All-In-One SEO Title and Description
Have you been using the All-In-One SEO Title & Description to your advantage?
By default, the Title and Description fields will take your post/page Title and the first 160 characters of your first paragraph as your description.
However, if you didn't target keywords in your post/page title and in the first paragraph for some reason, you can still use it to your advantage.
WHY use it? These two fields are extremely important as this is what shows in the Google searches.
Here's an example of why I overrode the default:
My latest post on my website (in my profile) has title "Income Report: 3 Months" and I didn't use keywords because this was a format I wanted to use for this series of posts. Below the post, you will see the fields "Title" and "Description" after the question mark, you can override these two fields to target keywords. So instead of using my title, I used keywords instead and you can see how it will show in a Google Search:
I really love this feature as it'll bring me traffic to this post for those who are interested specifically in this question.
See here for more training on this topic:
Have you used it?
Would love to know if you knew about this feature and if you have taken advantage of it in the comments below!
PS- Any comments left on my website will be returned if you can leave your link below! Thanks in advance!!
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Hey Grace, I haven't used it but read a longer version of instructions by PjGermain. Always more to learn here! Thanks for your post!
I'd like to find out how to do this. In fact I just asked WA to help me out with how to do so. Maybe you can tell me how, and then I can find the link and give it to you. ??
This is used just in case you couldn't put keywords in your title or your title is too long. This is just a way to adjust how it shows up on Google.
I have all in one SEO installed, I only optimize the first 160 characters of the first paragraph on All in one SEO, but I wouldn't fill up those boxes, I only see how my snippet looks on there and not paste it.
It's very hard to rank if your keyword is not on the title, Kyle told me so yesterday!
Just my 2 cents Grace!:)
That's why I override my post title and put it in that Title field in SEO box. My keywords are there now.
I'm afraid that the trick doesn't work as I have typed your keyword and the snippet indexed on Google reads Income report Three months, your target keyword doesn't show up when I type it?
It's not a trick, it's a function in that plugin. It's at the end of your editing post for this purpose. This is used just in case you couldn't put keywords in your title or your title is too long. This is just a way to adjust how your Title & Description shows up on Google. I'm merely saying how this function works.
Alright! I have asked Kyle but did not tell me this was possibleThanks for sharing with us Grace! You are awesome! -Anis
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This is something I definitely need to do. Thanks so much, Grace:)
That's great you find this useful thanks!