A Free Way to Leave More of Your Legacy Behind

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(Cover photo: My Dad & Mom)

Hi everyone,

Many of you know my major financial focus is on publishing books/ebooks with KDP Amazon and Lightning Source, Inc.

I have been super slow at writing about my life's experiences and at the current pace, it may never get done, BUT...

I have come to realize it would be a great gift for my family if no one else and it doesn't cost anything.

If we build a website with this info, who is going to be paying for that year after year so it can continue into the future?

But we All can publish for free on KDP Amazon and ebooks especially would be a low cost way for someone to gain access to that knowledge.

An ebook can be as little as one page!

So just like I have shared things on Wealthy Affiliate, I could do the same in an ebook and/or book.

I will now work that into my publishing schedule.

Who knows, some day one of my ebooks/books might just take off and open up a new avenue of income.

So think about it.

What could you write for your future generations to read and have access to?

My parents are deceased. And I still have many questions for them. What if they had left a written record behind?

I hope this encourages you to consider leaving something like this behind as part of your legacy.

Peace & Love,

Mel Waller

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Thanks for sharing your encouragement to leave something behind for others things like words of experience or wisdom gained in living life. My father was recording a tape about himself and his experiences for his future grandchildren. But unfortunately, he did not get a chance to finish because my sister did not follow up with him and I was overseas. A loss for my now, adult children. I am filling out a journal my daughter gave me called "Mom's Story." It helps to create ties for future generations because it gives them a feeling of belonging. That belonging gives them roots so they can grow into the future. All the best to you and your e-book endeavors. :)

Thanks for sharing Delois! I should have mentioned journal/diary also. Yes, we are all connected to our ancestors and it would be nice to know more about them.


Wow Mel. You look a lot like your dad!

Totally agree with you on the written history for our futures. I am working on mine and hope that my family will one day read it and understand more about my strange ways!

Take care. Greet your family from your fellow WA member!


Thanks Karin!


What a great idea, Mel!

Do you have directions on how to do this? I was up late last night rewriting my about page on my older big equine. I was trying to make it smaller , but it kept getting longer. I had ai do a summary, but I still had to add to that, lol.



Just like I write short posts here on WA, I might just start out with shorter experiences for each ebook and could always combine them later for an ebook and/or book, Teri.


I love your idea, Mel!

Facebook is sort of another way of doing that. My family has a private FB group and most everyone participates.

We have thousands of family photos and videos from all over the world, including parties, vacations, childhood millstones, school graduations, weddings, and everything else you can think of.

One of my cousin’s sons runs the group and keeps everything very well organized. There’s even a family tree that got started from info at Ancestry dot com and gets updated regularly.

Frank 🤘🎸

That's awesome Frank! :-)


Thanks, Mel! 😎

That's a great idea, Mel.

Tim 🎼

Thanks Tim!


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