Beer With Kyle: New AI Platform Release, Update on Conversions, & More


Hey Everyone,

I hope you’ve had an amazing week. Today, I've got some exciting updates to share, including a launch that took place yesterday and some key updates on the starter membership. I’ll also discuss how the conversion rates are looking without the "bonus timer", which might give you some valuable insights for your own marketing strategies.

Plus, I’ll cover some content-related updates we’re working on behind the scenes. This week’s beer is 33 Acres of Ocean West Coast Pale Ale from a popular brewery in Vancouver. If you’re ever in the BC area, I highly recommend trying it out—it's a fantastic beer!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Starter Membership Updates:
    • No More Upgrade Banner: Starter members will no longer see a big upgrade banner as soon as they join. We found that this immediate push to upgrade can be off-putting, especially on mobile. Instead, we want new members to explore and experience the platform before being introduced to the upgrade offer.
    • Removing the Timer: We removed the seven-day timer associated with the bonus offer, and this hasn't negatively impacted conversions. This change allows new members to work at their own pace, without feeling rushed, which is particularly important for those with busy schedules.
  2. New Language for Task Labels:
    • We’ve changed the task labels from "Launch Your Business" to "Choose a Business Idea." This new phrasing is more approachable and less overwhelming, making it easier for new members to get started.
  3. Bulk Writing Platform:
    • Newly Launched Bulk Writer: You can now efficiently create multiple articles at once using the bulk writing tool. Whether you’re writing two or twenty articles, this platform allows you to produce content quickly and streamline your content creation process.
    • How It Works: Select your articles, choose your author style, and the bulk writer will generate your content. This tool helps you create, polish, and publish articles much faster, allowing you to maintain a consistent publishing schedule.
  4. Content and Imagery Integration:
    • We’re working on integrating imagery more seamlessly into your content. Our goal is to improve the quality of your articles by automatically incorporating relevant images, reducing the time you spend searching for them. This is part of our broader effort to enhance content structure and design.

We are really excited about these updates, and I hope you find them as beneficial as I do. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the changes to the starter membership, the new bulk writing platform, and the upcoming content enhancements. D

Drop your feedback in the comments below—whether it’s about the updates or just to let me know what you think of the video.

Have a great weekend!

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Wow~! I mean, just Wow!

I am very busy like a lot of people are and this will help me so much!!! With the improved AI writers, as well as with this bulk writing ability, I should be able to have a lot more articles done and not miss any days on my schedule!

Again, thanks for the great updates! Wow!

Karin 😎

Yes, that is the goal. To speed up the process of creating content, so we can put more time back into your hands to focus on other aspects of your business, and to be able to live your life while building a business.

Of course the time you put in, is the results you get out but this is newfound productivity that didn't once exist! Enjoy the update, and we have also granted P+ members an extra 10,000 credits per month as well on top of this. :)

I saw that amazing gift! Thank you

Well Kyle ... it is interesting to see after all this years - WA started around 2005 isn't it ? - how you, Carson and the WA team still find ways to go deeper and deeper and deeper to perfection and how experience brings up the right improvements.
The 'choose a Business Idea' and repetitive banner is excellent marketing.
The Bulk writing is amazing ... when the Imagery is ready it will be "Hallelujah"
I better take a long holiday now waiting its completion ;-)

That is our ongoing goal, to help people streamline processes, become more productive, and accomplish more through technology and training we offer. Expect this to be a trend moving forward.

The images are coming, and this is definitely something that we are working on from our end. We are really excited about what we can accomplish, and the quality of the imagery that we are going to be able to help folks with here. So stay tuned for future updates on that. :)

Hi Kyle,

Thanks to you and the team for all the hard work you are putting into developing this platform. Much appreciated.

I think removing the timer was a good step. I'm in the category, put in a timer and I don't buy. So, I welcome the removal.

Like the new bulk writer - I can see a lot of potential for that.

I'm just discovering the potential with AI imagery and learning a lot around that, so look forward to that new feature.

Thanks for the feedback here Karen, I really appreciate it. I buy because of timers sometimes, but there is a time and a place. A flash sale it works well, but the minute I arrive on a website or product, it might not have the same level of impact. Time will tell as we see how things convert with, and without it.

The bulk writer is really going to speed things up for folks. Also, the imagery aspect of content is something that is current very arduous for end users, so with a seamless integration of relevant and useful imagery (that adds value to the content), I think that could be a big deal. ;)

Thanks so much Kyle and #WAteam this is just another impressive update so excited to be part of it :)
Honestly that beer sounds temping haha 33 aches of Ocean I totally love the sound of that !
I have gone to my HUB and I am totally happy with this and working quickly and more efficiently as you have mentioned, thanks :)
I can not get enough of the WA platform at the moment, I am totally hooked hahaha.
I truly love the new terms saying the word #business and letting people do some research on ideas they might like to explore for their goals.
I am praying I get to convert this time with being able to write more articles to drive traffic to my website.

Feel totally uplifted here, 🙏🥇

Kind regards

Awesome, great to hear you are feeling so uplifted. Our goal with all updates is to make the platform better here, more streamlined, and to help you add more and more efficiency in your business.

Lots of exciting stuff on the way!

Thanks so much I really appreciate :)

This is a great move forward Kyle - I mean the bulk writing tool. I'm not sure how it's going to work on my site though as I have many articles all roughly saying the same thing.

I feel the bulk writer will copy what I've already written.

However, it will probably improve after several editions of the bulk writer.

I hope so!

You can use the bulk writer to write on brand new topics, that you have not written about. There are going to be 1,000's of things that you can write about in absolutely any niche....and if you need ideas for topics, you can find these directly within your Hub.

If you ever need a hand with any of that, let us know and we will be happy to help you out :)

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