Happy to really be back!


Hello peeps!! How are you all? It's been so long.

Well a lot has been going on with me. I started a new business which has been taking up a lot of my time, but in a very good way because it's going so great and I am so pumped! And the best part is, it's connected to my niche and so I'll be able to do both my business and my website and people will benefit from both! Woohooo!!!

What else...I turned another year older on the 5th...can you guess how old I am? Look at my most recent pic and guess! I posted this on Facebook but almost no one wanted to play the game! I won't get offended I promise!

And, I'm so happy to announce, that we're officially moving to Portugal in March! Dreams really do come true!!!! I'm so happy, like sooooooo hhhhhhaaaaappppppyyyyyyy!! It's unreal!

I mentioned months ago that I was going to get my husband to want to move there and it really did happen! LOL

Sun and warmth and the beach, here we come! Bye bye Belgium...I can't take anymore of the humidity...

Anyway, that's what's up with me. Can't wait to go through and read what's going on with you guys!

This year I'm going to be doing a lot more tutorials because it was fun creating my first one a few months back.

I'm also going to keep creating YouTube videos and doing Facebook Live's because they're becoming increasingly important.

If we're not friends on Facebook or Instagram, please add me and I'll be happy to add you back ;-) Also, feel free to add me on any of these:


To an awesome new year guys!!!


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Recent Comments


Wow moving to Portugal, so exciting, I would love to move abroad if I could... one day!! Really good to see you back. Age wise, I'm normally so bad at this now! I think you look a similar age to me.. I'm 34. Somewhere between 30-34 I'd say. Nat :)

Thanks! And a little older ;-)

Great to see you back Liz, I was going to say about 25? :-)

Thanks John! And older, but thanks!

You are young enough that almost all your best life is in front of you. :)

That's a great answer ;-)

Welcome back Liz!!!

Well, I don't know your age, but your new haistyle definitely takes years off you!!! Very flattering! To me, in your original profile pic, you look about 43-45; now, you look about 33.

My feeling is that if you look great, feel great and act great, what's the big deal about the age!!! I'll be 50in September, and I have NO problem sharing my age with others and never did! And yes, my profile pic is recent, taken October of 2016. No too bad for an ol' timer, lol.

Seems as if 2017 has great things in store for you Liz!!!

Wow I need to change my profile pic! Lol

You look wonderful! It's an important bday year for you ;-)


Both pics are attractive Liz, but the one with the bangs, in my opinion, makes you look younger. Bangs are really not an easy thing to pull off, so I give you a virtual high 5!!!

Welcome back and I have liked and followed you on FB & G+

Thank you!

Hi Liz, sound like Portugal is calling you. All the best on your move.

Thank you

Welcome back .. and great move to Portugal! And you look you young and I am sure much younger than you actually are :) Cheers, William.

Thank you!

Great to see you back and you look sooooo busy!!!

Thanks and I am ;-)

As always!!!!

Yes! But I've finally started managing my time. Even with having more to do.

OMG hats off to you !!!

Honestly.... 32

Very bold of you...but no. Older!

No way older than 35 ... if you are ..I need your secret

Lol ;-)

Hi Liz, I saw you coming back earlier today, with your question, I couldn't answer it so I left again, welcome back.
I guess you are younger than I am, and you have some wrinkles;) so I make a gamble
I hope I am not missing the target by a lot:(

By 10 years! Lol

Great to be back Loes ;-) xx

So you are build in 1960?

Noooo 81 ;-)

Haha, you have the same age as my daughter! Great:( I have made myself very unpopular right now, you need a new profile picture!


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