How often should I post?


So this is a question I have seen over and over again here on Wealthy Affiliate.

For the last 7 months I have posted nearly every day on my MMO website and I have worked my butt off on it. Things are slow going and yes I have made some sales...

I also have a recovery from alcoholism and addiction website. I have posted a few things there but I have honestly not put much effort in at all simply because this is more of a hobby for me. I would rather save a life than make money from this website.

I also have an online baby store, which I am in the process of changing just to a mommy blog, so I am going to be removing the store... long story but have a look at my previous posts if you want to know the story with that.

So what now that I have my kids home with me from 12 every day? How do I post every day?

The answer is I just don't. Mondays I use for admin type things and doing work on my websites that is not adding new content.

Tuesdays I post on my MMO website, Wednesdays I post on my addition website and Thursdays I post on my baby blog.... Fridays I am going to publish training here on WA.

I had a comment recently by someone that adding new content to each of my websites only once a week won't work.

I just wanted to say that I disagree.

I am still getting sign ups here, I am still getting my traffic... in addition to that I have made sales from my addiction website.

The funny thing is that I made Amazon sales last year already and I only realized last week because I just assumed that with the small amount of effort I have put into this website I may as well not even bother checking.

It just goes to show, I think that focusing on your passion is the way to go. It will really come through in your writing!

Yes I think you should try and add new content often, that is true... but don't burn yourself out or publish posts that aren't good quality just for the sake of posting. Rather make sure everything you add to your website is high quality and enjoy yourself.

Think about it, if you don't enjoy yourself why not just stay working for someone else in a job you don't enjoy?

This is for me very important. This career choice is not all about money. It is about having financial freedom. To be able to have the lifestyle you want... to some this may be about money. To me this means being able to take my kids out of aftercare so I can collect them at 12 instead of 5pm!

So make sure you enjoy what you do and trust that it will work out well.

Sending you all Love, Light and Happiness on your journey!


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Hi Lynne

Time and enjoyment are very important parts of life. Some may have the need to try to make millions and sacrifice everything for it. Most are unsuccessful. You have the right attitude.

Also, most of us are not able to post every day. I believe a post a week may be a minimum but very doable.


I think it is so important to enjoy what we do! We only have one life and should enjoy each moment. Thanks for sharing this :-)

Freedom is just as important to me as the money as well Lynne :)

In a perfect world posting once a day would be great. However, there are many of us here who cannot for many reasons. I think the main thing is to be consistent and post quality material. It may take a little longer for your site to be as successful as you want it to be, but you will have quality of life in the meantime!

As far as I understood from all the trainings and blog posts here so far the key is consistency not quantity. So 1 page/post per week is just as good (or better) if regular than 1/day for two weeks then 1 a week then a month break etc.cause google wont like it when there is no pattern to it.

As is taught here at WA while quantity is good, it's more about the high QUALITY content that you would post to a website as being more important. I post about 2 - 3 articles each week on my two websites. I always strive for high quality that offers a lot of usefulness to my readers.

Makes more sense to me to publish those type of articles, (high quality) as opposed to composing useLESS articles day after day which in the end would serve no purpose to anyone.

Just my two cents, Lynne!

Thanks Jeff :)

Think there are no fix rules as to how many Posts we need to put on our website. We just have to do it regularly. Eventually, the posts will start to build up and there are also new readers who have not read the older posts.

well I disagree as I have done a lot of writing and checking how everything works and this is what you need to do -
write THREE blogs a week of about 1000 - 1500 words with good headlines and good keywords and you will move your WEBSITE up in Google rankings. My blog last night was 1450 words with six pics and took me three hours from start to fetch and within one minute it made page 1 position 1 and that was using single keyword -
now if I write less than this my website starts to fall down from page one position 5 to page one position 7 on Google and on Yahoo it is worse page one position five to page one bottom of the page but Bing stays up at page one position two and Yandex same page one position two so I know I have to do THREE blogs a week!!!!!!

