Shinning A Light On The Flaws - Day 26


30 Days To Crush Email Marketing!

Day 26

Shinning A Light On The Flaws

Hey everyone, hello and a warm welcome to Day 26 of my 30 Day Email Marketing Challenge. It's been another mare of a looking forward to the weekend!

So what was I talking about yesterday when I mentioned getting brutal?

Well I want to talk a little bit about reviews in today's post.

What I'm about to say may not compute with you immediately...but give it a second or two to sink in.

One of the best things when we're reviewing products or services and recommending them to our audience is to point out the flaws.

We're extremely good at singing the praises of the products or services we want our readers to buy..we're often scared to death of pointing out the things that we don't particularly like..the things we find ugly.

We tend to focus on all the amazing features and the awesome results other customers are getting....and of course that's an important part of any promo or review...but there’s a big reason why we want to point out what doesn’t work…

It makes us sound much more credible.

Let’s be honest, even the best products out there are never perfect. Hell there's stuff here within WA that winds me up due to the fact I perceive them to be wrong or incorrect and not to my liking.

It’s our job as advocates for our audience and our subscribers to point these flaws out because not only will it help us build that all important trust we so desperately seek from our readers, it also makes our reviews and recommendations sound that much more genuine and believable.

Now, before we go any further..of course there are certain ways we can go about presenting this within a review..

We should be talking up why we like and recommend a specific product or service and why we think it'll work well for our readers. Then we need to carefully present what we don’t like about it...and I mean carefully.

The reason you'll find a lot of marketers playing it safe when recommending products is because obviously mentioning a flaw to our audience may introduce a perfectly sound reason and objection why they shouldn't buy the product or service from us.

So, how can we provide an honest review while doing our very best not to damage the possibility of a purchase?

Well the most effective way I've found to counteract this is to suggest ways to my audience on how to overcome the flaw!

Depending on the product and/or service and the actually flaw reported...I may recommend a piece of information or tip to circumnavigate the problem. If this doesn't cut the mustard I may recommend a second, (hopefully inexpensive) product or service that will fill any gap.

By taking this additional action, not only do we earn the trust of our potential buyers, we’re also going that extra mile to help them solve yet another problem.

So, when you sit down to write your next review or recommendation to your audience...don't be scared, be brave and provide an honest account, warts and all.

I hope you've enjoyed today's post..please remember to click like and why not leave me a short comment below.

The finish line is slowing coming into view on this latest challenge and before we get there I want to show you another clever strategy to increase our conversions. Come back tomorrow and all will be revealed!

I will leave you with my thought for the day...

Saddle up! Let's move on out...

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Thank you so much for the information. It goes right along with my line of thinking. It's great to know that it is also the recommended way of going about reviewing products for my readers.

You have a great weekend!

Hi Anita, many thanks, May I wish you a great weekend also :)

This idea may go hand-in-hand with the concept of "this may not be for you". When a person is searching for a solution to a problem and we give them a reality check, quite often they may begin to rationalize their decision to go with it anyway.

For example, if you are promoting WA you may point out they'll have to build their own website and say "this may not be for you". They, in turn, want the solutions WA offers enough to rationalize seeing themselves as website builders. They weren't looking to be website builders but when you gave them the truth and tried to "take it away" they responded by making the reality fit their dream, or visa versa.

Thanks for the post!

Hi Bob, what a seriously good insight. In fact I think we as humans are doing this continuously each and every day under all sorts of circumstances..making the reality fit our dreams and vise versa. Thanks Bob, have a good one

WOW = I LOVE this post and LOVE the pics the way it all works together is great - excellent and has made my morning as the tips ate great!!!


Thanks Paul! mighty kind of you. Hope you have a great day

Thanks buddy and same to you


When reviewing products its important to point out the good and the not so good. I am enjoying your blog. thanks for sharing.

Hi Lorrie, thanks for sharing. Have a terrific day

So, identify and answer the exceptions before the exceptions are identified by potential customers. Makes good sense. Jay

Hi Jay, yes exactly.

Great post! Thanks for the tips!

Hi Amanda, thanks for your wonderful feedback. It is greatly appreciated :)

Great on tightening it up as we approach day 30 Anthony!

Thanks Mike, yes, it feels a little sad actually as we get nearer to the 30th

Hi, I'm enjoying your daily Posts - so seeing that October has 31 days what are the chances that you extend this by 1 more day ?

Hi Bill...OK it can be my first 31 Day Challenge :)

I missed the initial post, but figure you challenged yourself to blog everyday for a month?? What a great idea!!! November is coming, and the Houston World Series crazy will be in full swing, so lots of great stuff to post!! I'll challenge myself!!
Go Astros!!
Thanks, Bill

In life, perfection would and will never be, but perfecting should be. Realizing such and pointing out how to patch up the reparable flaws of a product are good advice to follow, at least being honesty to face life reality. A great recall for integrity and honesty.

Hi Chin-ti, Thank you for your positive comments..indeed, integrity and honesty are cornerstones of ethical trading.

Welcome and keep in touch and watch... I appreciate it.

Powerful inspiring post with integrity

Hi Hope, thank you..that means a lot to me. Have a great day

You are very welcome

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