? Why is Money So Important in Our Lives? The Psychology Revealed ?

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Hello, my WA family members. Lately, this topic has become very important to me as I earn money from my internet efforts. I increasingly realise that money is just a tool, a rather crude tool, and nothing more.

My mentor- a multi-millionaire - is really teaching me this with daily object lessons. We are making 100 videos to practice our skills, and in one of them, I started to use a teleprompter for the first time and didn't get the position quite right, meaning that my eye contact wasn't steady on the camera lens. Michael's comment - incidentally, his videos are perfect - was to reposition my phone by balancing it on a pile of books above my PC lens. I was amazed!

I suggested sending him a phone holder with an adjustable arm to hold his phone securely, which costs 300¥ (£0.49) in Japan. LOL.


He has the means to buy the best possible equipment, such as a monitor, etc., but he doesn't. As he says, he prefers to make what he already has work better. This is truly inspiring, I think! We mustn't clutter up the world with equipment that can't easily be recycled!

So, this led me to share these points with you!

🚀 The Psychology of Wealth: Our attitudes towards money often stem from deep-seated psychological factors. For some, money represents security, status, and success; for others, it evokes fear, inadequacy, or guilt. Exploring the psychological roots of our financial beliefs and behaviors can lead to greater self-awareness and empowerment.

🔍 Reflect and Adjust: You must be familiar with the beliefs about money that underpin your life as you move along your pathway to wealth. Transparency and honesty with yourself and with others are imperative. You may have inherited attitudes from your family, community, and culture, so revisit and adjust them to the millionaire mindset. 🧠💡

🌟 The Philosophy of Abundance: Money symbolises abundance and exchange. Embracing an abundance mindset involves recognizing our inherent wealth and the world around us. It’s about transcending notions of scarcity and embracing life’s infinite possibilities. 🌍✨

❤️ Happiness and Positivity: Gratitude for the wealth you already have is the start, followed by using positive affirmations to create the conditions for making all your dreams come true. Your state of happiness and positivity is crucial to perceiving money healthily. If you start from a negative place of desperation to hoard money, you will transmit that bad energy into the universe. 🌞🙏

🤔 Existential Questions and Financial Meaning: Our relationship with money raises existential questions about the nature of value, purpose, and meaning. Do we merely exist to accumulate wealth, or does money serve a deeper purpose in our lives? Exploring these inquiries can lead to a deeper understanding of our motivations and aspirations. 💭🌀

🔑 Ethics of Wealth: How do we reconcile our pursuit of financial success with our moral values and social responsibilities? Delving into ethical philosophy can provide insights into balancing personal ambition with societal welfare and justice. As we become wealthy, we must examine our value system and adjust accordingly. ⚖️🌐

🛠 Money as a Tool for Self-Actualization: Ultimately, money is a tool that can either facilitate or hinder our journey towards self-actualization. Financial autonomy and security are essential for fulfilling our basic needs and pursuing higher aspirations. True fulfilment lies in aligning our financial goals with our deepest values and aspirations. 🌱🌟

In conclusion, our relationship with money is a multifaceted interplay of psychology, philosophy, and ethics. By introspecting on our beliefs, values, and aspirations, we can cultivate a more conscious and purposeful approach to money that enriches our lives, the lives of others, and the world at large. 🌍💖

Happiness is your greatest wealth, and money will never buy that. 🌈💸

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Yes, I have always felt that money is a reward for the effort we put into activities that we are passionate about and bring value to others.

"...pieces of paper with pictures on it so we don't kill each other just to get something to eat." This is a line from Jeremy Irons to Kevin Spacey in the movie Margin Call. It puts money in perspective, I think.

However, a tool is a tool, and the better the tools and proficiency at using them, the better the house that can be built.

Thanks for the many perspectives, Lindi.


great to have your contribution Dave! Love that movie and both the actors! Yep, that about sums it up, but a tool is a tool and we should have the best we can find!!

Yes, indeed! We have that here, hands down.

Thanks again! 🌺

Hi Lindi

I agree that understanding the psychology of money is a critical component of the choices we make in life.

I come from a wealthy and hard-working family. As children, we had a wonderful life but were never really taught the “value” of money.

So money became more like “paper with green ink on it,” although it is essential for basic “financial autonomy and security,” as you say.

Money didn’t exist in nature before our species arrived. It is a made-up system of trade.

Throughout my lifetime, for the past seventy years, I made happiness and helping others my “pot of gold,” although as a physician, I made a good living in the process.

During my career, I’ve seen many people's health and moral values suffer while worshipping at the altar of “you can never have enough wealth.”

Balance and moderation are key elements of a life “well-lived,” and we don’t need a costly “mastermind” course to figure this out. The “work hard, player harder” approach has helped me achieve this and much more in the most optimistic and worthwhile ways.

Just my two cents from an old guy with lots of life experience. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks, Frank, for more and specific explanation, great start in life, Me want to get this idea as well to my children and families now,

for future goals and financial freedom. Your right and true in this post.


You’re welcome, Clotilda. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks though belated, great day,


Thanks for sharing Lindi!


Hi, friend.
Have a look here if it is allowed through this platform:


Paul from Canada.

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