Starting in Affiliate Marketing With ZERO Doubts.

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Starting out in affiliate marketing, it is completely normal to have doubts.

I know I did when I first began. The online business landscape can seem overwhelming at first, but the potential is big...and by big, I mean massive. But how did I go from knowing nothing, to creating a thriving business online.

It's actually simple. I decided to focus on the OPPORTUNITIES rather than the UNCERTAINTIES. I think a big mistake people make is focusing too much on the latter.

Let me share how you can start with zero doubts and full confidence.

Understanding the Vast Potential Online.

First and foremost, realize the scale of the internet. There are billions of people online, each a potential customer. In fact, there are currently 5.5 BILLION active internet users.

That is a lot of people. That is also a lot of surfers. Social media users. Buyers. Informational consumers. Video watchers. Readers. Community partakers.

You take this, combine with the products that you can promote as an affiliate marketer and that alone represents a massive industry...and one that we want you to capitalize on.

Here are a few things working on your favor right now:

  1. Billions of People Online (5.5B to be exact)
    • The internet is a vast marketplace. With billions of users worldwide, the potential audience for your promotions is enormous.
  2. Millions of Products to Promote (est. over 550 Million)
    • As an affiliate marketer, you are not limited to a single product or niche. There are literally millions of products and services you can promote, catering to diverse interests and needs. The Amazon marketplace alone sells over 350 MILLION products alone.

Focus on Matching Products With the Right Audience

The next step is understanding how to connect these products with the right audience. Your goal is to find the people who are already looking for what you are promoting.

  1. Identify Your Niche
    • Start by choosing a niche that you are passionate about. This will make it easier to create content and engage with your audience. There are lots of niches out there, and you have tools here at WA to help you align yourself with your niche.

      On another note, we have a REALLY freaking cool platform coming to help you refine your niche from broad ideas, even offering you opportunity rating insights. For example, say I was passionate about "Football" (soccer and NFL), here are some instant business ideas I get...

      Lots of viable directions I could go with my business, and that is based off of one search alone. This platform is going to be in your hands within the next few weeks here.
  2. Research and Understand Your Audience
    • Know who your potential customers are, what they need, and where they hang out online. This will help you create targeted content and marketing strategies.

      This research is done for you right within the 'Niche Research' section inside of Hubs, as you can get to the more specific "problem solving" type content ideas and keywords. These are pure opportunity "gems".

  3. Create Valuable Content
    • Produce content that provides value to your audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, reviews, or social media posts. Your content should aim to solve a problem or fulfill a need.

      With the AI Designer and Author platforms, I can create articles in minutes. In fact, with the Bulk Writing feature I could write all 10 of the above "How To" articles at once. These are high quality, 100% unique and SEO ready articles!

      Remember, content equates to search engines rankings and traffic and that is the early stage focus and the core of your business.
  4. Selling the Right Stuff
    • Once you have content and traffic, you can effectively integration product/service offers into your content and earn affiliate commissions. These will range from a few bucks, to potentially $1,000+ commissions.

      In the case of my football niche, I can utilize the Revenue Opportunities section within my hub to discover 100+ instant product/service program ideas along with their affiliate program that I can join.

      As you can see, I can earn anywhere from $15 - $120 in commission in this one category alone. Say at an average of $50 commissions, it only takes 6 sales from your website per day to earn a 6+ figure income online.

Overcome Doubts. Look to the Future. And Thrive!

Starting in affiliate marketing may come with its set of doubts. I can tell you first hand, this is normal when starting out anything new.

If you focus vast potential of the online market, first getting traffic to your website through your content creation...and then matching products with a relevant audience, you can and WILL build a successful affiliate marketing business. Remember, the key is to stay persistent and leverage the immense opportunities available to you.

This is the process in a nutshell.

If you didn't get a chance to check out my Monday Motivation video blog this week, I discuss the opportunity within the online world. I wanted to expand on this today to really help you see the "bigger picture". Affiliate marketing is here to stay.

It is simple math. When you have more people online, spending more money (much of which is through affiliate programs), it means the opportunity online continue to grow.

I would love to hear your thoughts here. Drop them below!

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Hi Kyle,
Is it better to create content, add some images and wait to get ranked by Google and get some traffic to those posts before adding products?
The reason I ask is because I have been creating content adding images as well as relevant products to my posts which are bringing me some traffic but no sales. I just wonder what is the best strategy??

