Unofficial Benchmark 4: 1000 Pageviews in Less Than a Month
I'm certainly thankful for all the help I've been receiving here in the community. I've been expanding here and there, and I think my brand is starting to really put itself out there!
Aside from actually getting an audience base who are happy with my services on my website, another one of my goals is to get up to 1000000 pageviews per month, or something similar. The impressions alone will help take care of the bills. Anyway, I've just jumped on my website back here in late May, and I have achieved 1000 pageviews a month! WHOO HOO!
I'm seeing a lot of things that is contributing to my success, and a lot of it is coming from my routine. I'm still learning quite a bit. But if I had to give advice, I'd give the following:
- Post everyday. Make a routine to continually post if you can't everyday.
- Keep getting comments on each and every post you put up. Engagement is extremely important.
- Expand yourself to social media, in a way that's natural but gets your point across.
- Continue to optimize your posts, doing LONG TAIL keyword research, and SEO EVERYTHING.
- Make videos. There's some free software available, and mics don't cost that much (I'm broke as a joke, and I can say that!)
- Don't give up.
I'll keep up the momentum and I hope you all will do it with me. Onward to success!
Recent Comments
You definitely speak the truth on all those points! I've been posting quite a bit content lately and it has had quite a positive effect. My traffic during the last week has really shot up and so has my earning from Google AdSense. Thanks to the PS4, it is easier than ever to make my own gameplay videos and show them off. I love it!
Ha! That's exactly what's been happening to me as well! The more work you put in, the more you get out :D
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Thanks all for the kind comments.