Are there any foodies interested in a easy to use site design for a food blog?

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I enjoy doing tutorials that show how to use various WordPress plugins and themes.

I have discovered a great food theme that I am using on several of my food related websites, and have decided I may create a tutorial / video that demonstrates how to set it up.

If there is enough interest, then I will work on the tutorial and get it posted here. The theme is beautiful, easy to modify, professional, fast loading and looks FABULOUS on mobile devices.

In my opinion, it's the perfect theme for using to build a recipe app, which is another tutorial I can create (later) for anyone that may want to turn their WordPress site into an app.

If you are blogging about food, or want to blog about food, and are looking for a great site design, comment below to let me know.

And no, the theme is not one I designed, it's one I discovered while testing food related themes. It's honestly one of the best, fastest loading, mobile friendly themes I have found to date! It can be used for other niches as well, but is it's intended design is for a food blog.

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I always thought…” wouldn’t it be nice if we could change themes within 1 website”
For example…I have a “Health website for lazy people like me”
Within that site I have a subsection on quick easy and healthy foods and thought it would be nice to have this subsection in a modified theme more focused on cooking than exercise.

Zoopie that is actually possible, it would require me to do a very lengthy tutorial to demonstrate how. If there is enough interest in something like this, then I could do the tutorial sometime before next year. I may post about this idea of yours after I complete the upcoming tutorial.

Hi, Maria. I don't count myself as a foodie. I am just someone who likes good food. I am also not an aspiring chef, I am a cook. I cook for myself and my aged parents whom I am taking care of and they are taking care of me. So we mainly want good wholesome, good tasting food. We are basically country folks, even though I am more adventurous than they are. If you check out my blogs you will see that I am a writer working to get published. But, I have also posted some of the recipes I have made/learned. I try to write those so that even someone with no cooking skills can follow them and not mess up.

Blessed Be


Hello JD, I looked at your website but could not see any recipes. There is no search nor sidebar, unless I am missing something. I could only find a link to your one blog linked here in your WA profile.

I'm sorry, Maria. So far, my recipe blogs are only here in WA on my profile page. I am still trying to figure out just what "extra" to put on my website.


Ah, I see, I love the Poor Man’s Chicken (NOT) Marsala one, I'm gonna have to give it a try! You should start a recipe blog :)

Thanks, Maria.

Right now I am doing good trying to figure out my author's website. But, I have been thinking of having a category/folder/page(?-I don't know what to call it) for baking/cooking tips I learn as well as recipes. Until I get ready for another Website.

I am glad you like that recipe. I can say that I created it myself after not researching Chicken Marsala as thoroughly as I should have. ;s) I hope you do try it out and like it. Please let me know.


The theme post is completed, I threw it up on site rubix, you should toss it up on a site rubix domain as well and share more of your fabulous recipes :)

And I will certainly let you know how I fared with your recipe!!

Thanks, Maria. :)


I have a website for coffee. I am certainly interested in the related theme. Please send me more detail

I'll certainly text you once the tutorial is posted! :)

Thank you, Maria

Message has been sent :) And you are very welcome!

Yes please… I’m working on building out my Recipe site! Message me anytime!

And I believe it would be awesome to see your training here! 👍😁

I will certainly text you Holly once the tutorial is completed! :)

Text has been sent, I hope you enjoy the tutorial!

That's terrific. Maria!

Thank you !

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