An Early-Retirement Revelation

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There might be a few of you wondering what the heck happened to "The MaudMan". And I'm sure many more of you are asking, "Who the heck is MaudMan?" 🀣 Either way, I wanted to post a quick update on my current status since I was super active, and then seemingly vanished after a few months.

I came back to WA as a Premium Plus member in March this year after an 11 year gap where I did almost nothing related to affiliate marketing. Why did I come back? Well, as you can read in my bio, I retired at age 55 in May of this year, and I decided WA was the best way to get back into writing and affiliate marketing. I also looked forward to the community engagement, especially after retiring from Corporate America. I viewed the WA community as an excellent way to fill the void created by no longer interacting with co-workers on a daily basis.

As I hoped, WA definitely provided these things. I was learning, writing, and actively engaging every day. I even achieved Ambassador status with a ranking of 24 or 25 within a few short months. I reached this level simply by interacting with other community members, commenting on content, and by answering questions whenever I could. That was pretty cool and great fun, but it also gave me a slight feeling of "imposter syndrome" since I am far from an expert and not making any money from my niche website yet. I did make one affiliate sale early on, but it was barely enough commission to buy myself a cup of coffee. β˜•πŸ€£

While climbing the WA ranks, and eventually achieving Ambassador level, I also observed that certain long-time members don't like this so much. It seems Ambassador status is very competitive for some, and they might feel threatened by others, especially us "newbies" who haven't been around very long. 😊 That experience was a bit of a turn-off and motivation-killer for me, but I kept going in spite of it.

The days continued to come and go, and I noticed my motivation and desire to write and interact slowly diminishing. The more training I consumed on the WA platform, and the more members I chatted with and read their stories, the more I questioned if this is really what I want to do in my retirement. I no longer need to work or earn money to be happy or feel like I've achieved success in life. I can literally do whatever I want now. Fortunately, I'm very blessed in that regard.

With each new WA training video I watched, or blog post I read, I started to realize something and had to be honest with myself about it. While I do love sharing knowledge and solving problems, I have no desire to be involved with all the different social media and other platforms, constantly producing new content with the hopes of building a following, and eventually an income.

I do enjoy the process of creative writing, and I love sharing my thoughts, experiences, and knowledge with others. But I was feeling like I'd just created another full-time J.O.B. for myself that kept me sitting in front of a computer for hours on end. I never gave myself time for the reality of early retirement to sink in, or to enjoy any of my newfound freedom to explore other interests and passions.

This part might elicit a chuckle from some WA'ers, but I also found myself feeling a lot of daily pressure to use up my word credits before they would expire each month. Is that "FOMO"? LOL! I would frantically pump out a bunch of draft articles to eat up credits. And there they would sit, staring back at me from the long list of potential articles I could publish. πŸ‘€πŸ™„

Additionally, I gave a lot of thought to the whole idea of AI and "The Algorithm" that now seems to rule all forms of online media. It has a voracious appetite for new information. Regardless of how much content is already out there on a particular topic, or how good the quality of said content is, "the algorithm" will vacuum up as much new content as people (or AI's) are willing to create, as fast and as often as they are willing to create it. It seems the only way to climb to the top of the affiliate marketing ladder of success, is to create as much content as possible, on as many platforms as possible. Sadly, very few people put forth the effort to produce high-quality content that is truly valuable to others.

I'm not trying to bash the whole affiliate marketing process here, because I understand this is the world we live in now and this is what is required if you want to make money online. But for me personally, it was starting to feel like a soul-sucking endeavor considering my complete lack of desire to be involved with so many different social platforms. They've all become a cesspool of clickbait, poor-quality content, and divisiveness. I don't possess the gumption required to break through all that noise.

If I could just write on my lonely little blog, without having to worry about optimal keyword research, SEO, backlinking, making videos, posting on social media, site analytics, and all that other jazz, I could probably be satisfied doing it as a hobby. But then I have to ask myself... What's the point of all that? Is it really worth my time and effort, when very few people will ever see my content unless I do all the other requisite tasks to beat "the algorithm"? There's already a TON of great quality content online related to my niche, and all I was trying to do is outrank it in the hopes someone will view my content versus theirs.

