I have a problem, need some input
I make a post out of this so the ones of you that haven't gotten this far yet can avoid to get into the same problem as I have now.
I made my Gravatar, the great app that makes your photo follow you everywhere on the web. When I made it I didn't know how it worked, but it was easy to set up and it did what it should, so I was happy. I connected it to my main e-mail and everything was fine.
Then I realized one thing. On our websites most of us have 2 users, admin, that we start with, and our name user that we add later (if you follow the training). My main e-mail was connected to admin, and the new e-mail I made for my site was connected to Marith.
So, what happened? When I respond to comments I always use Marith, and of course, it comes up with the "bubble man", because the gravatar shows up with the user admin, where my main e-mail is connected.
I thought, ahh this is easy, I just switch the e-mails between the two and everything is good. But no, I am not able to do that, because e-mail connected to the users are required, so if you remove the e-mail on admin, it won't let you go to the Marith, you can't leave the field empty, and it won't let you write in the one that are already in use on marith, because you can't use the same e-mail on both.....
So, what do I do?
While writing this, I was thinking, maybe I can leave a false e-mail on one while I fix the other and then go back and write in the right one....of, course, being new to this, I am always afraid of breaking my site, so I want to hear what you guys think about that last idea before I do anything that might be stupid.
And for you that still haven't added your gravatar, make sure you connect it to the right e-mail adress, good luck.
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I believe it's in Course 2, lesson 8 or 9 it explains that by removing the email you signed up with and then substituting it with another, even a made up one, you will be able to use the original email (the one you signed up with), and be able to associate it with your name.
Thank you Monte, I think it's about time I go through the courses again and see what else I have forgotten.
You can also go into your gravatar profile and add the second email & add the picture you want there. After you confirm the information the appropriate picture will show with the address. I have two different email addresses on my gravatar account & that's what I did.
Yeah, I did that as well the other day. You can attach any image to any of the emails you connect to you Gravatar account. As many emails as you like.
Yes, just added the other e-mail and new photo, worked very well, so all sorted now. It never crossed my mind that it was that easy. Been trying to figure this out for over a week.....should have asked here right away and saved myself a lot of time.
You can do what I did and change your nick name information on admin so people will see the name you what. You like most probably update and work your own site so you are the admin just change the viable name.
Hope that helps.
You should be able to go to Dashboard > Settings > All Users > and click edit under your user you want to have this picture assigned to and add your email address to there in the proper box and click update profile. If this does not work post back and we will look for another solution :)
Thanks Shawn, but that was what I tried to do, but it don't work. Because the e-mail is already in the box in the other user.....it won't let me use it, and I can't remove it from the other user, because I can't update or leave that user without an e-mail in the box....it's hard to explain, hope you understand what I mean..
Try to put a junk email in the admin box ( it has to be a real email address, so just create one for using in situations like this in Yahoo or Gmail) and change the admin user to a subscriber, not a administrator, ( make sure the one with your name you want to use is set at administrator), then it should all automatically set your picture to the right one when you click update.
Yes, I think that will work, I will give it a try when I get home, don't like to do this kind of things on my phone, thank you, will let you know how it goes.
Hi Shawn, if you saw Millas response, I did what she said, just added the other e-mail account to gravatar profile, and problem solved.....Thanks for your response .-)
Sorry Marith, I have not gotten that far I guess since I don't know what gravatar is or when it comes into play, but I will be watching for the answer so I don't do it also when I get to that spot in the training.. I just hope I have not just passed that part by accident:(
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Hi Marith- I believe Camille has a good idea and from reading below it looks like it worked out..cool
Yes, solved, should have asked here right away and saved myself some time :-)