My Status: Ambassador
People keep asking about becoming Ambassador.
I am here to say being an Ambassador is great.
However, understand that this is achieved by being
responsive, contributing and helping others in our
It is not a requirement or a neccessary goal.
I personally would help others without the title.
Please realize that you need to concentrate on
the training and implement what you learn to
have successes in your business.
The social aspect of WA is a bonus. Helping others
as you can will bring great successes, and you will
gather a great following that you can both benefit
from and help guide.
Do not waste what you were given by striving for
the glory of a title. Become successful you will be
an Ambassador in your own business.
Just my opinion, this is an Awesome community
I love it and will continue doing what I love.
That is helping guide people to a better life.
Have an Awesome weekend my friends, remember,
family first, take time for the important things in life.
Ken Pringle
Recent Comments
Awesome Ken, congrats on making Ambassadorship status. Thanks for being a big part of the community here at WA!
Thank you Kyle for taking the time to stop by.
Coming from you that is a honour.
Thank you for inviting me to WA.
As well as all you do for us, great
new improvement.
Congrats Ken, even if it doesn't pay as an offline ambassador, it shows you and us that you are doing a great job here, thank you for that. By the way, I just made myself president of my new marketing business, lol, feels good. have a great weekend
Hey great job Marith, congrats on President ;-)
It is great that we can have titles, have an awesome weekend.
Double DITTO on everything you said, Ken!!!!! Whoever took that photo (or photoshopped) that kid was brilliant. It's had more sayings by it than any I've seen. LOL. Have a great weekend. ~Debbi
Ken, very well said. It is a title, but I, like you, would continue to help if I was number 50 billion. Numbers and titles are not going to make my website as great as I want it to be. Have a fabulous weekend! :)
Clifford, thank you. I get asked so often
I thought I would put this out there. Be Awesome.
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Congratulations Ken You well deserve the status. You do a lot for all of us without question
Thank you Ken.