So what does this mean for me going forward? Being totally honest, I really don't know yet. I'm still doing some soul searching around what retirement means for me, and what I want to do with my newfound freedom.

I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude about the whole experience so far, and I view the cost of my P+ membership as a bit of an education about myself. So this post is nothing negative whatsoever about WA, Kyle, Carson, or any of the other talented and helpful folks providing regular training content and support. It's all about ME and my current thought process. I totally respect the mission WA is on and the opportunities it can provide for many people. There's also no denying the platform is constantly improving and the training is top-notch. Those facts are not up for debate.

To wrap this up... I'll still be logging in periodically, reading blog posts, responding to PM's, and checking out live chat from time to time. I'm still exploring what I want to do with my main niche site, and WA in general, from this point on. I was contacted by someone who owns the #1 ranking site in my niche, and he asked if I'd be interested in writing content for their site. So that's a possibility, but we'll have to see where all this leads.

I'd love to hear any thoughts, perspectives, or advice from other members who may have already gone through this process of self-doubt and soul-searching, or who may be going through it now.

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Hey Dave,
I just keep hangin in there after 12 or so years here. I believe in this idea and I ain't going anywhere else. Yes, there are many tasks involved in this to reach a good recognition on the Google platform but this is all I got so I go for it. I did not do any in-depth backlinking or some other SEO stuff like Social media and Google Analytics that I still struggle with today. Even though I left that stuff out, my D.J. site gave me the few calls I wanted every year. My Heart/Health site a few pennies each month BUTβ†’ I realized, It Was Working !! I'm on to some Science sites now. All I can say is, I'm still hanging in there. I don't see any other avenues.....................Scotty B β™« β™ͺ β€’_β€’

Thanks for the comment Scott! There are definitely a lot of great things about the WA platform, and it's the best game in town for affiliate marketing training. I'm still contemplating where I want to go with it.

I "retired" 10 years ago living on Passive Income from publishing books/ebooks on KDP Amazon.

Now I never want to retire, but do the work I am passionate about which for me involves publishing on a grand scale. Its fun. Its like a game. There is no pressure. I can work or not work whenever I like.

Congrats on your retirement! I'm sure you'll be able to find something you are passionate about.


Thank you for the comment Mel. It's awesome you're able to live off the income from your books. That must feel very rewarding! I also never want to fully "retire" (picture old man sitting on front porch in rocking chair 🀣). Right now, I'm passionate about focusing 100% on my health and getting back to my "fight weight" from when I was in my 20's in the Navy. LOL! I love anything outdoors, including hiking/rucking/exploring and doing things that are physically uncomfortable. I just read "The Comfort Crisis" and it was very enlightening. My WA niche site is related to outdoor adventure in the area I live, but I found that taking pictures/video and then writing articles about all my outdoor adventures was taking most of the fun out of it for me and turning my outdoor enjoyment into work that didn't feel fulfilling for me.

Here people sit next to the road and watch cars go by. I wonder if they realize they are also watching their lives go by as well.

I was in the Marines for 8 years back in the 80's. I see by your profile your wife works in Toledo, Ohio. I live and work out of my home in Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines. haha

Almost need to hire someone to go along with you to do all the picture taking/Video. You could maybe record audio as you are out there and have it converted to text which might save some time. Interesting dilemma.

You'll figure something out.

I need to focus more on my health as well. Old habits die hard and I don't want to die along with them. hahaha


Hello "MaudMan" Dave.
You definitely are a man of words, and direct too. Your post hit me right in the heart. I have talked to 3 people this weekend about retirement. One of the individuals is a very close friend that will be retiring in a few months. The other 2 are people I just met. One that's already retired and the other still working like myself for hope of retiring early.
The first thing that hit me was that you have "retired" at 55. This is the exact number I have written down over 20 years ago as a major goal for me . It's the age that I want to be wealthy and much more that financially free.
Dave, I only have a few years left until my big 55... I got some serious work to

Congrats to you and do what makes you happy!


