About LatriceS
Rank 63521
485 followers Joined July 2016


"Being the best we can is not a choice, it is a responsibility imposed upon us by virtue of the fact that we are free.





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

What does the Clicks (Raw and Unique) mean? I had over 7k clicks combined and only 5 clicked "content". If no one is clicking through does that make my click through rate looke

From Kyle: A unique click is a unique person (or IP address) that visits your link and they are only counted as a click once.

A raw click tabulates every time someone clicks a link, including the same person, so in essence, the same person could click the same link 5 times and that would count as 5 raw clicks and 1 unique click.

Al reporting for duty......
Hey Michael......Thanks for this info :-))
Al and Tania

Thank you Michael for the info, was wondering too.

Robert has this covered

Hi Latrice, raw clicks are the total. it can include people who come back and click many times. Unique is what is says. The number of individuals who have clicked. If they clicked many time they are still only counted once in this figure.
Cheers Kev

Thank you, Kevin, for your explanation and taking the time to do respond.

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Clicks, raw and unique-what do they mean?

Clicks, raw and unique-what do they mean?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

What does the Clicks (Raw and Unique) mean? I had over 7k clicks combined and only 5 clicked "content". If no one is clicking through does that make my click through rate looke

From Kyle: A unique click is a unique person (or IP address) that visits your link and they are only counted as a click once.

A raw click tabulates every time someone clicks a link, including the same person, so in essence, the same person could click the same link 5 times and that would count as 5 raw clicks and 1 unique click.

Al reporting for duty......
Hey Michael......Thanks for this info :-))
Al and Tania

Thank you Michael for the info, was wondering too.

Robert has this covered

Hi Latrice, raw clicks are the total. it can include people who come back and click many times. Unique is what is says. The number of individuals who have clicked. If they clicked many time they are still only counted once in this figure.
Cheers Kev

Thank you, Kevin, for your explanation and taking the time to do respond.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

You bet your bottom dollar it does!

If you want your online business to succeed then you must market it socially.

In order to do that successfully, You need to kn

great info hun , thank you xoxo
ALa nd Tania

Thank you, Tania! :)

:-)) xoxo

Thank you for this information.....

You are very welcome!

Yes what you say is very true i am at the begging of my journey and i will take all the info i can to succeed and i might not under stand it all , but i will die trying. once again thanks.

Hello there, Gerard! Thank you for your time and response! You have the right spirit and attitude! Keep on moving on...soon it will all click. All the puzzles will be in place. I have a new saying..."Build it once and watch it grow!" This is exactly what we're learning how to do. Stick with it, stay focus...soon it WILL pay off! Wishing you much prosperity as you continue your journey!

Great information Latrice

Thank you so much Percispapa! Your response is greatly appreciated!

All of these options draw on the core deep seated benefit values that everybody seeks Latrice. This will especially resonate as we "get social".

Yes! This was one of my "ah hah" moments. So naturally I had to share. No telling how many people that are trying to "make it" online are not informed. I'm trying to do my best to educate while getting educated. :)

Thank you, for taking the time to review my blog. You're AWESOME!

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Does social media marketing affect our business?

Does social media marketing affect our business?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

You bet your bottom dollar it does!

If you want your online business to succeed then you must market it socially.

In order to do that successfully, You need to kn

great info hun , thank you xoxo
ALa nd Tania

Thank you, Tania! :)

:-)) xoxo

Thank you for this information.....

You are very welcome!

Yes what you say is very true i am at the begging of my journey and i will take all the info i can to succeed and i might not under stand it all , but i will die trying. once again thanks.

Hello there, Gerard! Thank you for your time and response! You have the right spirit and attitude! Keep on moving on...soon it will all click. All the puzzles will be in place. I have a new saying..."Build it once and watch it grow!" This is exactly what we're learning how to do. Stick with it, stay focus...soon it WILL pay off! Wishing you much prosperity as you continue your journey!

Great information Latrice

Thank you so much Percispapa! Your response is greatly appreciated!

