Need to update my payment (PayPal) email - it points to an old email that I have shut down.
Need to update payment (paypal) email?
Need to update my payment (PayPal) email - it points to an old email that I have shut down.
if you click on your profile image and scroll down to account settings
then goto subscriptions you can change the email associated with paypal...
the other place to remember is within the payout if you get referrals ....
click on the dollar symbol in the top menu>> my stats
and scroll right down the bottom - there is the payment email for paypal...
I did just that - that did not work. I have a SiteSupport ticket open on the issue now.
Thank you for your help, though!
sitesupport are for hosting issues with your websites only ...
any platform issues should go ot kyle or carson....
how go you know it did not work...
did you press ctrl+f5 to refresh the cache for that page...
I was getting an error message advising me to contact SiteSupport.
This is fixed now. SiteSupport resolved the issue.
Thanks for you help!
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I have an old email still in the system for my PayPal payment address - I need to update it
Thank you!
To change it, go directly to the link below. Scroll all the way down, and you'll see Payment Settings. You can update there.
Unfortunately, that is not working - I get this message:
"Please contact SiteSupport to change your Paypal address"
As far as I know, support only handles website-related stuff. For payment, you'll want to PM Kyle.
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Update a paypal email address?
I have an old email still in the system for my PayPal payment address - I need to update it
Thank you!
To change it, go directly to the link below. Scroll all the way down, and you'll see Payment Settings. You can update there.
Unfortunately, that is not working - I get this message:
"Please contact SiteSupport to change your Paypal address"
As far as I know, support only handles website-related stuff. For payment, you'll want to PM Kyle.
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What is the best way to attribute in Word Press an image downloaded from Wikimedia Commons?
Triblu gives great direction
Check out the links she provides
Great place to get help
Thanks WA community
Hey Oren,
Here are 2 pages of the same tutorial to assist you: What Kind of Attribution to Give How to Apply Attribution to a Picture Hope you find this helpful.
Here is what I do:
Once I select and insert the image where I want it in the post,I go back to the file page and click "use this file" and box will display as in the image below
I then copy the text in the highlighted box and in the edit for the image, paste it into the "image title attribute box and update and done. Hope this helps.
Cheers, Brad
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How do I attribute an image i've downloaded from wikimedia?
What is the best way to attribute in Word Press an image downloaded from Wikimedia Commons?
Triblu gives great direction
Check out the links she provides
Great place to get help
Thanks WA community
Hey Oren,
Here are 2 pages of the same tutorial to assist you: What Kind of Attribution to Give How to Apply Attribution to a Picture Hope you find this helpful.
Here is what I do:
Once I select and insert the image where I want it in the post,I go back to the file page and click "use this file" and box will display as in the image below
I then copy the text in the highlighted box and in the edit for the image, paste it into the "image title attribute box and update and done. Hope this helps.
Cheers, Brad
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Howdy WA folks
Just a quick question (or sort of a poll) to see if there are any of you working more than one website AND having great success with both.
I know it is pre
I have two websites Oren. From my experience it is better to build one site till it is getting traffic, then start another. The problem is that trying to work equally on two at once is almost impossible.
Just thinking
Hi Oren,
I have one website that hasn't brought any monetary value yet. I have finished the cert course, and have started the bootcamp training.
My wife and I came up with another idea for a website/niche, so have embarked on a 2nd site now.
Maybe not the best idea - maybe spreading myself too thin, but I have a lot of time on my hands, and should be able to handle both.
Plus my wife can add her help with the new project.
So bottom line with this question - I feel it depends on how much time one has available + if someone can assist with the workload.
This situation is not unlike having a full time job and then doing a side job at the same time. It CAN be done, but it's not for everyone.
Hope this helps??
I have 2 sites but focusing on just 1 site for now. It's a lot of work to keep them both going.
The MMO niche is what is taught through Bootcamp, and is not for everyone.
If you have a niche idea and you have time I suggest the certification training first then the other later. It's up to you.
I agree having one site while learning and achieving some success works for many, which is why you hear this a lot.
For some MMO is very hard due to its competitiveness. Best to you in coming to a conclusion what works for you since that is the most important aspect. Yourself!
good evening my friend, I have debated over this for the last six months. I have been a member of wa for over a year and I have came to the personal conclusion to keep my attention on my one website,it is working and I don't think at the present moment I need to add anything else to MyPlate. However maybe for the future. May success always be with you.
Success working both the "wa bootcamp" and a niche website?
Howdy WA folks
Just a quick question (or sort of a poll) to see if there are any of you working more than one website AND having great success with both.
I know it is pre
I have two websites Oren. From my experience it is better to build one site till it is getting traffic, then start another. The problem is that trying to work equally on two at once is almost impossible.
Just thinking
Hi Oren,
I have one website that hasn't brought any monetary value yet. I have finished the cert course, and have started the bootcamp training.
My wife and I came up with another idea for a website/niche, so have embarked on a 2nd site now.
Maybe not the best idea - maybe spreading myself too thin, but I have a lot of time on my hands, and should be able to handle both.
Plus my wife can add her help with the new project.
So bottom line with this question - I feel it depends on how much time one has available + if someone can assist with the workload.
This situation is not unlike having a full time job and then doing a side job at the same time. It CAN be done, but it's not for everyone.
Hope this helps??
I have 2 sites but focusing on just 1 site for now. It's a lot of work to keep them both going.
The MMO niche is what is taught through Bootcamp, and is not for everyone.
If you have a niche idea and you have time I suggest the certification training first then the other later. It's up to you.
I agree having one site while learning and achieving some success works for many, which is why you hear this a lot.
For some MMO is very hard due to its competitiveness. Best to you in coming to a conclusion what works for you since that is the most important aspect. Yourself!
good evening my friend, I have debated over this for the last six months. I have been a member of wa for over a year and I have came to the personal conclusion to keep my attention on my one website,it is working and I don't think at the present moment I need to add anything else to MyPlate. However maybe for the future. May success always be with you.
if you click on your profile image and scroll down to account settings
then goto subscriptions you can change the email associated with paypal...
the other place to remember is within the payout if you get referrals ....
click on the dollar symbol in the top menu>> my stats
and scroll right down the bottom - there is the payment email for paypal...
I did just that - that did not work. I have a SiteSupport ticket open on the issue now.
Thank you for your help, though!
sitesupport are for hosting issues with your websites only ...
any platform issues should go ot kyle or carson....
how go you know it did not work...
did you press ctrl+f5 to refresh the cache for that page...
I was getting an error message advising me to contact SiteSupport.
This is fixed now. SiteSupport resolved the issue.
Thanks for you help!
glad you are sorted...