SEO Tip: Keyword Placement


Hi Folks,

The following are 8 areas where you can strategically place your targeted keyword for your article.

1) Page Title

This is the actual title of the article.

2) Meta Title

The meta title is shown within the SERP and can be (slightly) different than the page title. This can be controlled with All in One SEO.

3) Meta Description

The meta description is shown within the SERP and can be controlled with All in One SEO.

4) Above the Fold Content

This is the content that is seen on the readers screen before scrolling down to see more.

5) Internal Anchor Text Links

This where you can place an internal link from a different page to your initial targeted page and use the keyword (or related keyword) as the content.

6) Image Filename

Naming the image file as your targeted keyword doesn’t play a huge metric but every little effort certainly helps. Make sure there are no spaces with in filenames.

7) Image Title Tags

This is a title that you can give your image and can be similar to your meta title tag. Formatting within the code is as follows: title=“your keyword title” but can be done within the Add Media feature inside WordPress.

8) Image Alt Tags

This is a description that you can give your image and can be similar to your meta description tag. Formatting within the code is as follows: alt=“your keyword title” but can be done within the Add Media feature inside WordPress.


  • You do NOT need to do all of these every time
  • Ensure your efforts make human sense that the search engine can also understand.
  • HUMANS first, SEARCH ENGINES second.

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Recent Comments


Thanks Jay . Appreciate this.

Great reminder

Thanks Jay

Great stuff!
Thank you!

Excellent and very useful list, thank you. I've been doing all but #5, and I can see where using the keyword with internal anchor text links would also be beneficial.

Great blog :-)

Jay thanks

Thanks so much, Jay. I have bookmarked this list. And yes, I will remember: Humans First!

6) Image Filename

Naming the image file as your targeted keyword doesn’t play a huge metric but every little effort certainly helps. Make sure there are no spaces with in filenames.

A question and a request about #6 -

What do you mean by 'no spaces within filenames'?

Can you give us an example of an 'image filename'?

Thanks, Beth

Hi Beth,

Sure thing.


OK, thanks. I have several stock photos I wanted to include with my latest blog, so I won't name the first photo:

'Blog8Photo1' but (for example) name it:


Okaaay, now I need to rename all my photos. Got it! Thanks. :)

I know doing this has worked for me and it's usually what the Yoast plugin tells you to focus on as well.

Thank you, Jay!

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