Hey Paul :)

I just can't keep up with so many posts... and I've found that since I've slowed down there has been no negative effect which is great because I was very worried about it.

I'm still getting referrals, and everything is still moving up!

well I am really so pleased for you and I hope that it continues - you must have magic hands!!!

LOL not so magic Paul :) I just think if my websites are still growing in strength and I am getting referrals why kill myself trying to write so many posts.
I mentioned in other posts that I now have my children home with me half day, instead of having them sitting in aftercare till 5pm.. and this is awesome. However the other side is that this leaves me with 8am - 11h30am every day without kids. Not exactly conducive to 3 posts a week per website?
I have always worked really hard, and I have pushed myself to burn out point very often. I need to give myself a break and spend time with my kids. I can feel it so deeply... and things are still moving ahead.
I mean yeah I would love to be able to churn out content like I was previously... but it is just not realistic under the current circumstances.

There are also loads of people here that have kids like me and a full time job, without any experience of working online that cannot quit their full time job. It is not realistic for them either to churn out 3 posts per week...

Maybe when my kids are bigger and can entertain themselves for a while in the afternoons while I work I can pick up again, but for now this is my schedule.

Hahaha Lynne, I had to laugh at your last sentence. My kids are 6.5 and 8 and I cannot get work done while they are around. Both my husband and I have worked from home since they were babies, so you think they would be used to it. But they aren't. They get into fights with each other and are constantly coming to me wanting to play.

The only way I can get things done when they are home is by giving them each a device (iPad, iPod, TV, etc) and putting them in separate rooms. I have done this on occasion, but it is not something I will do all the time. If you have been to my website (which I know you have Lynne), you will know why I am not a huge fan of this.

The kids have spring break next week. I have told them that I need to get a bit of work done while they are home and keep reminding them that I need 1-2 hours of quite. I'm not sure I will accomplish anything. I also need to keep them out of the house as much as possible so they don't bug my husband all week.

Oh you just dashed all my hopes and dreams of being able to get anything done in the future. Thank you Tanja.... hahaha.

I mean really it must get easier than when they are 2 years old, right? Just tell me it will be just a tiny weeny bit easier???

Wow you need help

Oh yes, many things get easier and all kids are different. Mine seem to need me a lot, especially when I am working. Right now, they are able to get up on their own, get dressed, get breakfast (usually a snack from the pantry if I am not there right away). They are quite independent. However, they fight with each other. My office happens to be at the back of their playroom in our basement (its wide open), so I can't really tune them out.

We will see how next week goes. I am sure they will get to watch a few movies ;)

Oh yes I know the fighting, it is starting with my 2 already. They seem to be constantly wrestling over the same toy... driving me nuts! hahaha

heehee, maybe yeah. My parents might move closer soon (they're 350kms away) and then with Granny near I can get more done!!

We don't have any family around us that can help out. That would be amazing. My mom and dad are only an hour away but my mom is very sick. My dad cares for her 24/7. My husband and I have been trying to convince his mom to move here, but she is about 3400km away right now (on the other side of the country).

It would be great if your parents were living near by!

I post once a week, maybe twice. My articles from start to finish take me a good 4-6 hours (this includes fetching as google/bing, sharing on social media, using site comments, etc.). I spend a lot of time on training and reading articles by other big name bloggers as well.

Many of these big time bloggers (Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Jon Morrow, etc) say that it makes no difference if you post once a week or everyday. To them getting traffic is about getting your article in front of the right people through outreach and social media.

I am trying to do a bit of both. Maybe my progress would be a bit further along (like having more traffic and sales) if I posted more often, but after doing one article I tend to feel quite burnt out.

So I will continue with the slow and steady approach.

I couldn't agree with you more Tanja!

Hey Lynne - it's easy to start putting pressure on ourselves, isn't it? I know my impatient spirit pushes me in that direction a lot.
Great thoughts - enjoy your day! Heather

Hi Heather

I'm working more on relaxing and being mommy for now... and it feels so much better and you know what ? Things are still moving!

That's a great decision and discovery!

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