I think I should be on REDDIT, what do you think? ahahahahaaha!

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Hi guys,

Have you noticed too, that blog posts of yours,that used to rank high on the first page, now have been pushed down lower on page 1?

But no just that, let me show you something ridiculous!

So first now on Google, it is all about ads, ads, ads and ads again, rows and rows and rows of DIY dollhouse kits, when you google the keyword. (I used to even rank above the ads, but ok)

Followed by, tatatataaataaaa: one of my OWN (few) Reddit posts

Now, this Reddit post is JUST a SHORT AI version, summarized by Chat Gpt, of my OWN blog post, so which ranks a lot lower than this now.

The other day, I saw the same thing, BUT with a CRAPPY Pinterest PIN of MY OWN,that hardly had views or outbound clicks to my article!

SEO gurus can keep on saying: produce great quality content (find longtail keywords and blablabla) and Google will rank you again, sorry but this proves again that even now, when the HCU update is nearly done, that this doesn't seem like it is true, at all.

What do you think, I should go on REDDIT now, right? On top of Pinterest? hahahahahaha!

I have no extra time for it, if I want to keep blogging (AI writer isn't very useful for me when writing step by step tutorials or personal experiences of my Africa travels, just some layout, so I still spend a lot of time on those), and Updating my Pinterest, Youtube, and Facebook page/groups. So I will be looking for a social media manager specifically for Reddit and see if I can pay the budget for it.

( I hate Reddit by the way lol)

The SERPS still look quite ridiculous at the moment, darn!

In Lizzy's style: thanks for your thoughts lol,

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Hey Lizzy,

Have a blog post inside your blog post!!!


But, it's the only way I can be controversial on the platform and get away with it (LOTS of controversy BELOW, especially about Wacky Affiliate).

Yep, AT THE MOMENT, SEO is "different".

SEO = Search Engine Optimization

However, most people for many years have focused on "optimizing their own website content for the search engines".

Sure, there's still a place for that, but CURRENTLY (September 2023 to TODAY), optimizing content on a small niche website means that even if you rank in the "Top 3" results you're going to be the equivalent of ranking in positions 5, 6, or 7 from 2022 and before.

Basically, everything is getting pushed down.

So, fewer impressions, fewer clicks, less income.

Obviously, things are a little different during the current Core update, as most of the internet seems to facing daily impressions in Google search console going down to to single, double, or triple digits.

Therefore, most of these websites are CURRENTLY seeing single to double digit daily clicks from Google, many websites have had zero clicks from Google over the past 5 weeks).

Personally, I don't think Reddit is going anywhere, so SEO in 2024 means optimizing for search both ON your own website and OFF your own website.

Therefore, CORRECT, focusing solely on content on your own website is POOR ADVICE.

Furthermore, here's something that NO-ONE else in this entire industry is currently saying.

For me, since the March 5th 2024, there is no point in doing "normal keyword research", whichever method you follow.

Sure, most keyword tools are based on a metric similar to "keyword difficulty", but CURRENTLY this means nothing.

If your website has been "hit" with some type of HCU classifier then you're not going to rank for anything until that classifier is removed, or, as I'm hoping, that the wording in the current algo update documents state, that websites will be ranked on a page-by-page basis.

Anyway, this makes keyword research very difficult today DURING THE CURRENT CORE UPDATE.

I could even comment on the latest "Beer With Kyle" Vlog, but I can't, because I am utterly astounded by it, as it still grasps onto the keyword research technique taught by Travis Sago circa 2001-2002...

I think most who know me will know I have NEVER been a fan of QSR, and I don't believe in it (and yes, I was there when Travis, and Jennifer Ledbetter, also a former WA member, introduced the concepts of "exact match" titles, anchor text, etc.)

Yep, worked fantastic up until about 2011, but most experienced people in this industry (I'm talking people who have been doing this, with or without success, for at least a year) can clearly see that you have NOT been ranking on "exact phrase match" keywords for SEO in years (My guess, since about 2015 and the Google Hummingbird Algorithm Update).

But, I will say no more on that subject, apart from, I disagreed with everything in that Vlog!! As I say, I was astounded!!

Anyway, back to the point, SEO in 2024 is about taking advantage of what's in the SERPs.

So, the easiest way to start is to (if you don't own a tool to do this) put each individual keyword from your website into the Google Search bar and seeing whether there is UGC content ranking that YOU can use.

