About MelaniLukito
Rank 2781
4,045 followers Joined January 2017
Hello, I am a married woman and a mother of 4 daughters. My passions are wide: writing, reading, traveling, photography, culinary, home





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have updated a published post URL then submit the new URL in Google Search Console again. Now both versions of the post appear in "you might also like" part below my posts. I

I hope this is resolved. I will add a few thoughts.

When updating a post's content, always keep the original URL.

If the URLs are the same for both the original post and the updated one, you wouldn't want Google to remove it from search.

Sometimes when a post title is changed, a theme or plugin might list the link twice in the "You May Also Like" section, even if it is the same URL. This can be fixed locally on your website and has nothing to do with Google.

If you ended up with 2 different URLs, one for the old and one for the updated post, place a 301 redirection pointing the old URL to the updated one; delete the old post, and resubmit the sitemap. Anyone clicking via search on the old post will arrive at the updated post and your indexing and ranking are not affected.


Hi, Jude. Mine are two different URLs. Here is the exact URL:
9-natural-ways-to-relieve-joint-pain changed to
Ok, I have learned the lesson: it is better to not adding the number in the URL.
Actually, I only added one point in the list or updated the post then I have changed the URL.
I will search about 301 redirection. Thank you for the info.

The url should not have changed when you updated the post. If it did then contact SiteSupport. When you view your website does it show both versions? We think likely it doesn't which means it is a plugin issue. If the "you might also like" is a feature of your social media plugin then that is likely the cause of your problem. Contact the developers or try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.

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How to delete a post url permanently?

How to delete a post url permanently?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have updated a published post URL then submit the new URL in Google Search Console again. Now both versions of the post appear in "you might also like" part below my posts. I

I hope this is resolved. I will add a few thoughts.

When updating a post's content, always keep the original URL.

If the URLs are the same for both the original post and the updated one, you wouldn't want Google to remove it from search.

Sometimes when a post title is changed, a theme or plugin might list the link twice in the "You May Also Like" section, even if it is the same URL. This can be fixed locally on your website and has nothing to do with Google.

If you ended up with 2 different URLs, one for the old and one for the updated post, place a 301 redirection pointing the old URL to the updated one; delete the old post, and resubmit the sitemap. Anyone clicking via search on the old post will arrive at the updated post and your indexing and ranking are not affected.


Hi, Jude. Mine are two different URLs. Here is the exact URL:
9-natural-ways-to-relieve-joint-pain changed to
Ok, I have learned the lesson: it is better to not adding the number in the URL.
Actually, I only added one point in the list or updated the post then I have changed the URL.
I will search about 301 redirection. Thank you for the info.

The url should not have changed when you updated the post. If it did then contact SiteSupport. When you view your website does it show both versions? We think likely it doesn't which means it is a plugin issue. If the "you might also like" is a feature of your social media plugin then that is likely the cause of your problem. Contact the developers or try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

It is about starting the email marketing. Can I send newsletter using plugin without connect it to SMTP server? When should I connect the newsletter plugin with an SMTP server?

Hey Melani,

Yes, there is a plugin where you can ask subscribers to sign up and they will receive notices as a newsletter for EACH and EVERY post that gets published after they have signed up... and it does NOT require connection to a SMTP server.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi, Trish. How about the Newsletter plugin? It can send a newsletter without SMTP and by connecting it with SMTP. Please correct me if I am wrong. When should I connect the plugin with the SMTP server?

When you go to the plugin's web page Melani, you can read up on all of the things that you can do with it.

I use it to notify my website visitors as to newly published posts in order to gain traffic.

This plugin is NOT connected to anything but my website.

The SMTP server is how your emails get sent. You must connect it before you can send any emails.

Thank you very much, Marion.

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Can I send newsletter to subscribers with plugin only?

Can I send newsletter to subscribers with plugin only?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

It is about starting the email marketing. Can I send newsletter using plugin without connect it to SMTP server? When should I connect the newsletter plugin with an SMTP server?

Hey Melani,

Yes, there is a plugin where you can ask subscribers to sign up and they will receive notices as a newsletter for EACH and EVERY post that gets published after they have signed up... and it does NOT require connection to a SMTP server.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi, Trish. How about the Newsletter plugin? It can send a newsletter without SMTP and by connecting it with SMTP. Please correct me if I am wrong. When should I connect the plugin with the SMTP server?