All of these options draw on the core deep seated benefit values that everybody seeks Latrice. This will especially resonate as we "get social".

Yes! This was one of my "ah hah" moments. So naturally I had to share. No telling how many people that are trying to "make it" online are not informed. I'm trying to do my best to educate while getting educated. :)

Thank you, for taking the time to review my blog. You're AWESOME!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

In WordPress - Quick Edit there's a box with "Allow Pings" next to it. What does that mean? Should I have it checked off? Thank you!

Pings are automated blog responses. Allowing this attribute sets up a communication process. It's cousin trackbacks is established manually. Discussed at this source.

Thank you! I will take a look at the article for a clearer understanding.

thanks for this Michael.
:-)) Al

Allowing shares of your post on other sites or on your own site... is how I understand it

Thank you, Francine, for the breakdown.

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What does "allow pings" mean?

What does "allow pings" mean?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

In WordPress - Quick Edit there's a box with "Allow Pings" next to it. What does that mean? Should I have it checked off? Thank you!

Pings are automated blog responses. Allowing this attribute sets up a communication process. It's cousin trackbacks is established manually. Discussed at this source.

Thank you! I will take a look at the article for a clearer understanding.

thanks for this Michael.
:-)) Al

Allowing shares of your post on other sites or on your own site... is how I understand it

Thank you, Francine, for the breakdown.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I went to sign on to my website and got this message....
Your website learnsocialmediamarketing.siterubix.com is redirecting to learnsocialmediamarketing.us because you move

Thank you, everyone for your concerns. Not sure what happened, but I'm back up and running! And nothing was lost or messed up/out of wack so I'm glad....no harm, no foul.

I was so excited I forgot to come back with an update. I immediately went to work... http://learnsocialmediamarketing.siterubix.com/how-to-get-a-free-website. My latest blog. One more lesson and I'm done with WA Bootcamp Course 1....Yayyyyy!

Appears to be aa general glitch from two recorded complaints. I would treat this as spamming and contact site support.

I hope it's a glitch and not spam....No Spamming allowed here, right?!?!?

Not for us internally. but the problem is all those external invasions!

WOW second one in a row with the same issue here. I better alert support and Kyle as well. Not sure what is happening.

I saw someone else was having the same issue a bit ago. My next question is...What's going to happen next? I can't even work on my site now...... :(

I just got the the same thing.

Hey Steve, Did this issue get resolved? what was the prob? please xoxo
Tania and Al

I talked to someone earlier today that had his site moved and got it back. Not sure if all sites have been restored.

My site has been restored. Had to contact support center

Is it just a glitch then? where were they being moved too? :-))
thank you

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I did not request for my url to be "move" but it is why?

I did not request for my url to be "move" but it is why?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I went to sign on to my website and got this message....
Your website learnsocialmediamarketing.siterubix.com is redirecting to learnsocialmediamarketing.us because you move

Thank you, everyone for your concerns. Not sure what happened, but I'm back up and running! And nothing was lost or messed up/out of wack so I'm glad....no harm, no foul.

I was so excited I forgot to come back with an update. I immediately went to work... http://learnsocialmediamarketing.siterubix.com/how-to-get-a-free-website. My latest blog. One more lesson and I'm done with WA Bootcamp Course 1....Yayyyyy!

Appears to be aa general glitch from two recorded complaints. I would treat this as spamming and contact site support.

I hope it's a glitch and not spam....No Spamming allowed here, right?!?!?

Not for us internally. but the problem is all those external invasions!

WOW second one in a row with the same issue here. I better alert support and Kyle as well. Not sure what is happening.

I saw someone else was having the same issue a bit ago. My next question is...What's going to happen next? I can't even work on my site now...... :(

I just got the the same thing.

Hey Steve, Did this issue get resolved? what was the prob? please xoxo
Tania and Al

I talked to someone earlier today that had his site moved and got it back. Not sure if all sites have been restored.

My site has been restored. Had to contact support center

Is it just a glitch then? where were they being moved too? :-))
thank you

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