Thanks Rick! I'm not sure if you meant that as a compliment, but I'm taking it as one since you said my post hit you in the heart. πŸ˜‰ We must be kindred spirits regarding retirement. I had the same goal ~20 years ago as I mentioned in my bio. I wanted to retire in my mid-50's, but hadn't set a specific age/date. Then last Nov, the company I was working for (big tech) fired my manager of 16 years with no cause and told him it was because he was one of the highest paid managers in the field. The company has been getting rid of people every month for the past 2-3 years, and there was a rumor that the severance package would soon be eliminated. I saw the writing on the wall, so I "volunteered" for the next round of layoffs after bonuses paid out in March this year.

I have no pension or other sources of income. My wife gets a very small pension. So we're living off the investments I spent the last 30'ish years building up. It's a great feeling to meet a long-term goal like that. If you have any "FIRE" questions, let me know! 😊

Hi Dave

I'm essentially in your situation: semi-retired and looking at full retirement sometime this year or in early 2025. I started at WA to create a guitar site as part of my guitar-playing hobby. It was never meant to replace a full-time income or any income.

So, I work on my guitar website and Pinterest guitar site for 2 to 3 hours a day. I have no plans to add additional platforms, like Facebook or Medium, since I'm already at my maximum daily time allocation. I may add a YouTube channel, but that would replace adding new content to my guitar website.

I do not think that producing daily AI-generated posts in bulk is a viable alternative for building a comprehensive brand, which also includes multiple user-generated content and video platforms.

I plan to fully enjoy my retirement and hope you will do the same. We deserve it! 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank, you're right -- we DO deserve it! 😊 Congrats on your semi-retirement, and soon to be FULL retirement! I like how you limit the time that you work on WA daily. I tried doing that at first, but found that a few hours just wasn't enough time and then I'd find myself still sitting at the computer after a full 8 hr (or more) day of "work". If I'm going to continue with my current niche site, I need to figure out a way to limit that time and make it super productive.

I 1000% agree with you about producing AI-generated content. I see it so much now, and it's very disappointing. I'm sure it's not just WA members because I see it all over the web. People are just pumping out tons and tons of AI-generated content, with absolutely no editing (at least not obvious editing). The content is horrible and of almost zero value because AI is just vacuuming up all the other info on the Internet and re-wording it.

Thanks, Dave! 😎

I would say that you can't make any decent money working 2 to 3 hours a day with online marketing (except for paid advertising), not even using AI. These days, it's all about creating and maintaining a comprehensive brand for your niche.

In my opinion, AI has made "expert" one of the most overused words in the dictionary. However, it's a great tool when used correctly.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if AI starts to automatically publish content online based on information it was trained on and assimilated, some of which is incorrect or inaccurate.

Frank 🎸

Well Dave,
Whichever way you look at or read this post, it certainly has depth to it. I am new to this platform and I just love the way it has made me feel about myself.
The people I have reacted with I can only say the very best about them.

I have said to myself many times over these last few months that my cost of membership is cheaper than a therapist each week or twice a week. Here you can have that interaction every day.
And I suppose, as I personally have been to hell and back twice in the last 2 decades, that its whatever you can take from the membership here in a way that suits your needs, rivalry at arms length by being on a platform rather than boardroom or workshop floor really means nothing in my opinion and I have certainly no felt that in any way.

I wish you the best whatever you decide.


Thanks Rob, I appreciate that. You're right about WA, and I almost used the word "therapy" in my post. 😊 I was greatly enjoying my daily interactions here at WA, so hopefully I can get back to that soon. I may just decide to continue producing content for my blog, but without any pressure on myself to get to the top of the search rankings or make money. I feel like if I simply focus on producing really good quality content, regardless of all the other stuff I mentioned in my post, I could enjoy the process much more. The act of writing and sharing, simply to write & share -- nothing more.

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