June 20th, 2024

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(Cover photo: Shelves of books)

Hi everyone,

I had a great conversation with my youngest daughter in the USA as my 3 daughters there plan to visit me for a few days in early October. We talked for about 3 hours.

Yesterday, Wen was able to capture the 3 Fischer Lovebirds that had escaped and were flying free in our house. I'm glad that drama is over. :-)

Wen is working on editing her first public domain book to publish on KDP Amazon.

I've published 1 public domain book and I published an AI generated course with extensive editing on my part and it was accepted by KDP Amazon.

I had mentioned previously that I was able to get back a domain name and I started working on that website using Hubs and the AI Author. Very interesting.

I'm working on another public domain book to be published that was published in 1928. Its by a well known author and is 1140 pages long. Lots of editing to do with that one, plus KDP Amazon only accepts up to 550 pages so my book will be 8.5" X 11", font size 12 and hopefully will be just under 550 pages. Time will tell.

So I am keeping very busy and hopefully productive.

My initial goal is to take the number of published books in print from 1217 titles when I started this week to 2500 titles in 1 to 2 years along with more ebooks and some courses that I could create. I would like to at least double my income from publishing.

I also want to offer Mindset Coaching and help others with becoming authors and hopefully Amazon Bestselling Authors. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to price those services.

So busy, busy, busy to say the least and I'll still take time for family.

Once there is a significant income boost, then I will outsource some of the book editing/creation to increase the titles I can get done.

Who would have thought I was once retired. hahaha

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


You are busy, Mel. I am exhausted just by reading about all tht you do in a day. It's great that you daughters will be visiting you in October. Our grandkids are far away so we look forward to our annual visit with them. Have a good Thursday.

That's great you get to see your grandkids at least annually Jim.


It is not enough for me but circumstances dictate the routine.

Sadly, that's the way things go sometimes Jim. It will be 10 long years since I have seen my daughters from USA in person.


Wow. I didn’t realize it had been that long. You must be thrilled to have their visit coming up. I’m really happy for you.

Yes. Thanks Jim! It's been a complicated situation. I'm excited to see them again.


Family time is very important time....exactly why I took today off. My wife is off for the federal holiday and so was I...lol We used to have Flying squirrels in the house....never actual birds....kind of sounds like fun. 😂
Have a Great Day!

Thanks Chuck!


Very well done, Mel! Keep up the excellent progress.


Thanks Jeff!


You bet, Mel!


Sounds great, Mel.

Myra ♥️

Thanks Myra!


Of course, you are a few hours in front of Blighty. Its 11pm on the 19th here.
that will be nice, visits from family. I haven't seen mine in years, but that is another story.
I'll bet those birds were hard to catch, I can imagine the ""chase"".
Take care Mel. Enjoy the 20th, we'll be right there soon enough.

Thanks Bux! Yes, its 6:04 am on the 20th here. Waiting for you to catch up with me. :-)


I’m running buddy, I’m running.



10 minutes before the 20th. I’m hoping to be in the land of ZZZ before then.
Catch you later buddy.

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