there are people who still believe the world is flat. I assume most of you believe it is round or globe shaped.

We can be so quick to make judgments or assumptions without ever really diving into the facts or learning more about a given situation.

We can see how this affects relationships between couples, neighbors, countries, religions, tribes...etc. The list is endless.

So that is my Mission to create education on Thinking and eventually have it translated into every language.

Claude & I have started working on this and its already becoming a multi-volume work, because as simple as it seems on one hand, yet its very complex on the other.

No need to nominate me for the Nobel Peace Prize just yet. I have a lot more work ahead of me. Years, in fact.

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


It sounds like a great undertaking, Mel!👍

I primarily think like a musician and all the science stuff is layered on top of that, so it’s a bit of an unusual mix. Lol 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

Thanks Frank! :-)


Thinking correctly as an interesting term seeing that all our experiences of life are individual and subjective for the most part. I’m interested to see What you and Claude come up with.

Thanks Jim! Maybe I should have used the term optimized for our individual thinking. Yes, we are all very unique. Its a wonder the world has held itself together.


Keep going with it. It sounds like you are following your passion. I am glad to see that Claude is helping you with it. I like using Claude too.

Thanks Brenda! It just did 15,000 useable words for me in 10 minutes. I guess I can take the week off now. haha


Cool. Now, you are off to a great start! 😀👍

Thanks Brenda!


Keep up the great work, Mel.

Myra ❤

Thanks Myra!


Keep up your hard work. I have just spent the better part of the last 3 days in a Kindle training for writing, marketing, etc. I am so excited to really 10x it!


You can do it Karin. Just be patient, consistent, and never give up.


Great going, Mel! Keep going!


Thanks Jeff! Happy Mo Day!


You bet, Mel!


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