And I Thought I Was Long Winded!

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(Cover photo: Woman with hair blowing in the wind)

Hi everyone,

So Claude & I are working on my "Thinking" Project and I thought I could predict Claude's general behavior.

Claude got to Chapter 2 ok and then WHOOOOOOSH! It was non stop info for chapter 2.

There was good info so I kept watching and waiting for Claude to finish up on Chapter 2 since it is longer than some books I have reprinted.

After over a day of waiting, I finally had to redirect Claude to wrap up and start with Chapter 3 and narrow down the target audience again.

So we're in Chapter 3 and we're at just over 80,000 words and I have my 4 hour break until we are allowed to converse again.

In between my Claud chats, I work on preparing and submitting more books/ebooks to KDP Amazon. Wen has finished her 1st public domain book that will go to KDP Amazon and I'll be reviewing that shortly.

I also created a Word Doc for easier access and editing of all the "Action Books" that I have made note of to consider reprinting. Previously these were on over 250 emails to myself in the Action Books category and there can be multiple titles in each or even entire websites where there are public domain books to explore.

The last thing I am worried about is running out of work and now with AI we can create new content so fast its unbelievable.

Well, you know what time it is.... Its back to work for me. ;-)

Have a great week!

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Awesome Mel

Thanks Mark!


Sounds AWESOME, Mel! :D

I have worked on and still working on my First Niche Article, It is about the series I am writing, I got our lawnmower put back together, and am waiting on my uncle to tune the carb. so I can mow the yard. and cooked supper. :)

Happy Monday!

Best Wishes and Blessed Be


Thanks for sharing Jay!


welcome, Mel. You too. :)


Very awesome, indeed, Mel!


Thanks Jeff!


You bet. Mel!


Hi - isn't there a limit on publishing ebooks on KDP?

I submitted 3 today, and was blocked from sending any more.

Apparently there is a daily limit now. I'm sure they are getting flooded with ebooks now.


Yes, there is a limit I have low-content books, and it would not let me publish more than five per day, from what I can recall. It has been almost 7 months since I published a book on KDP.

Sounds like too much of a good thing, Mel. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

Could be, Frank. ;-)


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