As an example, if I check one of my keywords and I see Medium ranking, I immediately "import" (as Diane has mentioned below, just use the tool, it's TWO CLICKS of a button, THAT'S IT).

Sure, you will need to add images and videos, but your entire content and all the links are already "imported" for you (and Medium allows affiliate links <----has anyone tried just importing all their PREVIOUSLY GOOD RANKING product reviews and seeing what happens? Would work well, if you have 100+ product reviews to import).

Realistically, you could smash out an imported Medium article WITH images (they have a button to add images from Unspash automtically, which are automatically credited) and videos in around 6-7 minutes.

If there is TikTok or YouTube ranking on the first page for my choosen keyword, and video is my thing, then I make a short "reel" type video.

As for Reddit, yep, pretty much in the top 10 for every query you can think of, so again, another great platform to take advantage of.

Reddit SEO is purely based on UPVOTES.

As an example, on the REDDIT thread in your Featured Image above, I have used one of my Reddit accounts to upvote YOUR comment.

Now, if 5 more people from this thread (you KNOW they're ALL going to do it now, hahahahahahaha), upvote your comment, you will appear at the TOP of the comments section (the top comments has 6 votes, you currently have 2).

Therefore, when someone clicks on that result in the SERPs they will read the post and then it's human nature to see what other people are saying, we're ALL naturally nosey, and your comment will be at the top.

The "whitehat" way to do this for YOU, is to share the Reddit to your Facebook group, but with something enticing (and make your comment on Reddit better, hahahahahaha!! more in-depth, WHY do you prefer those two?)

And actually pre-empt them to "help you".

"Here's what I've had to say about XXXXX and XXXXX. You can check out my comment on this Reddit thread, if you agree or disagree with what I say make sure to upvote or downvote, but if you're downvoting me, please reply to my comment and explain why. Much appreciated".

So realistically, you could CHECK ALL your keywords in the SERPs and find Reddit threads and do this.

The "Blackhat" way is to just buy Reddit upvotes.

You can Google it, but there are platforms selling 10 upvotes for $1.

This works well on an aged Reddit account (these are for sale too on these platforms), and it would work especially well on the comment thread above.

You only need to 10 upvotes to be at the top of the comments section, and this doesn't look "dodgy" to moderators (if you suddenly got 200 upvotes, it looks suspicious, so Blackhat Reddit marketing is about "spreading your upvotes out over a period of 14-30 days).

However, you can essentially find 200 of your keywords with Reddit ranking, do comments on ALL of the threads, IN-DEPTH, share to your Facebook group (for Whitehat), or pay for SOME (not all, it looks dodgy if you're always getting upvotes, plus you can even pay for DOWNvotes on these platforms, e.g. 20 upvotes = $2 and & downvotes = $0.70 <----- BOOM, Reddit SEO Done!!!!).

Okay, let's cover what Jovo and Stephen have said.

Adding links to Reddit comments and posts, it depends on how well the subreddit is moderated (BUT, there's always a "Partha way around it" Hahahaha!)

Okay, so if a subreddit has a LOT of "members", hmmmm, say 50,000+, it's going to be well moderated.

You may even see the names of the moderators (and other sub reddits they moderate) on the right-hand side.

So, for a well-moderated sub-reddit, you add your comment, make sure it's really in-depth and relevant to the discussion.

You want a trickle of upvotes coming in for your comment over a period of time, so this could be sharing to other platforms, paying for it (yes, against their terms of service and blackhat, so you can test it on another Reddit account first, but if you're only doing 10-20 upvotes, and even some downvotes to make it look more "natural" you'll get away with it, but FOR NOW Lizzy, stick to whitehat and sharing your reddit comment on other platforms).

Hell, you could even create Medium articles for "My Top 10 Reddit Comments About XXXXXX"


Once you've added a comment, WAIT 14 DAYS, THEN add a link to the comment.

99/100 it won't be picked up by the moderators. as they're busy moderating other posts.

Sure, some sub-reddit may have spam filters, which is why Jovo is getting comments/posts deleted immediately, but these are typically spam filters for "fresh content", so waiting 14 days would work in this case again, i.e. Jovo, write your comment, wait 14 days, go back and edit and add link).

This is actually how people are doing affiliate marketing on Reddit.

And there are a couple of people who since September 2023 HCU are making around $2,500-$3,000 per month using this method (most people are falling into the $500-$1,000 per month category with this method).

