Oh everything YOU touch turns to money!


Yes I have actually had people say that to me. Apparently if I touch something its like an automatic teller machine just spewing cash out at me!

Excuse me while I sit at my laptop grafting my ass off snorting with laughter!

Nothing I "touch" magically turns to money. Honestly I wish it did but life simply does not work that way.

I am not a millionaire, in fact I still have debt that I am paying off and some months (actually most months) it gets pretty tight. There have been plenty of days I have had to postpone my grocery shopping and get creative with the last few meals of the month.

That said I have never gone hungry a day in my life and for that I am truly grateful.

Now about that money, yes it is starting to come in now and that is awesome! But remember that I didn't just touch something and have money jump out at me. I have been working at my online business since 2012 and I have been working my butt off.

Yes I only found Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 and it completely changed the ball game for me and yes I am making an income from all of my websites NOW.

However there was a time when my husband was shaking his head at me in pity begging me to come to bed instead of wasting every spare moment I had blogging.

There was one particular moment that stood out for me, it was about 4 months after I joined Wealthy Affiliate, when he asked me how much money I had made since joining and I think my answer was $8 in total. His jaw dropped open and he asked me how much money I had spent... and I said oh dear well let's see $19 for my first month, then $47 for another 3 months..... hmmm plus Jaaxy at $19 a month... oh yeah and 2 domains...

He begged me to stop working 16 hours a day and just carry on with my online store like I had been doing previously. I refused because I told him that I can see a better way and I am going for it no matter what it takes.

All those hours are starting to pay off for me now and I am not slowing down... because one day my website WILL be spewing out cash at me. And when it does I might slow down a bit.

Just remember that anyone that makes money working for themselves has worked for it, whether it is online or offline. Money does not jump at anyone.

Yes its true some people win the lotto.... but will you?

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Oh yeah... Lynne... I completely relate!! Thats one of the things I love about your posts, how relatable they are. My hubby also can't fathom why I'm ALWAYS on my phone or laptop. ;)

Because you are in the process of making everything you touch turn to money LOL

You should feel good about the fact that you project the image of a positive successful person. This is of course one of the reasons you are becoming so successful online.

Kust because someone discoveref your blog or website this morning doesn't mean you just began it last night.

I know I won't win the lotto, lol! I'm here to make a full time livable income so I can say goodbye to my traditional day job and never have to "build" up vacation time to request it off with the possibility of it being denied.

I know it takes hard work to reach that point and a lot of patience and time, but I keep at it, it will happen someday.

Great post Lynne. To this day I will never understand why some people think that a person can be successful in life without hard work and personal effort.
This goes for anything we do in life , not just what we do here at Wealthy Affiliate.

Relieved to see I am not the only one with this similar set of problems!
Thanks Lynne for showing us persistence does pay off if we keep going!

Very good.

Its good to see someone earning income.

There are lots of people here earning an income online :)

Great post, Lynn! You're right. It doesn't just fall out of the sky. You have to WORK for it! Very inspiring! Alanna

So true, it is work and it does take time. But I believe persistence will pay off in the end. I've been at WA since Aug 2014 and just now beginning to make commissions, but I have a goal and I intend to reach it. - shirley

I am so glad you are starting to make some money Shirley :) I love that feeling when money starts to come in and hard work pays off!

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