What is a niche?

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Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life--think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. ~Swami Vivekananda

I came across the above quote last night while I was reading. If this doesn't describe a niche, I don't know what does.

When we think about a niche, it can be hard to narrow down a topic. Well, it can be hard for me. I want to write about every aspect of type 2 diabetes that I know about. I want to write about diet and exercise and treatments and natural remedies and ways to reverse it and ways to prevent it in the first place.

I am very passionate about type 2 diabetes, not only because I struggle with it, but it was a contributing factor to my mom's death. It was also a major factor in her dad's (my grandpa) death.

But which part do I focus on first? With so many options, it can be difficult. But knowing what this disease does to a person's body and mind, I decided to focus primarily on prevention.

As a niche, there are a lot of ways to prevent this disease from happening, but it is hard work. Our society of fast everything makes food choices hard. It makes finding time to exercise difficult and, well...

These are all excuses.

So when you think about your niche, if you are new or even a seasoned player in the affiliate marketing world, keep in mind what the sage said above, "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. THIS IS THE WAY TO SUCCESS."

This is the way...

Have a great week!


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Hi Karin,
Thanks so much for bringing up this particular niche.

Sue and I both have type diabetes. While I am not going to use this as my niche (don't want to step on any toes), we are changing our diet to not only reverse diabetes but both Sue and I also have had heart attacks in the past 20 years.

So we are doing an overhaul of our diet with a radical change, If we don't we won't be around next year to respond to your posts.

We do have a couple of niches (on websites) that we are working on.

Best wishes for grand success.


Thank you, Bill. Changing diet is such a huge thing for reversal or even just better maintenance. It's a tough thing to do long-term, but I am hopeful that if people really want to change (including myself) that we will do the work required.

I am glad you are here to respond and hope you will be for many years to come@!


Hi Karin,
Thank you for your encouraging comments.

We are getting into the heart of the diet, but dragging a few things from the "old" with us. But they will be dropped off in time.

Have a great week.

Bill & Sue

Correct Karin.
What can you talk about for two hours without repeating yourself and still want to talk more - that's the kind of niche you should have.

Totally agree, Bux and that’s how it is with diabetes. So I think I can do that. With ease. There is so much to write about even in that narrow niche of prevention.

Karin 😎

Lots to write and a lot of people who don't know about it.
Some folk want advanced knowledge from your posts, because they already know a little (or a lot).
Others know absolutely nothing and need to have their hand held through your blogs otherwise you've lost them. If you can get them interested in your writings at this stage, you've got them long-term.
I always suggest a frequent mix of both so that both extremes think that there will always be something coming up for them.
And don't be ornadoranary ...

Love it. Thanks! I laughed again!


A couple of niche ideas for type 2 diabetes you might also consider are:
1. Symptoms and diagnosis
2. Disease management
3. Complications and comorbidities
4. Living with diabetes

By focusing on comprehensive education, practical management strategies, and fostering a supportive community, a niche site could become a valuable resource for those affected by or at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ( derived from Perplexity AI)

best wishes in your plans

Thank you for the suggestions. These are certainly things I can work into the posting plan. Thanks for taking the time to look at these options.


You’re most welcome. Glad to help.

I love this, Karin. I hope all is well with you for this new week.

Myra ♥️😎

Thank you, Myra!

So far this week has gone well. Tomorrow is Monday for me because of the Memorial Day holiday. Since we typically lay out the newspaper on Mondays we are doing it tomorrow instead, but at least it will be a longer weekend.

Then on Monday I can go to one of the ceremonies and show my respects.


hey, it is very deep and meaning full. If you were to put it here without an explanation, and then you perhaps ask me what do i see or guess about it, i will bite my lips. Thank you so much Karin.

I am glad you got something out of the post. I know I did as I was writing it. I kept thinking of ways I could narrow my focus and then how to help people at the exact stage they were at.

Take care!


Thank you very much Karin13

Karin, this is a thought provoking issues raised. Indeed a niche as we lent in WA is to take up ONE idea,or think about your passion and developed it and this will lead you to sucess.

Yes, this quote very much embodies the teaching done at WA. Take up one idea and basically live it.


Love that quote Karin, I think that is powerful for many and it is actually the route to success. Take up just ONE idea, that is all it takes and achieve greatness in that before you diversify. ;)

Thanks, Kyle. I love that quote, too. When I read it last night, I started writing my post, but then my granddaughter wanted me to listen to her sing! 10 songs later it was time for bed! LOL But I love when she wants to share things with me because I know the closer she gets to being a teenager, the less she probably will want to perform a "concert" for me or play a board game or whatever.

But I digress. I am really going to narrow my focus and work on the prevention side first. Thanks again for the wonderful tools we have to make our dreams a reality!


I hope your new week has been going well, Karin! Some Great info!


Thanks Jeff. It has been going well. We've had a lot of rain, but thankfully the bad storms have passed us by. Still, I feel really bad for the others who have had to endure tornados and other storm damage.

Tomorrow is Monday for us at the newspaper because of the Memorial Day Holiday. I wish I could get more people to understand the sacrifice that was given so they wouldn't treat it like it's just a day off from work or school.

I heard a quote from a guy on Focus on the Family yesterday that said, "They gave their tomorrows for our todays." That's deep.

Best to you!


That really is deep, Karin! Well done!


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