But, it's finding transaction-based keywords that are ranking well from Reddit (I have a list of 1,800 transaction-based Reddit keywords that are ranking a te top of Google sourced from ahrefs, YES< I'll sell the list if anyone wants it!!! Hahahahaha!!)

Best Protein Powders and Best VPNs are examples of things where this is working (Clue, Google search these, find the Reddit thread, and I guarantee TOP COMMENT has loads of Upvotes, it contains an affiliate link, BUT, it also shows an "edited date" above the comment, i.e. the person added their comment, paid for upvotes, waited TWO WEEKS, edited the comment and added affiliate link).

But, yep, Reddit, definitely works, and Reddit SEO is all about UPVOTES!!!

If you really want me to do Reddit SEO for you, I will, but can you afford me????


As for Stephen's comment, re "non-Google methods not being as well-converting as actually using Organic Google search", yep, 100% AGREE.


Another way to look at it, we were all "spoiled" by Google for a number of years.

(Yes, I know that sounds horrible to hear in situations where people have lost everything, but emotion removed, it's true).

We ALL know that Google traffic was better than anything else in terms of conversions and income.

So, sure, the "other methods" won't convert as well, but unfortunately, 2024 and onwards, this is what SEO looks like.

We have to get traffic from a number of different sources.

Let's say 5 different sources produce 20% of our traffic each.

And one of those 20% is GOOGLE.

That will STILL be the best converting traffic and that the one that produces the best income, therefore, you could look at your 20% of Google traffic will produce 60% of your income.

This means your other 4 sources of traffic, which account for 80% of your overall traffic will only produce 40% of your income.

BUT, CURRENTLY DURING THIS CORE UPDATE, this is what SEO should look like.

What happens after the Core update and after May 5th, well I've said it so often now, and I'm NOT going to BS or lead astray or provide false hope (which we've all seen over the past month, on the platform included, YEP, I'm still upset by the "experienced member's" blog/comments from a few weeks ago, I thought better of that person, but they have now obviously gone "full corporate" <---- kinda illustrated by a "normal member" on that comment thread on my last blog post, e.g. really has been brainwashed!!! Hahahaha!!)


But, I think what I've briefly described above is the future of SEO, i.e. 20% of your traffic will come from Google, but it will still be your most profitable traffic.

Therefore, 80% of your traffic should come from UGC rankings based on your individual keywords, i.e. you check 200 of your keywords, 50 have Medium ranking, so you import the articles related to that keyword to Medium, 50 have Reddit ranking so you do the Reddit comment and upvote emthod, 50 keywords have Pinterest ranking, so you create 250-500 pins for those 50 keywords (5-10 pins per keyword), and you have 50 keywords that have either YouTube or TikTok ranking, si you produce "reels" for those keywords.


Write article for website based around keyword (I still haven't released my "new keyword research in 2024 method" because there is NO POINT currently unti; the algo updates are over.

Check Google results for each keyword and find UGC platform.

Synducate your content to that UGC platform.

Get a backlink to that UGC content you have created (share to different social media platforms, even having a Twitter/X account to just share links and do nothing else, won't get you much traffic, but it will provide DA90+ No Follow backlinks, something is better than nothing).


The End!!!



WOW Partha, again, we think so much alike, it's frightening! If I could click that "like button" ten times, I would!
(will dive into detail later)

Honestly mate, I think your input at the minute is the single most valuable thing happening on WA!

It's going to take a few days and a few re-reads to digest all that, but fantastic advice all around!

Cheers mate.


I have NOTHING to sell.

I don't promote the MMO niche.

I am NOT "Corporate Partha" (hahaha!! so I don't have to follow the "official company line")

Typically makes for much more genuine and sincere interactions without all the above weighing around my neck. LOL.

And when I'm NOT grumpy like our mate Jovo (oh, that cracked me up the other day, but I REALLY like Jovo, and even he admits it himself, hahaha), I do try to help others if I can (in every walk of life, not just here at WA).

I've even said myself, my thoughts about everything could be completely wrong, but having been in the industry for 16 years, you kinda have an inkling, and you realise, nothing stays the same in this industry.

Watch out Partha, I think you are already on thin ice with your remarks related to bear drinking sessions, and now this grumpy related to me...

But this aside, not sure what cracked you related to my earlier comments. I was unusually active here these days so do not remember.

Right, let's see if I can answer some things here to your long thread lol!

