My WA Journey...


Hello everyone, just wanted to update my progress here at WA after joining almost ten months.

When I joined WA, I knew absolutely nothing about internet marketing or creating and running an on-line business via a website. Now, 9-1/2 months later, I have my website well established and doing quite well in the search engines, namely Google, and also getting my business name recognized in many of the social media sites.

I earned my first sales commission last June which was $4.70. I know it wasn't much, but it was a start, and great encouragement to keep moving forward. It proved to me that WA does indeed work if you put the time and effort in it takes to be successful.

And to further prove that the exceptional training and great community member support that WA has to offer, will lead to success, and in addition, combined with a strong on going effort to continually grow my on-line business; all led to my best month thus far this past October, with 11 sales and a total commission of $168.03.

Please understand I'm not trying to brag or boast about my success via WA or my on-line business. But instead stating my journey thus far as words of encouragement, especially to those just starting out in WA, to never give up, just keep pushing forward.

I'm living proof along with countless other WA members, that you can achieve success with internet marketing. You just have to be willing to put in the time, effort and training, and dare I say dedication, to reach your desired goals of success with your very own business.

I still consider myself a newbie at all this, and have so much more to learn. And I would not have achieved this success so far without the Wealthy Affiliate program and its great community members. WA, it is the best!

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Recent Comments


That's great, I am sure you won't run out of things to learn...I know I won't. Keep up the great work. :))

Thank you Kim. And I'm sure I won't run out of things to learn. :)

So glad you posted this! Proves that if you follow what you're supposed to we can all succeed. So glad for you!

Thank yout Carla. WA's training does pay off :)

Thanks for the inspiration. May your success continue to grow.

Thank you James, much appreciated.

Good. There are small steps to success, but you have to step on the first to step to the top. I wish you more success.

Thanks Prince Smith, and good words of wisdom you quoted.

Good job! I like to see the progress updates of people. It gives me more fire to keep going. Thanks.

Thank you John.

Congratz! You are doing really well. Thanks for sharing with us!

Thank you Carla.

You at proof that online marketing through Wealthy Affiliate works. It just takes time.

I agree Glen, WA really does work.

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