It is true that the internet and the amount of business conducted on the internet are growing so quickly. It is huge.

It is also true that the opportunity you are providing for us here at WA is just getting better and better. I really don't think there is now any reason NOT to succeed.

As with everything, it just requires a level of commitment backed up by consistent, preferably daily action.

I am now, at last, after (I am ashamed to say) 7 years, putting all that into action.

Many thanks.


Same here Richard (nearly 6 years since joining!) Sometimes it's not the doubts about the system, though doubts about our own abilities, commitment, focus, and for me for sure allowing ourselves to get distracted. Onwards and upwards now for us! I look forward to following your success :-)

Hahaha, just replied to your "goals" post.

It seems we are on a similar journey. Let's hope we achieve amazing success on that journey. I believe we will.

I, like you, look forward to following your success.

And that is our ongoing goal. To continue providing you an environment here that allows you to harness all of the latest opportunities within the online world and to do so with more efficiency than ever.

It is great to see you back here and putting forth a new level of commitment in your business Richard. I know you are going to do awesome and I really look forward to seeing you thrive as you move forward. :)

Interesting, but for some reason I never had any doubts. I have attacked this as a new challenge looking to learn as much and as fast as I can. The learning has been like drinking through a firehose. But I continue to tackle everything at a turtle's pace. One blog, one platform, one post at a time.

Learning about What I don't know that I don't know has been an eye-opener and my AI Tutors have been phenomenal.


That is great, you have the built in focus and approach to business. Knowing that there is always going to be opportunity out there, gives us all a different perspective in the way we approach our business.

Looking forward to see what you accomplish as you do move forward!

Hey Kyle, thanks for the great post! I really liked your focus on opportunities over doubts.

I’m building a personal brand that combines addiction recovery with strength and hypertrophy training. While these might seem like unrelated topics, I see them as part of a bigger journey of self-improvement—helping people build both mental and physical strength.

I’m planning to write some articles that focus solely on fitness (e.g., workout techniques, nutrition) and others on addiction (e.g., recovery strategies, mental health). Sometimes, I’ll tie them together by discussing how fitness supports recovery. My question is whether this broadens the niche too much. I think I’m targeting a specific group interested in both mental and physical transformation, but I wonder if it could come off as two niches.

Do you think combining these topics on one site aligns with the WA approach, or would a more focused, single-topic approach work better for long-term success? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

You can certainly combine the two as long as you don't go too far outside of the mental game and fitness.
You have great ideas about recovery and mental health. Here, you can focus on the reason for recovery and how important mental health can be to strengthening oneself in a fitness sense and building a stronger mentality through nutrition and keeping a positive attitude and mindset.
Wishing you well


Thanks Andre. I really want to be able to write about these things together and not have to split them up over two websites so I'm glad you think it can still work.

Most welcome David.

You can even think about doing a few pillar posts one on the fitness side and the others on nutrition and mindset and internal links to each along with any other posts you may have or will be doing.
That way you give it some extra Google juice with each other

Jay has some training on pillar post somewhere.

As Andre said, if the too relate than it is fine to combine the two. What I don't recommend is trying to combine two totally independent niches. That typically won't work out well. The two niches that you mentioned might conflate with one another, so I would be a bit careful there.

Mindest and motivation have a lot to do with working out, so does will power. But I don't think addiction + fitness is the best combination personally.

Ok. So you'd recommend doing two separate websites? Maybe link to each other when they do overlap?

Thank you for the excellent information and the uplifting pep talk.
I have a lot going on in my life right now, not to mention being my husband's caretaker. But I do work on my website every chance I get.

You are such a motivating spirit. Keep up the excellent work! I'm so blessed to have found this opportunity and the most helpful community.


With such a responsibility, Janice, I wish you all the successes in the world such that you be able to carry them.
Have a great day

Thank you, Joseph!
Have a blessed day.

You can't put too much unnecessary pressure on yourself. You are doing your best, and you have a busy schedule. It is our job here at WA to further streamline processes for you (ie, put more time back in your hands through efficiency tools), and to teach what works.

Don't ever dewell on the fact that you are a caretaker though, that is the most important role and you should be proud of that. And fit in your business when it makes the most sense to do so! :)

Thank you, Kyle!

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