" However, most people for many years have focused on "optimizing their own website content for the search engines".

Sure, there's still a place for that, but CURRENTLY (September 2023 to TODAY), optimizing content on a small niche website means that even if you rank in the "Top 3" results you're going to be the equivalent of ranking in positions 5, 6, or 7 from 2022 and before.

Basically, everything is getting pushed down."

==> currently, yes indeed and it MIGHT still change, but I don't see any signs of that anywhere on socials (twitter, youtube). If so, I will be the first to shout it out here haha! Because Google does seem to have an agreement with Reddit.

" Therefore, CORRECT, focusing solely on content on your own website is POOR ADVICE" . " Yep, worked fantastic up until about 2011, but most experienced people in this industry (I'm talking people who have been doing this, with or without success, for at least a year) can clearly see that you have NOT been ranking on "exact phrase match" keywords for SEO in years (My guess, since about 2015 and the Google Hummingbird Algorithm Update).

But, I will say no more on that subject, apart from, I disagreed with everything in that Vlog!! As I say, I was astounded!!"

=>Yes indeed, I was disappointed as well, I just left it alone, to be honest it would just get me upset in public, trying to discuss it. I am not as experienced as the "experts" here at all, we all know that, but as you said I have noticed over the years, that it never ever matches the exact keyword, sometimes even an irrelevant topic.

" As an example, if I check one of my keywords and I see Medium ranking, I immediately "import" (as Diane has mentioned below, just use the tool, it's TWO CLICKS of a button, THAT'S IT).

Sure, you will need to add images and videos, but your entire content and all the links are already "imported" for you (and Medium allows affiliate links <----has anyone tried just importing all their PREVIOUSLY GOOD RANKING product reviews and seeing what happens? Would work well, if you have 100+ product reviews to import).

Realistically, you could smash out an imported Medium article WITH images (they have a button to add images from Unspash automtically, which are automatically credited) and videos in around 6-7 minutes."

==> yes! I will do medium every time automatically now to whenever I created a new blog post, I will share it there,let's see what it does! Before, I was sharing everything on all socials: facebook (still do of course), interest, Youtube (community) , Instagram and twitter. I stopped the 2 last ones, cause never got any traffic from it, but can replace that now with Medium if it is that easy to do, thanks!

About Reddit: thanks for al the info, working on it as you know and will decide soon ;-)

The problem is, while you are going to probably rank by doing this, what sort of traffic would that actually send to your site? You are not going to profit from being on Reddit, and any click-through would be seriously limited.

Despite what the Guru's think, or at least tell you as their livelihoods depend on not telling you, SEO us just dead in the water unless Google changes tack.

It would if it takes them to pages with ads though. Ads income would go up. And maybe even affiliates.
And in the past I really had clicks comming from strangers on reddit, that wrote about my site, without me even being there. While all the efforts I ever did on Instagram gave me nothing, nada.
I really think theres potential for my niche on reddit , maybe not for your niche.
Before also, someone advosed to not use Facebook groups, as supposedly not worth the effort.
Well, it does for my niche!

Agreed on the SEO from Google though, it looks dead. So socials it is!

Actually, Facebook groups can be incredible. You have access to actual real people asking real questions your page can answer its insanely targeted!

The problem is you can get booted pretty fast for spamming. Even just for posting links!

But yeah as googles dead, we got to do something right

It cannot work, as you rightly say, the group admin will remove any reply or post with a link. It just happened to me a few days ago, a simple non-affiliate link, the comment was removed.

But she has her own already large group, and of a specific buy-and-sell type, so adding links is the natural way of how it operates. Great approach but not for everybody of course. She can tell you more.

In fact, she and Andy inspired me to start one, but I do not think I shall ever have it raised from the ground. The beginning may be very tough. Imagine, why would anybody join an initially naturally empty group.

Never had any issues with placing links, but I do have 2 of my own fb groups and a fb page aswell. The groups also grow my page and my newsletter subscriptions.
As for other groups, you need to read their rules very well.
In most groups, not even links are allowed, but there are a few where I post my Youtube video links. You do need to be proactive and not just spam links indeed.
If I have a mini tutorial to promote elsewhere, I mention the list of materials they need, for example.
As for affiliate links straight up that's another topic, it depends greatly on the affiliate company, bit I hardly ever do that.

