Amazing pdf html5 flip book for your website
How to convert a PDF file into a flip book, with multiple pages, in 7 steps.
1. Go to
2. Click on Quick upload
3. Create an account (Free)
4. Click on the blue link address next to your book
5. Click on "embed this book"
6. Grab the iframe code (HTTP or HTTPS! whatever your site is!)
7. Place it on your website (text area) or into a text widget (both displayed)
View the result here (my test website)
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Success developing your ebook, take a look at this one:
Super! I can display your URL: Everyone who is interested in a second result watch this:
In the widget:
On page:
Found the answer.
When embedding if you have HTTPS, then make sure you click the HTTPS not HTTP. when getting the code.
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Loes this training is great. You have demonstrated and this is encouraging
Thanks Marlene, success creating your own PDF Flip book