Do You Prepare For The Future?

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Hey WAmily, how are you doing in this time of lock down?

For me, not much changed as I have been doing translation from home most of the time. However, I am blessed to live in a village where I'm in the nature just five minutes after leaving my house. I go for even longer walks now with our dog and it's the most enjoyable time of my day.

But this post is not just about my life. I want to share something important we all have to deal with if we want to be successful.

A Strength That Became A Weekness

Each of us has some strengths and weaknesses. One thing you might consider a strength might be a weakness sometimes. What do I mean by that?

I am a very concise person. I always go straight to the point and can explain complicated things in a simple way. It is something I've always considered a strength, seeing how some people just talk and talk and can't get to the end what they are really on about.

But in the sense of writing, it is a weakness. As you know, we should aim for 1500 words posts or even longer. The longer the better. I didn't believe it in the beginning but I've heard it from various people I really value their opinion and I believe now it's true.

Now how can someone who is concise and doesn't like talking too much write long articles? That's a big challenge, right?

But being a warrior, I decided to do all I can and improve / prolong my writing. When I write normal posts, I aim for 1000 words minimum and with a bit of polishing I usually get to about 1200. My longest post is 2200 words, it's a best of post with 10 items so it wasn't so hard.

A Weakness Turned Into A Strength

My other problem is that I'm too quick. Maybe it's lack of patience. When I start something, I like having it finished as soon as possible. So when I start writing a post, I want to have it published on the same day. I found out that it's not good because if I leave it to the next day, I can read it again, elaborate on it which means even some more words.

Outlook - The Future Can Be Yours!

There is always room for improvement. Always. Whatever you struggle with, look at people who are good at it and learn from them. I learn every day, reading WA posts of successful members and watch videos on YouTube. There are so many sources!

Prepare that it will take a long time to have blogging/affiliate marketing as your main source of income. I've heard that a realistic expectation is $1000 a month in one-years-time. It's not a rule, it might be only $200 or $300. But it is possible.

And you know what's even better? After 2 years, you can get to $6000 a month. It might seem crazy to many of us. I'd be happy just with a third of that. But again, it's possible. There are people who have achieved that!

All that is possible if you do things the right way.



None of us is a born writer, born affiliate marketer or online businessman.

We have to study and educate ourselves.

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Focus On Nice Things

Even in these crazy times, you can still focus on beautiful little things. Enjoy time with your loved ones. Imagine your awesome future one or two years ahead. Do not watch the news all time, it will only make you feel down. Do all sanitary precautions and stay at home (if you are not a nurse, doctor etc.), learn and do something for your future.


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Hi Lenka
I really like your tip about writing a post and then leaving it to the next day before publishing it! I can see how you would be able to flesh it out a bit more when you come to it with fresh eyes.
Interesting stats about affiliate marketing too. Lets keep working hard to turn those into reality.


PS - sorry it took me so long to get round to reading your post. I had it saved as an unread message and then it got swamped in other messages!

Hi Dave,
I almost forgot about writing this article by now :) No worries, I know you are busy, I also don't always get to read posts from you, Twack or Heidi, which I always enjoy.
I hope the situation in your pharmacy has calmed down a bit and you have more time to work on your business.

Good Morning Lenka,

At the moment I do not write for my 2 websites but I do some facelifting on old posts and give them up for comments again.

It normally takes me 2 days to write a post times 2 is already 4 days of the week. Then I have to find photos, videos, books, etc and that is another day. Then comes tags and the description, some fine-tuning and the reading with my proofreader, in total 6 days till Monday when I publish.

I have discovered the week has too few days.

Stay safe and healthy, Taetske

Hello Taetske,
the week surely has not enough days for me! It takes me 2 days to write a post too and then polishing and pictures another day. That's why posting 2 posts a week is the best for me, if I post three I am exhausted. I'm thinking about hiring a writer which would make my publishing frequency better.
Hope you are doing well in your little paradise :)
Stay safe,

Hi Lenka,

I love this part of your post:



None of us is a born writer, born affiliate marketer or online businessman.

We have to study and educate ourselves."

Absolutely right and in doing so, it is leading you, I and other members of WA who are consistent and tenacious to success via WA.

Have a great day and keep safe.


Thank you for your comment, Trevor. I believe in learning and growth, and I'm lucky enough I have always loved learning so it's not a hardship but pleasure :)
Have a nice day!

Great advice! I also feel it is important to recognize our weaknesses so we can improve them to become our strengths.

I appreciate you sharing things you have heard and learned, I learn so much from hearing other’s experiences!

I’m in it for the long haul in WA. I love your positive outlook on life and with building your business!

Thanks for sharing!

Thank you Heidi! I've always been positive and open to new things but since I learned how important gratitude is, I'm even more positive :)
I believe the mindset is everything. If we get it into our heads that it is for the long haul and see our vision - the end result - we just have no other choice then get there!
Have a nice and productive week!

I love that! What a great way to live life!
Thank you and I hope your week is wonderful and productive as well!

I believe the more happy we feel the more good things we attract! It really works!

Good advice, Lenka - Being in this lockdown mode has definitely provided me with the time focus on the right things, and improve in some areas - including writing better posts.

I'm always falling short of 1000 words and have to delay posting a blog sometimes - maybe that's a good thing for me, because is gives me a chance to go back to re-read and update what I wrote. I'm still working on that.

Thanks for the post!
Isaiah 😊

Yeah, I think it might be a good thing, after all, it makes us work on the posts for a longer time and we might end up having more quality posts :)
Have a nice day, Isaiah, and stay safe!

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