Starting in Affiliate Marketing With ZERO Doubts.

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Starting out in affiliate marketing, it is completely normal to have doubts.

I know I did when I first began. The online business landscape can seem overwhelming at first, but the potential is big...and by big, I mean massive. But how did I go from knowing nothing, to creating a thriving business online.

It's actually simple. I decided to focus on the OPPORTUNITIES rather than the UNCERTAINTIES. I think a big mistake people make is focusing too much on the latter.

Let me share how you can start with zero doubts and full confidence.

Understanding the Vast Potential Online.

Vast Potential Online
First and foremost, realize the scale of the internet. There are billions of people online, each a potential customer. In fact, there are currently 5.5 BILLION active internet users.

That is a lot of people. That is also a lot of surfers. Social media users. Buyers. Informational consumers. Video watchers. Readers. Community partakers.

You take this, combine with the products that you can promote as an affiliate marketer and that alone represents a massive industry...and one that we want you to capitalize on.

Here are a few things working on your favor right now:

  1. Billions of People Online (5.5B to be exact)
    • The internet is a vast marketplace. With billions of users worldwide, the potential audience for your promotions is enormous.
  2. Millions of Products to Promote (est. over 550 Million)
    • As an affiliate marketer, you are not limited to a single product or niche. There are literally millions of products and services you can promote, catering to diverse interests and needs. The Amazon marketplace alone sells over 350 MILLION products alone.

Focus on Matching Products With the Right Audience

The next step is understanding how to connect these products with the right audience. Your goal is to find the people who are already looking for what you are promoting.

  1. Identify Your Niche
    • Start by choosing a niche that you are passionate about. This will make it easier to create content and engage with your audience. There are lots of niches out there, and you have tools here at WA to help you align yourself with your niche.

      On another note, we have a REALLY freaking cool platform coming to help you refine your niche from broad ideas, even offering you opportunity rating insights. For example, say I was passionate about "Football" (soccer and NFL), here are some instant business ideas I get...

      Football Niche Search
      Lots of viable directions I could go with my business, and that is based off of one search alone. This platform is going to be in your hands within the next few weeks here.
  2. Research and Understand Your Audience
    • Know who your potential customers are, what they need, and where they hang out online. This will help you create targeted content and marketing strategies.

      This research is done for you right within the 'Niche Research' section inside of Hubs, as you can get to the more specific "problem solving" type content ideas and keywords. These are pure opportunity "gems".

      How to Keywords - Football
  3. Create Valuable Content
    • Produce content that provides value to your audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, reviews, or social media posts. Your content should aim to solve a problem or fulfill a need.

      With the AI Designer and Author platforms, I can create articles in minutes. In fact, with the Bulk Writing feature I could write all 10 of the above "How To" articles at once. These are high quality, 100% unique and SEO ready articles!

      Bulk Write Content
      Remember, content equates to search engines rankings and traffic and that is the early stage focus and the core of your business.
  4. Selling the Right Stuff
    • Once you have content and traffic, you can effectively integration product/service offers into your content and earn affiliate commissions. These will range from a few bucks, to potentially $1,000+ commissions.

      In the case of my football niche, I can utilize the Revenue Opportunities section within my hub to discover 100+ instant product/service program ideas along with their affiliate program that I can join.

      Football Affiliate Programs
      As you can see, I can earn anywhere from $15 - $120 in commission in this one category alone. Say at an average of $50 commissions, it only takes 6 sales from your website per day to earn a 6+ figure income online.

Overcome Doubts. Look to the Future. And Thrive!

Starting in affiliate marketing may come with its set of doubts. I can tell you first hand, this is normal when starting out anything new.

If you focus vast potential of the online market, first getting traffic to your website through your content creation...and then matching products with a relevant audience, you can and WILL build a successful affiliate marketing business. Remember, the key is to stay persistent and leverage the immense opportunities available to you.

This is the process in a nutshell.

If you didn't get a chance to check out my Monday Motivation video blog this week, I discuss the opportunity within the online world. I wanted to expand on this today to really help you see the "bigger picture". Affiliate marketing is here to stay.

It is simple math. When you have more people online, spending more money (much of which is through affiliate programs), it means the opportunity online continue to grow.

I would love to hear your thoughts here. Drop them below!

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Recent Comments


This video with the Monday Motivation video was right on time, I needed this encouragement. My major problems were traffic and overcoming doubt. The program updates over the last month have kept me on track and motivated to keep going. Thanks to the Beer Friday and Motivation Monday videos, they helped to make a big difference.
Thanks again,

Excellent, that is great to hear. We have a lot of exciting projects going on all the time, so it is great to hear that you are liking the most recent ones.

Every Friday we will be keeping you in tune with all of our updates and things that have been released during that week.

Glad you found encouragement in this and I hope you have a great rest of your week!

This is some great information, Kyle. The hubs are an excellent source for everything from learning to maintaining your business. As I use them more frequently, I become more comfortable with them. For the first time, I used the affiliate tool in the hubs and found three programs and niche-specific products to use on my newest website. While I am still in the beginning stages of driving traffic to the new site, I am also lining up the products I want to offer and making them specific to many of the articles I am writing. This has made the job much easier than the original website I started.

Once again, what you and Carson offer us on this platform is priceless.


Excellent, glad to hear you are using the tools. These are going to add a lot of efficiency in your business, and as time goes on your are going to see the Hubs environment become more and more "feature rich".

Thanks for the kind words, we are continue to evolve and improve the platform here based on what leads you to the most efficiency in your business! :)

As the world grows, so do the opportunities. Sometimes I like to have small pity parties when I feel like nothing I am doing is working. Then, after the party, I get back to work! Always learning, always growing, always following the advice that those who went before me have found to be true.

Thanks for all you do!


Yes, absolutely. The world changes, grows, and within the online world, more and more people continue to come online, spend more time online, and spend more money online. It is that realization that should lead to a lot of comfort for anyone that is looking to build success online. It is only growing.

Keep learning and keep growing Karin, you have a bright future ahead of you! :)

Thanks. I will and do.


Sounds good!

This is a fabulous blueprint using our latest platform developments, Kyle. It couldn't be easier!! the bigger picture indeed!!

So many of us are inclined towards the negative and much that we are paralysed to take even the most minor step. But your overwhelming excellent attitude shows with a question that we must have positive energy to attract positive results!! It's that simple.

Like attracts Like - the ancient Law of Attraction. In fact, I've just written a post about this very topic!! Great MInds!!

This is a great post for newcomers, too, all backed up by the latest releases! So we can see all of these features in action!

Yes, the possibilities and potential for success are growing exponentially with the digital explosion! Now is the best time ever to step into the bright lights!!

Here's a quote from my article supporting everything here:
"In Tibetan Buddhism, money is not seen as inherently good or bad—it is energy, neutral and fluid, that we can direct through our thoughts, intentions, and actions. By following the spiritual principles of non-attachment, generosity, and mindful visualization, we align ourselves with the natural flow of abundance in the universe.'

It's all about abundance, isn't it? The Earth and Nature provide everything we could ever need as long as we don't defiantly destroy it!!

All the wealth in the world is there waiting for you if you remain consistent in your beliefs and efforts to help others with your unique perspective!!

Great inspiration Kyle as always. 🙏🏼

Hi Kyle:

This is a great breakdown of the online potential for affiliate marketers, and we are a part of that vast market.

You summed it up well in that if we overcome the doubts and look toward the future, we can have a thriving business.

Thank you for sharing those insights!


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