Yeah sorry, think I misread your post, thought you were agreeing with the comment that Facebook Groups are not worthwhile, but you were actually disagreeing, and I am with you on that.

While I would LOVE to have my own Group, I am in the same boat as Jvanjes and can't see how I get from an Empty group to now with 1-2000 members that people would actually want to join! It is something I need to look at, as the traffic from groups is just so hyper-targeted.

With the groups I am in there is a huge variety of Admin aggression, In some groups the mere mention of an outside link will get you a forever ban, other I could probably post irrelevant raw affiliate links and get away with it (obviously would not do that but I could) and others are somewhere in between.

The key is knowing the groups being helpful, and not posting links too often. It's not a lot of traffic but it is really high quality.

But yeah, it's constant work, you need to be posting daily, helping people out, and being part of the group. Hard work for a few potential sales.

But If I actually had my own groups...

Yes, it is definitely worth it! Look at my blog: And my email list is growing every time that I have that automatic 'welcome message', where I refer to my newsletter and FB page. It makes both of them grow. (people who have joined your page, tend to more click on your links)
Now, making it grow, is another thing, for sure.
I don't know what niche you are in?

In my case, I have 2 FB groups, the 'normal' one, where I place my blog posts links and youtube links is growing a lot slower, although it is older.

My "buying and selling" group, however, is growing a lot without putting much effort into it. (except for some spam, you will always see that with a growing group)

As you said, in most other groups, people can not sell anything of their own or place links.

If you have a travel niche, for example, maybe you can make a kind of selling group like mine, where people can sell their backpacks, suitcases, tents, etc. I know this sounds contra-productive, but that is a group that grows without effort! And this is what benefits you as a moderator, because you can "highlight" blog posts or landing pages in your own group.

And it is you who can 'spam' the welcome messages, by highlighting your newsletter/offers, etc.

So while the straight up traffic to your site does get mixed in the algorithms of messages from others and doesn't bring much straight traffic to your site (I think that this is what teachers here and other gurus mean), it does get traffic to it, it just is a sideway. (if you know what I mean by this)

In fact, I should do this for my travel site aswell, create a selling/buying group, that might get things moving there to haha. So little time, I probably SHOULD invest in a social media manager to test all of this out.


As I have mentioned before, I don't know much about Reddit, but I noticed there are a couple of Subreddits that could be worth you joining if you haven't already.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Dollhouses/ has 26.7 k members and https://www.reddit.com/r/dollhouseminiatures/ with 3.6k members.

Start commenting on posts, offering advice, getting yourself known, as well as adding your own images, etc.

Yeah, saw that. Just dont have the time extra to do that.

Hmm, how about Medium?

You can simply import posts from your website, add links back to it, and even include affiliate links and YouTube videos!

Medium sorts out the canonical tags automatically, so Google doesn't see it as duplicate content.

It's currently my favorite platform, although I am using it for a small income, rather than traffic.

Since joining their Partner Program three months ago, I have earned $75.12, and this month alone, I am already on $38.80, so the figure is slowly creeping up!

I missed to ask you earlier, will they pay authors even if this is a copy of a published post?

Maybe that could help, I just think that a lot more people get info from reddit then medium for my niche. Could test it for a few months however. ☺️

Yes, the only criteria is that you are a paid member of Medium ($5 per month) and that the person reading it is also a paid member.

BUT, as we know, Medium is often ranking higher than the original website posts.

So, if somebody finds your Medium post through a keyword search on Google, but they are not a member of Medium, you won't get paid.

But, on the flip side, they might click through to your website.

Hey Diane! Was just wondering if I heard correctly. I can just copy my own article from my website and post it on medium?

I am kinda new to it, so would like some advice. :)

Hi - you don't copy it, see the screenshot I sent to Lizzy.

Medium has an Import feature, you just paste the URL in.

It might not carry over images or videos, so you need to check that.

However, it will show the publication date as being the same as it was originally published on your website.

So, it won't look like fresh, new content on Medium.

Ah, ok, thank you Diane!

I tried to import my URL in to medium, but it said it couldn't do it. Is there a way of fixing that?

Only just seen this, but, as discussed in chat!


Reddit is an excellent place to kvetch and rant. I see many people ranting about Pinterest, SEO, and more. Perhaps you should post your rants there, and your rants will show up on page 1. So there you have it! 😂 Also, this post will be in the SERPs too how ironic is that?


I figured you would get a laugh out of what I stated! 🤣

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