When you go to the plugin's web page Melani, you can read up on all of the things that you can do with it.

I use it to notify my website visitors as to newly published posts in order to gain traffic.

This plugin is NOT connected to anything but my website.

The SMTP server is how your emails get sent. You must connect it before you can send any emails.

Thank you very much, Marion.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I wonder why sometimes the image sharing button appears and sometimes not although I have touched the button harder. Is there any way to make the button always appears? I need

Are you using Chrome browser? Make sure you are using the latest version. Try viewing it in incognito or private mode.If you can see it incognito, it could mean you have a conflicting or faulty extension in your browser, such as an ad or image blocker.

Also check it in another browser. If you can see it in one browser but not in another, then you know it is a browser issue and you can try resetting your browser settings. ~Jude

Hey Melani,

What social media plugin are you using? It may be conflicting with another plugin.

Hi, Trish. I will pm you because I don't want to blame the plugin I use.

Are people having issues with social feather slowing down their sites? If so which plugin do you recommend that runs smooth and fast?

Thank You

Hey Laura,

My premium theme comes with social media icons, but Kyle recommends using: Any additional plugin will tend to slow down any website, which is why purchasing a premium theme (quality one that is) is so important. The more inclusions AND if the theme is fully optimized then it should load faster.

If you are wanting my opinion on great premium themes here is one: and Thrive Themes, of course... but they no longer sell individual themes anymore. Sadly, you must pay monthly to be a member of Thrive to be able to use their themes now.

Hope this helps you.

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How to make image sharing button always appear?

How to make image sharing button always appear?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I wonder why sometimes the image sharing button appears and sometimes not although I have touched the button harder. Is there any way to make the button always appears? I need

Are you using Chrome browser? Make sure you are using the latest version. Try viewing it in incognito or private mode.If you can see it incognito, it could mean you have a conflicting or faulty extension in your browser, such as an ad or image blocker.

Also check it in another browser. If you can see it in one browser but not in another, then you know it is a browser issue and you can try resetting your browser settings. ~Jude

Hey Melani,

What social media plugin are you using? It may be conflicting with another plugin.

Hi, Trish. I will pm you because I don't want to blame the plugin I use.

Are people having issues with social feather slowing down their sites? If so which plugin do you recommend that runs smooth and fast?

Thank You

Hey Laura,

My premium theme comes with social media icons, but Kyle recommends using: Any additional plugin will tend to slow down any website, which is why purchasing a premium theme (quality one that is) is so important. The more inclusions AND if the theme is fully optimized then it should load faster.

If you are wanting my opinion on great premium themes here is one: and Thrive Themes, of course... but they no longer sell individual themes anymore. Sadly, you must pay monthly to be a member of Thrive to be able to use their themes now.

Hope this helps you.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have published my latest post, then I aware that there was a mistake in the title of the pin picture. I have corrected it and try to view the picture several times but it is

go to dashboard open the post that you want to change the picture, then click on the picture and when you do that you will have the option to edit the picture, click on edit and a new window will open were at the bottom there's the choice to delete the picture after you have deleted the picture just insert a new one!

hope it's this that you were asking help with!

have a good day

Not sure what you mean by "pin" picture. Are you referring to your Featured Image?

Not featured image, but a picture to share on Pinterest account.

You can first clear the cache. Go to your WA dashboard. Click on website then on all websites then on details of that website then scroll down a bit and see clear cache. Click to clear. Let me know if this works please.

Yes, it worked. I have tried it combined with pressed Ctrl F5 button. Thank you, Laura.

Happy to help.


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How to change the pin picture on the published post?

How to change the pin picture on the published post?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have published my latest post, then I aware that there was a mistake in the title of the pin picture. I have corrected it and try to view the picture several times but it is

go to dashboard open the post that you want to change the picture, then click on the picture and when you do that you will have the option to edit the picture, click on edit and a new window will open were at the bottom there's the choice to delete the picture after you have deleted the picture just insert a new one!

hope it's this that you were asking help with!

have a good day

Not sure what you mean by "pin" picture. Are you referring to your Featured Image?

Not featured image, but a picture to share on Pinterest account.

You can first clear the cache. Go to your WA dashboard. Click on website then on all websites then on details of that website then scroll down a bit and see clear cache. Click to clear. Let me know if this works please.

Yes, it worked. I have tried it combined with pressed Ctrl F5 button. Thank you, Laura.

Happy to help.


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