The Official Bug Thread - Post Any Bugs Here


Hey Folks,

This the bug thread if you are having ANY issues with the new platform here at WA. Please post your issues below and if you can, please provde screen captures of what you are referring to within the comments.

We appreciate your help and your feedback. We will get to ALL of these efficiently! :)


Kyle & Carson

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K, so this one is a weird one. My latest video blog uploaded as only a text post. The thumbnail for the video saved only as a cover photo and there is no video player present at all. I'll try uploading it again tomorrow.

Tried uploading it again and it’s not allowing me to. it just gets stuck on publish for a long time, then when the circle stops moving and you X out to go check there’s nothing 👎🏼

Update: Problem all fixed! 😎👍🏼💯

Awesome! Let us know if you do run into any further issues.

Hi Kyle

What is happening with the centre dashboard?
yesterday through most of the day various parts of the dashboard are not loading up while other parts seem fine.
Later they work again then once more they seems to just want to load but nothing happens.

i notices a few people has this issue yesterday and again today same thing is happening.

This is despite clearing the cache, refreshing the browser and also trying other browsers. It is also happening on my mobile as well.

What is happening?

:) The same as in the live chat...

Should all be resolved now. We have moved over to a new server class, we were updating servers on Friday that kickstarted a few intermittent issue. Lots of techie speak here, but it should be sorted now Andre.

Let us know if you have any further issues. ;)

Thanks Kyle will check it out soon

I hope this is the right place, Abie tells me my recent blogs are not showing up on the blog roll, which might also answer why I was having a very hard job finding a way to post a blog, which used to be so simple Thats all I can really say

I emptied the cache several times, but it was still not visible on the WA blog roll

Oh yeah! It is definitely their (Robby's) WA dashboard blog roll.


Are you talking about posting a blog here at WA or on your website? This is a thread for any bugs noticed inside WA’s user interface.

On here Eric


When I go to your blog roll, I see your posts.

What in particular are you not seeing?

Something has changed in the last few hours that has put it back on course, there was another post shirt the one you are showing here

just found a little bug....
went to my notifications and clicked on it went problem....
went to the top of the post and clicked the return to dashboard.....
and ended up on this post....another version of the bug thread with no header image....
so a bug on the bug thread....

Hey Kyle

Teeny Minor issue:

What would old members be in the new premium members panel?

It doesn't make sense, as I have noticed it many times. They may have upgraded from premium to pp+ and vice versa :) Otherwise, why would they be there...

Just curious if it is a glitch :) Thanks

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