About Lokhi
Rank 5115
388 followers Joined June 2019
[22 October 2019: Bio Update] I left my retail job back in August. Best decision ever. I chose video games and gaming as my niche because I'm





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a content contributor for my site and she was adding some things, one of them being a gif. When she went to check her progress (after hitting update), the gif wasn't wor

Found this link in training that's available. Hope that helps.

This was very helpful. Thank you, KC.

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Is there a gif doctor in the house?

Is there a gif doctor in the house?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a content contributor for my site and she was adding some things, one of them being a gif. When she went to check her progress (after hitting update), the gif wasn't wor

Found this link in training that's available. Hope that helps.

This was very helpful. Thank you, KC.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I received a message from Google Search Console that said I was having 'coverage issues" that were affecting multiple pages on my site. But when I got to GSC, it doesn't show w

I had to contact site support which fixed mine. I just couldn't get it fixed from the training. But it works great now

Hi Brian.
I'm just hoping it quits popping up. It seems to be a constant thing ... :-(

I was experiencing that also and after a little back and forth communication with site support--they fixed it

Hey Lokhi,

Here's a video to help you: Hope you find this information useful.

The video actually does help and is very useful, thank you.

Log into Google Search Console. In the menu to the left go to Index > Coverage. Click on Errors and then scroll down to the details section. Click on Error in the states column to get more detail...

Thank you, I appreciate the help. I'm still working on fixing it, it's a struggle, but hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Any time.

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Google search console "coverage" issues?

Google search console "coverage" issues?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I received a message from Google Search Console that said I was having 'coverage issues" that were affecting multiple pages on my site. But when I got to GSC, it doesn't show w

I had to contact site support which fixed mine. I just couldn't get it fixed from the training. But it works great now

Hi Brian.
I'm just hoping it quits popping up. It seems to be a constant thing ... :-(

I was experiencing that also and after a little back and forth communication with site support--they fixed it

Hey Lokhi,

Here's a video to help you: Hope you find this information useful.

The video actually does help and is very useful, thank you.

Log into Google Search Console. In the menu to the left go to Index > Coverage. Click on Errors and then scroll down to the details section. Click on Error in the states column to get more detail...

Thank you, I appreciate the help. I'm still working on fixing it, it's a struggle, but hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Any time.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I actually didn't mean to do that, I had thought I was selecting the size and position of my ads. I can be an airhead sometimes.

But these ads are in places that I don't

If you log into Adsense you should see a menu on the right side that says "Home" at the top. Click on the "Auto Ads" section - it will take you to the Auto ads screen.

Next you want to click on the pencil Icon in the Global settings section. This will take you to a page that should say "Auto ads global settings" at the top. There you'll see the different categories for each type of ad that is being displayed on your page. On the right side of each section, you'll see a switch for each section that you can toggle on or off.

Once you're done on this page, make sure to scroll down to the bottom and click the "Save" button. From what I've noticed, if you turn off your ads, they don't stop showing instantly. You may still have to wait a while to see the changes.

I hope this helps.

Thank you ... very, very much. I appreciate your help. :-)

Have a blessed day,

Thanks! Happy to help :-)

Remove the code in the head where you placed it when applying for Adsense. Once you've been approved you don't need it anymore.

Now go back to Adsense and create your own Text and Image ads and use the plugin to place the ads where you want them.

I am always amazed at how much you know!

Thank you, Marion. I swear it was driving me crazy seeing those huge ads on my site. I can stop fussing at my monitor now ... :-)

Have a blessed day,

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How do I turn off adsense auto ads?

How do I turn off adsense auto ads?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I actually didn't mean to do that, I had thought I was selecting the size and position of my ads. I can be an airhead sometimes.

But these ads are in places that I don't

If you log into Adsense you should see a menu on the right side that says "Home" at the top. Click on the "Auto Ads" section - it will take you to the Auto ads screen.

Next you want to click on the pencil Icon in the Global settings section. This will take you to a page that should say "Auto ads global settings" at the top. There you'll see the different categories for each type of ad that is being displayed on your page. On the right side of each section, you'll see a switch for each section that you can toggle on or off.

Once you're done on this page, make sure to scroll down to the bottom and click the "Save" button. From what I've noticed, if you turn off your ads, they don't stop showing instantly. You may still have to wait a while to see the changes.

I hope this helps.

Thank you ... very, very much. I appreciate your help. :-)

Have a blessed day,

Thanks! Happy to help :-)

Remove the code in the head where you placed it when applying for Adsense. Once you've been approved you don't need it anymore.

Now go back to Adsense and create your own Text and Image ads and use the plugin to place the ads where you want them.

I am always amazed at how much you know!

Thank you, Marion. I swear it was driving me crazy seeing those huge ads on my site. I can stop fussing at my monitor now ... :-)

Have a blessed day,

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